Life...How’s It Treating You?

It’s a roller coaster ride. I get it. But you have to enjoy it while you can. I was coming from the rest room on Saturday and before sitting down I hugged my girlfriend and said “What a wonderful life. Thanks for today”. 

Tonight my middle one could not sleep. I was sitting in the living room. I laid her on me and said fall asleep. Within 10 minutes she was out cold. I kept her there. It felt good. I carried her into her room and said it’s ok I am here sleep well. 

I am not perfect. I have a lot to learn. I have stress. I have what you have... A million things on my list to accomplish. Need to split myself up into three just to make my kids happy and feel special or loved. But life isn’t that way. So you start to say ok let’s find beauty in little things. 

Like hanging in NYC or having your child fall asleep on you. Taking a ride to see lights with your sister and kids- my sister thinks we had more fun than the kids did. My point is it doesn’t have to be big to be great or fun or say my life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. The good always out ways the bad. Always. 

The bad well fix it. Change it. Leave it. Heal from it. Whatever. Just say at least once a day to yourself “What a beautiful life”. 

Best Holiday Lights Display In Norwalk CT

A friend told me about this place. It’s located on Mark Drive in Norwalk, CT. You set your radio station to 929 and the lights dance to the music in your car. It’s so awesome. 

Fantasy Of Lights New Haven CT

We did it again. I love this light show. You must buy the $2 3D glasses to get the full affect. It’s $10 a car.  This time our glasses had snowmen. You drive through the light display. I did this last year on Christmas with a friend and also another time with my girls. 

My middle asked to come back this year. Not my friend. He really only went to be nice but all jokes aside it is really cute for the kids. You stay warm in your car. Put on their suggested radio station and drive through wearing your 3D glasses. Cute and fun. 

Learn more here

Rockefeller Center & The Elgin

All I wanted to do was see the tree. I got so much more than that. It was awesome. So it’s crazy busy in this area. Be on guard. A lot of tourist. Both of our phones die. I said let’s just go to a spot. Charge up and warm up. 

We walk into The Elgin. This place was picture perfect. I walk in front and take it all in. It’s magical. Beautiful. White lights. So pretty. The hostess was amazing. She charged my phone and helped us find seats at the bar. We order a spiked cider and Irish coffee. We order dessert and hung out. This spot really made it feel like the holidays for me. The whole New York experience really made me feel so amazing that I have friends who want to experience it and want to go next week. 

We didn’t spend too much. We got a drink or water at all the places we stopped in. We split apps. We walked a lot and only did Uber rides when we had to. We were budget cautious yet enjoyed it all. Regardless I walked away with a happy heart. That’s priceless. I would do it all over again. It was a picture perfect day. 

Beauty & Essex

My pictures don’t do justice at all. This place is amazing! The store front is a Pawn Shop. A friend told me about it. You walk in back door and it leads you to an amazing, gorgeous restaurant. Everyone was super dressed it. Beautiful people all around you. Crystal chandeliers. I would go back for dinner. 

Are You In The Holiday Spirit?

Over the years it took me time to get back into it. I then remembered some of my best times was when I embraced the holiday season. I made it a goal this year. I know the holidays brings up painful memories and sadness but it also can add some magic. So I am not saying get over pain because I too have pain. I am saying life is short. You have to love where you are at in life. Who you’re with in life. What’s around you. 

The holidays can be magical even if you’re not a couple or dating or single. Even if you’re doing it solo or not with the person you thought you would be with. It’s actually easier at times and you can be a bit selfish. You do what you want. But in reality the kids light up with joy and everywhere you turn there is a festive activity to go to or do. 

It can be magical because it really gives us hope.  I hope it gives you hope too and know that even if you don’t know it you are loved. Someone out there is loving you from a distance too. 

Freeman’s Alley and Freeman’s Down The Alley

I will not lie. If I didn’t have this area recommended by someone I would not even think to walk down it. He warned me. He said you will love it. It’s right up your “alley” it’s full of graffiti but it’s safe. Trust me make it to the end of the alley. 

He was so right. I LOVED it. There’s a hotel to the right and all the way at the end is Freeman’s restaurant where we ate dinner. A hidden gem. 

It was so cool. We walked down and my girlfriend said I want for us to go get our palm read. I said let’s go just then someone was opening a steal garage door and we run laughing. I think that’s a sign we shouldn’t we said and instead enjoyed the view. 

