Change the Way You Think

My mom always says there aren’t problems. There are only different solutions.... Change the way you think. 

There will always situations that don’t go your way. But there are always solutions to get around them. Don’t stress. Just come up with some options and be happy again. 

Be You Always....

Over years and years I learned to be me. Always. No matter who was watching. To embrace me. My good and bad. Weird and flawed. Oblivious and hippieish. Never change who you are. 💗

It’s Ok To Have Days Like This

Some days are magic other days you’re literally just getting by. It’s ok. It’s normal. The thing to do is to remember you’re doing the best you can. That’s all you can do. Cherish the good days.  Hang on tight during the rough ones. 

Super Bowl Humor

Power of being 50. I have met a lot of people this age lately and must admit they have aged really well. As for a bread bowl-yum!

Enjoy Life More

Life is meant to be good and happy and fun. Let go of everything that isn’t that. 

Self Care Is Reflecting

To make a change is to look within and understand why certain things bother you. Everyday things happen in our life. Some timings we don’t react to others we do. We need to learn why something triggers us.  Why we react to things. What our negative habits are. Why we continue to make the same mistakes. Etc. 

This is your life. We aren’t perfect. It’s easy to look at other people and see their flaws. It’s takes a lot of courage to look within and notice your own. 

Be At Peace....

Sometimes not knowing is totally ok. You can still be at peace without knowing what’s next in your life. 

Communication is Key

Agree to disagree. It’s important to be able to have healthy communication styles with your partner. You don’t have to agree. But you do need to be respectful of one another. 

When We Tried Orange Theory....

I have been wanting to try a class for a long time so when my friends said they were going I was all in. You get one free class and then can decide to sign up for a monthly membership. We didn’t sign up not because we didn’t like it but the price point is sort of out of budget and we didn’t feel it was a class we couldn’t live without BUT with that said it’s a really cool experience. 

You’re hooked up to a heart monitor. You want to be in green range and really try to get to orange and red. You earn splat points when you reach peak. Peak means you get up to 36 hrs of fat burning calories after your work out. 

There are three stations. You do rotations. They had the water rowers. Treadmill and then floor exercises with bands and weights and these awesome arm
exercises off the wall. Those were my favorite. There’s an instructor and music blasting. Really fun. The class is 1 hour. 

My sciatica has been acting up the last month so it didn’t help having the discomfort during the class but the best part is you go at your pace and take a break if you needed to.   

Needless to say go check out a class and see if it’s a fit for you. We really were proud of ourselves for trying it. 

Amazon Returns at Kohl’s in Norwalk

This is awesome!! I did this and it’s perfect. You don’t even need your slip. They can box the return for you and ship it out. No fee. They give you a coupon at Kohl’s to use after. 

What’s Your Mood Today...What Do You Need?

Every once in a while I take out my stones. I hold them and see which one gives off heat. To me it means I need some of that energy. So today was the goldstone. Means I need more Happy Thoughts, Healing Energy. 

It was accurate to the type of day I had. But felt better knowing that so far I haven’t been dealt anything I couldn’t handle. 🤎

Your Life Purpose

Even the little sunshines add up. 💛

Savvy & Grace in Westport

I could spent hours in this store. It’s filled with inspiration. Great vibes. Cute signs and bags and notebooks and cards and candles and everything a girl needs. If you’re ever in Westport please go. We walked about feeling happy and grateful and Inspired. Their website doesn’t do the store justice because the store is so freaking adorable. 

Morning Walk at Vet’s Park in Norwalk

I had all intentions of heading to the gym even though I signed up to try a new class someplace else tonight. Then my mom reminded me to get my car looked at and to not over do my workouts. But working from home you don’t get a lot of steps in. I like to start morning with 5k since most of day I sit and work. 

So today I got the best of both worlds. My car looked at and a walk with an amazing view while my car was at the shop. I even hit my 5k  

I was one happy girl!

It’s the little things in life that make big impacts. I hope you too started your day on the right foot.