Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy Fall: Pumpkin Latte Beer at Local

The perfect Fall beer. This pumpkin latte beer is so much fun. Delicious and I can’t believe how well the coffee flavor goes with beer and pumpkin. 

Next time you’re at Local be sure to get it. 

Pursue It All In Life Without Expectations.

I am not perfect. I have a lot to learn. But a girlfriend texted me and I said remember there are no rules. Do what you want to do. We get upset with unmet expectations when you don’t have expectations you cannot get upset, Right?! 

She replied thank you Yoda and I sent her this. 

Life isn’t what it was years ago. Everything has changed. The rules changed. What a man and woman role is has changed. When you go into a situation and say I am going to just be happy you enjoy it. Once it’s complicated you make the decision to leave or work on it. Early on signs are always there. What I don’t like about someone when I first meet them will be the cause of arguments later. You have to understand that. We go in blind. Happy. Then things happen and we act shocked. Nope. No need to be shocked. Take your loss and move on.  No more loving the wrong people or allowing them to come in and out of your life when it’s convenient for them or when they feel like it. You can love them from afar. You can love them forever doesn’t mean they deserve a spot in your life. 

You must follow your gut. Intuition. Souls awakening. The signs are there. Happiness is the main goal always. Remember that. Your happiness is your main goal. 

Growing Older...Enjoy The Process

Enjoy the process! Growing older means being happy in your own skin, embracing the opportunities around you and relationships. Not everyone makes it. Be grateful for the opportunity to grow older. Be sure to grow older with those who bring out the best in you. 

Creme Brûlée Donuts At Donut Crazy

These are my favorite donuts! They aren’t always on the menu so when I heard they were back I had to grab one. The outside has the sugar coated glaze and inside has vanilla custard. They are delicious!!

Any donut at Donut Crazy are amazing. If you haven’t been you have to go!

Cinnamon Whisk Trader Joe’s

I love the smell of cinnamon. It’s calming. I normally get the pine cones that smell like cinnamon during Christmas. This time I saw these little brooms the size of your hands at Trader Joe’s. They make my whole kitchen smell like cinnamon. I LOVE it!

Forget the Rules

It’s good to know the rules. But then toss them aside. Life isn’t meant to be followed in a specific order. Everyone says what you need to do or should do. It’s good to know but then do what you want. 

All the rules don’t make sense if they aren’t making you happy. Adjust the rules to fit your life and needs. 

I have lived by this lately and must say I have changed. I go with it. No rules. Just wherever life takes me and for once I can say that 90% of happiness is feeling like 1,000%. 

Love your life. No rules. Just be good and respectful and do what makes your heart and soul happy. 

Be Happy, Truly To Your Core Then Adjust Everything Else

This is really important and true! Once you let go of people who don’t make you happy you begin to enjoy a different path in life. Almost like you’re untouchable 
Like little things make you happy and you look at life differently. Be happy. Let go of anyone who isn’t bringing out the best in you. 

Mom Pancakes Please...With Love Lots of Love All Around

My oldest woke me up early requesting pancakes. I put one on a plate and was cutting it and I said look honey a heart. As I said that she looks at my phone and says wow listen to what song is playing Mom. 

The little things ❤️