I Am...

What’s would you say about yourself?

Find Your Person

Love this ❤️ No holding back. Being your true self. 

Happy Full Moon

This month I have been “off” old emotions from the past and even this year heartache stirring up. I hated it. I wanted it to stop. But I couldn’t. I am allowing myself to feel and heal and then I read about this. 

We are affected by the universe. The pull of gravity. The stars. We are aligned. Think about your shifts in life. 

Enjoy and embrace your new beginnings ❤️

Face Your Reality

Once you do and fully accept it. 100% accept it. You then can make changes. 

Trust me. We all need to do this. I am the process. It’s a slow process. But if I can you can too. 

It’s Ok To Detach

It’s ok to come to terms that some people can’t give you what you want and need. It doesn’t mean you’re  upset or mad. It just means you have to learn to accept and move forward. You have to grow and learn these lessons. 

You keep seeing things about a year ago and this year and about making 2020 a better year. That’s all great and true but it you carry the same pain or fear or hurt in your heart you’ll never move past it. You’ll never allow something more to come in. 

I too didn’t expect my year to be the way it was. A lot of great amazing things but a lot of unnecessary drama and confusion and heartache. It just made me realize that holding on to people who aren’t going to give you more is just preventing someone else to come in who does want to.  

When your brain is calm you reflect. You replay situations and conversations in your head. The ones that hurt you let it hurt and release it. Don’t repeat them. I did. I repeated my own pain for months and months thinking a different outcome. So pathetic. I even was reminded of it. Some say a waste of time but reality I grew from it. My soul came out to the surface. I reconnected within. It still bothers me a lot and pain will be there but I can’t keep replaying past situations when outcome is the same every time. 

Detach. Love yourself. Grow. Heal. Move on. The past is the past. Stop carrying it with you. You can’t grow like that. You keep hurting your own self when you do hold on to something that is long gone. 

Let it go. Allow new love and energy and people and fun and hope and joy into your life. Start today. ❤️

Thursday Motivation: Appreciate Today

So true. Think of last year. Your life isn’t the same.