Speak Your Truths

Even when you may not want to hear it. Better to speak it out than ignore eachother. 

I knew a couple who went years without communicating. Can you imagine? Just getting by for years. I couldn’t imagine. I may overly speak my mind. That’s something I need to work on. But to go years without speaking about how you feel what you need what’s bothering you what hurts or makes you happy or mad or sad. That to me is more painful than any words ever said. 

Communication is so important. Do it. Speak your heart and mind. 

What’s In Your Cup?

Great video on why we react the way we do. 

It’s a Sign or Is It?

You have to believe people who come and go in your life all happens for a reason. If someone chooses not to respond to you or give you time it’s all in the force of the universe. 

I don’t believe in games or hurting people. I believe we all have pain we need healing from. We should take space when we need it but do know if someone leaves let them leave for good. They aren’t meant for your current journey. 💗

Cleansing Period

This is so true. The cleansing period. Not sure if it’s affecting you but definitely something we can relate to.   Do some soul searching and shadowing. 

Let Life Happen

We can’t control everything or everyone. That’s a big lesson to learn. 

Women We Need To Chill Out

I have a friend. Super calm nice guy. I was speaking with him and I asked him how are men ok being single. Now I am ok being single but notice men just do their own thing and are happy. His response is something I have heard before but this time, for some reason, it stuck. Like a light bulb went off. 

He has his daughter 50% of the time so he went on to say he liked his alone time. What do you mean I said. He said well I work a ton. Have my daughter half the time so when I don’t I do the gym and CrossFit and chill. He’s learned to enjoy down time. To rest. He is very domesticated so takes care of his house and himself when he can. I said I understand but don’t you miss having a companion. He replied at times but keep in mind he was with his ex wife for 10 years. That’s enough for him. And to be honest he said. “You women are bat shit crazy. One minute you’re cool as hell. The next you’re salty and flying off the handle. It’s like woah what’s going on.”

I couldn’t help but laugh and I totally get it. He’s right. Now we can argue men make us like that because some really do but the reality is women emotions are completely different than men. We are wired differently.  We react. Now I know men who do too so men you aren’t in the clear yet but us women need to relax. We need to tone it down. 

The best thing about my friend is we have known eachother for almost two years. We hang just enough to see just the cool calmness of eachother. I have gotten salty with him before but space makes things more manageable. We also just talk and hangout for hours. It’s a really easy situation. Where we both are happy with it and it works for us. 

There’s always a time when we need to be reminded of stuff. That most men aren’t complex. Most of them tell you exactly what they need and us women sometimes aren’t sure with what we need. We then toy with our emotions and react because we don’t even know what the hell is going on.  

It really stuck with me our conversation. I hope this post sticks with you too.