The restaurant was so cozy. We of course became friends with the host and the waitress. They filled us in the history of the restaurant. It used to be a horse police stable. Then someone bought it and then turned it into a restaurant. The restaurant is not artsy inside at all. It reminded me of the game Clue. Dark. Dim lights. Very old fashioned. Cozy and smelled amazing. But different than the Alley. 

*image from website 

We ordered artichoke dip and file mignon for dinner. Was perfect.

Union Square Holiday Market

We met some people at Molly’s. They asked where we were heading to next we said some holiday markets. They said go to Union we did. 

At first it’s like a huge farmers market. You are sampling whiskey and wine and popcorn and all this stuff. Then you turn around and see a winter holiday village of cute vendors selling everything. It was amazing! The holiday smell was in the air. We laughed so much sampling stuff and checking out vendors. Everyone was so entertained by us. 

There was so much hot cider that we could have done a taste test. 

We picked up some Christmas gifts and took it all in. 

You have to check it out if you go to New York. It’s taking place until December 24th 

Loreley on Rivington New York

We were early for dinner so spot this beer garden. We walk in and it’s a winter wonderland. Spiked egg nog. Spiked hog chocolate. Spice apple cider. They have huge beer mugs. 

It was so festive and fun.

 After dinner we walk around the corner and spot another bar with frosted windows and decorations all inside. Vazacs Horseshoe Bar. 

It’s such a cool area to be in and what’s better than being festive on a Saturday night?!

Molly’s Irish Pub On 3rd Ave

We wanted to check out Rolf’s on 3rd ave. I said to my girlfriend I have a feeling it will be packed so let’s have a back up plan incase. Right before we approach Rolf’s restaurant I see this awesome pub. That’s our backup I say. We see a long line at Rolf’s and turn around go in to Molly’s. 

We walk in and look at eachother and say omg this is amazing! There are Christmas lights hanging everywhere. 

It’s unbelievable. We have a line ahead of us and I ask the hostess how long for two. She’s says one minute. Comes back and is like here I have a table for you now. 

It was perfect!

We order burgers and French onion soups and salads. There are lights everywhere. The waitresses have cute Irish accents. The staff is so friendly. We were so happy that our “backup” plan totally outdid our original plan. 

I would totally go back. 3rd ave has a ton of cute Irish Pubs. Would be a great spot to hang around and bar hop for St. Paddy’s day!

Let’s Go to NYC

I have been wanting to go. See the tree. Check out lights. Holiday markets and bars and just walk around. I did it this past weekend and it was amazing!

My girlfriend is always down to try new places with me. So when I said I want to go to NYC she said let’s go. 

It was the perfect weather for NY. I knew we would have a good day because we started off fulfilling our purpose. See we all have that “being at right place at right time.” Let me explain....As we entered the train and looked for seats I saw a young girl about 14 look worried. As a mom I stopped to watch her. I turn and see the train doors close and her mom is outside running towards the train and misses it. I go up to her and ask if she’s ok. She said they were meeting friends in New York to feed the homeless. I said ok let’s get you a seat and we will help get you to where you had to be. She had her mom’s purse and cell. Her mom called from station phone and said meet her friends and she will come on next train. 

You’re good my friend said. No I am a mom. Just doing what a mom would do.  I knew our good deed meant one awesome day and night for us. 

We started off at an Irish pub that was covered in Christmas lights. Then we met people who told us to go to Union Square Holiday Market where we sampled food and liquor and awesome vendors. After was Rockefeller Center which is a holiday “must stop place.” Loved seeing the tree.   We went to a local restaurant and it was beautiful and festive like a movie scene We then went to Freeman Alley which was amazing. A friend told me to go and we loved it. We found a bar in area that was decked out for Christmas. Awesome Christmas drink specials. We then went to a hidden restaurant that has a pawn shop store front that a friend told me to go to. In the back leads to this amazing restaurant. Was gorgeous. After we checked out more local Bars and holiday decorated pubs before heading home. 

Amazing. Fun. Lots of laughs. A ton of memories made.  

Someone said be careful I said no worries we’re city girls today. 

When was the last time you hopped on a train and went into New York? When was the last time you helped someone? What do you do to get in the holiday spirit?

This is your life. Do what makes your soul and whole being happy!