Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020

Different from the previous years. The girls were only allowed to visit family. Their father and I felt it was the safest way. Gratefully they didn’t find a problem with it. 

It was a chilly night where a firepit was in order followed by chasing the moon and visiting all the best Halloween decorated location and houses. Lots of laughs and great food. You are the company you keep. We need to remember that. I even had a box of donuts to decorate. A fun treat. 

I hope everyone practiced social distancing. I hope we all continue to do our part to keep one another safe. We have to focus on being a team. All of us. You. Me. The people around us. Sacrifice today to be able to give the kids the proper Halloween next year. 

Happy Halloween!

What’s your favorite Halloween candy?

Relationship Gratitude: Food Is Love

Food is love. I was brought up that food was a social connection and emotional connection. I know not always a good thing but if I loved you I fed you and well people who love to eat are my type of people. 

I loved trying new places prior to Covid now I am very cautious. I have been cooking a lot more and it’s great to bring new and old recipes into my relationship. Food is comfort and a nice home cooked meal really makes a difference in a day. I think he’s hugged me more over a home cooked meal then anything else and it feels great! 

I am grateful for all my foodies in my life who share meals with and laughs and love and full bellies. 

Be grateful for the foodies in your life. 

Fall Fun At Bishops

Wear a mask and enjoy some Fall Fun!

Intensity Doesn’t Mean A Stronger Love

I lived through this. Intensity. I thought that was how relationships were suppose to be. Intense. The more passionate the better. The more suspenseful the better. No one I was with wanted or could give me a calm simple love. 

I had a lot to learn. I kept choosing wrong partners. I didn’t know better. Then I realized that was far from what I wanted and needed. The older I got the more calm I wanted my partner to be.  Never mistake intensity for love. Never ever. Some people may enjoy the drama. Not I. 

I needed a solid foundation where two people can communicate and agree to disagree and be secure in ourselves as individuals that it didn’t get projected on to one another. 

What’s your love life like?

Love & Relationships Are NOT Suppose To Be Hard

I don’t care what anyone says. It’s not suppose to be hard or painful or argumentative. It’s suppose to be kind and gentle. You’re suppose to be able to communicate when things don’t feel right. You are suppose to provide a safe place for each other to vent to. 

Love is only hard when it’s with the wrong person. Convince me otherwise. 

Relationship Gratitude: Grateful For Your Humor

I will be posting some affirmations that I think is important to remember and even share with your partner or spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend or companion. We tend to take things for granted. How about you take some time and think about something you appreciate in that person. 

I love to laugh. It’s really important for me to be with someone who has a great sense of humor. Who gets my humor and I get theirs. So this was really something I could relate too. I always tell him how much I appreciate his humor. I can laugh for hours. Like two school kids. It’s the best feeling in the world to me.  

When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

Halloween Fun at Bishop’s Orchards

Kids come dressed up and get a free soft serve ice cream. 

Learn From Your Lessons

I truly believe in this. You wanna change? Learn from your mistakes. DO NOT repeat them. Break your patterns. 

Are You Feeling Today’s Vibe: Embrace Your Upgrade

Embrace the closure. There’s things we have dealt with for way too long. Beyond our control. Shut it down. 

What’s Your Burden?

We all have them. It’s part of our destiny. I used to think not having a thyroid was my life burden to bear. Nope. I have that in control. I know how to eat without a thyroid. I know exactly when my levels are off. I know how to heal my body and adjust levels and environment to adapt. That I have control over. Ironic right but grateful for that. 

Last three years I had a burden to bear that unfortunately won’t go away. It’s one thing after another. It just wants to constantly take my peace. Last night I finally accepted it. I accepted this burden. I accepted this was my burden to bare for probably the rest of life. I am now ok with it because I know if I let it consume me it won’t change. If I gave that person anymore power I would just constantly feel defeated. I didn’t want to feel like that ever again. It wasn’t worth it. 

I even spoke to my boyfriend about it and then smiled and carried on with my day. It was minor but just a constant inconvenience. I exhausted my efforts and now it’s out of my control and I have accepted it. I accepted this unpredictability would be consistent in my life. 

Because we all have burdens. From a family member or an ex or a disease or a mental illness or an addiction or a handicap or a career choice or a situation that affected us or decisions we make over and over that causes harm then good. Something. We all have something. Something in our life is a burden. A situation we either let us break us or we just learn to accept it and find peace with it. We will always carry it with us. Unfortunately but it doesn’t make us who we are. It doesn’t have to damage us or affect us just because it’s there and will always be there. 

What’s your burden? Have you found your peace with it?

When You No Longer React

When you no longer react that’s when you know you reached a high level of peace. 🧡

When things that bothered you don’t anymore. When hearing his or her name no longer hurts. When comments or gestures no longer bring you anger. When memories make you smile instead of cry. 

That is when you know you have healed. Don’t stop until you do. Life will never be perfect but you can be happy and have peace even when things are uneasy around you. It doesn’t mean you need chaos in you. You can remain calm and happy! It’s highly encouraged. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Cloud Coffee at Wake Cup Coffee in Fairfield CT

Cotton candy and coffee. Who is the genius behind this? I saw this on Instagram and had to try it. It’s so fun. The heat of the coffee melts the cotton candy in your coffee. So fun!

Their cauliflower tortilla for their quesadillas are delicious! Their omelette was so tasty. Of course we sat outside (which had a ton of seating) inside is really pretty and clean and fun

If you’re in Fairfield be sure to stop in.