Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How One Morning View Can Change It All

I set my alarm for 4:00 am. I am in California for work and I wanted to speak to my girls before they went to school. Of course I couldn’t go back to sleep. I logged into work and from the corner of my eye I see purple and run outside my balcony. 

It changed my whole mood. It set my mood for the rest of the day. Calm. Happy. Gratitude. 

Life isn’t meant to be so serious. It’s meant to enjoy the little things like an amazing sunrise. Cherish those little moments. 

Let That Go...Restart...Learn From Your Past

You have to let the past go. You have to realize that isn’t you anymore and even if you’re still tied to some toxic people or situations they don’t need to consume who you are. Pray for them. Release them. Let go of anything that is not serving your highest good. 

Learn from your lessons. Learn from your past. 

Personal Growth Happens When You Start To Not Care

This is powerful. Never feel you have to justify your life and your decisions. Do know that it’s your life. Your story. Your journey. Those who want to be a part of it love you and those who want to talk about it need your prayers. They need to heal themselves. 

We always think we have to justify actions or our journey. We don’t. We only have to be happy within.  Be true to yourself. 

Heal Your Inner Child...Break The Cycle

Heal your inner child. I see this often. People carry pain they developed so young. You need to reconnect within and heal. You need to heal or you’ll
never have healthy, stable, relationships. You’ll always carry pain and anger within you. 

As parents it’s our responsibility to not have our kids witness or experience any instability or pain or anger. It’s to help them grow to be healthy, happy, responsible
people who don’t need healing. 

Break the cycle. 

Mom Guilt...It’s Normal & Ok

We all go through it. The battle of what we could be or should be. No one gets it right. There’s always going to be someone who says you’re doing it wrong. There’s always going to be someone who criticizes it makes you feel worse and you know what don’t listen to them. 

End of day Mom Guilt is real. It’s ok. To be home all the time or traveling for work or knowing when you’re not there they miss you. It’s hard. 

When I am with them I am Mom. Legit mom. When I am not with them I can be me. I would always drop whatever for what they need. No matter how good others care for them Moms all know no one can care for them like we do. We put them first. We rearrange our life for them. We plan it all. We prepare for it all. It’s how it should be. But we always say we can do more or be more. 

For now just know you’re doing your best. 💗

Let Go Of Control...

You need to watch what you say...or do I. 

I am not the person who believes in that nor obey when someone says that to me. It’s control. Which life isn’t about that. It’s about sharing your journey and experience with others so they don’t feel alone. To understand that we all have been through situations and have a past and yet have overcome that and moved forward with life to be better. Not better for anyone but better for ourselves. To push ourselves. To be happy. To love the life we have. To overcome obstacles and someone else control. 

My words are my feelings. My life. If you don’t like it you don’t have to read it. ... Is what I really wanted to say. But instead I said back off and stay out of my business. Because life isn’t controlled by someone. Life is controlled by your own self. And the more control someone tries to imply on someone the more they will fight to be free from it. 

Life is magical and there will always be someone shooting down your happiness and you know what. Be even happier. Because no one in life should control you. We all should be cheering eachother on. If you’re not cheering for me please remove yourself so I can focus on those who are. If you need someone to cheer for you let me know because I believe that focusing on happiness should be our only goal. I want that for you. 

As for control...release it. It’s not healthy for anyone.