Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Be You!

What if you cut through all the bullsh$t. 

Here’s what I mean. We live our lives trying to be something. To be accepted. Loved. Valued. Honored. Admired. Respected. All that. What if we stopped. What if we loved those who loved us. Honored those who honored us. Valued those who valued us. 

Do you see my pattern here. We don’t do this. We fight to be loved by someone who doesn’t want to love us. We fight to be valued by those who don’t. Meanwhile a ton of people do. A TON. We bypass it. We hurt our hearts and esteem and decrease our value and true self because that one person who can’t value you sucks up all your esteem. I have seen it. I seen it in marriages. I seen it with parents. I seen it at work. Crazy. 

We are trying to please the wrong people all the time. Meanwhile we are being valued and loved and respected by so many people but we are blinded by those who don’t. 

Let that go!

Breakfast with Santa Saturday Dec 14th

I love Dave & Busters! Saturday you can have breakfast with Santa. Learn more here 

Be Happy With Who You Are

Those who love you will stay. Those who do not stay in your life or journey taught you something about yourself. ❤️

Love Is a Choice

❤️ Choose someone who chooses you everyday. 

Merry Christmas To...ME

It’s been over a year now that I needed a new Fitbit. Pathetic I know. So sure enough I kicked a bad habit and joined a gym and well purchased one for me. It’s nothing compared to a Smart Watch. Even a quarter of the price but I actually love it. 

Who says your can’t be your own Santa Claus?

No one in life will take care of you like you. Your body is your home. Your temple. Be kind to it. It’s a work in progress...I get it. But be good to you. 

This is the prettiest I have ever seen one. Check it out here great price too. 

Oh Rosie...Getting Sh&t Done

It’s hustle time. Work has been super busy. I am planning for a big work trip and so the Holiday season duties are kicking it. Yesterday was the holiday cards to go out. I thought kids would get a kick out of Rosie our Elf helping stamp envelopes. “Mom she wasted a stamp”. I couldn’t stop laughing. 

Everyone’s list of to dos is insane around this time of year. Find humor in your days! Try to enjoy and embrace the chaos. 

December 11th

Let go. Stop analyzing. Stop worrying. Stop it all. 

Naturally follow your intuition. 

Feel Good Song: Winter Wonderland

We all need a little magic. I was driving kids to school and it was beautiful out and this song came on and I just said wow I needed this. A little magic in my life. 

Take a timeout from the hustle and enjoy the beauty in the little things. Trust me I have to remind myself too. 

Stay Away From Comfort

This is really important. We tend to go back to what’s comfortable even though it’s the thing that broke you or caused you heartache and pain. Just don’t. 

You Can’t Control Everything

It was the third week I had to reschedule a hair appointment. I just had to laugh it off. First time was a school event. Second hair dresser was sick. Third today a school two hour delay. 

I won’t lie I was super annoyed because not much time left to reschedule before the holidays. Yesterday events I woke up to a change of plans. At gym had to leave early cause now my daughter was staying home after I tried reaching them all morning just to wait for them another thirty minutes. It was one event after another.

I like structure. I love spontaneous fun but I like daily structure. Life isn’t that way. Life always is throwing curve balls. It’s always unpredictable and it really is for everyone. 

I had to wake up and say just another day living. That’s all you can do and say. You can get mad but what good would that do. You can try to replan but odds are something can totally mess up again. 

I used to be good judge of character. I used to be able to foresee things take place. After a situation this year didn’t go the way I thought I lost a little faith in myself. Outcomes. What I thought life would be like verse how life was. 

Accept how it truly is. When you do you don’t get disappointed. Leave the fairy tales to the movies. It’s not reality. Face your reality. It can suck at times but it’s life.