Wednesday, April 1, 2020

When Was The Last Time You Showed Someone How You Really Felt?

It’s not an easy time to express how we feel. We are so wrapped into the news and chaos and sadness. I am not like that. I can’t be down. I have to spread good and happiness. 

The other day I stopped by a friends and left them a slice of my pie on their porch. 

She was so happy I thought of her. She texted me saying I made her day. 

I haven’t been around my sisters in a while. One was feeling a bit down so I said I was coming by. 6 feet was plenty of space for us to still enjoy eachother. I saw her transform after I left. She was happy even if we couldn’t hug goodbye. 

Today was someone who is really special to me Birthday. I couldn’t be with him to celebrate so instead I surprised him and had lunch sent to him. I can’t get over how appreciative he was. I wanted to be sure he felt special even if I couldn’t be with him in person. 

I don’t want my parents going to the grocery store. I go instead. I woke up really early and went before everyone started their day. I stocked up on fresh produce. It should hold us over for a week or two. They were beyond appreciative. 

I am so grateful for these people and everyone else who everyday are amazing to me and for me. Who check in on me to make sure we are all ok. These are just brief stories of how I can make people feel as important and special as they make me feel. 

There are little steps we can take. It doesn’t cost much or anything. It’s not hard to show people how much they mean to you. It makes your heart full and good. Do it. Tell someone how special they are. Do something nice for someone. I swear it helps your heart and soul. 

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