Saturday, January 11, 2020

Jan 11th You Got This Girl

For so long we take care of other people. Of course our kids come first but I am not talking about them. Kids are always top priority and should be taken care of. I am talking about people around us. Love isn’t painful or stressful. Yeah it’s work but when you are trying to fix people who should be fixing themselves it’s draining. Never again will I put in more than I get in return. Ever. You shouldn’t either. 

For so long I had projects after projects come into my life. These people didn’t give back to me what I gave to them. At the time you settle. You figure well they love me or they enjoy my company so that’s something. NO it’s not. It’s not at all. If you are not 50-50 in any relationship then you need to make changes or get out. I will never allow myself to give more than what I get back. Not out of selfishness out of knowing I too deserved the love and respect I invested in others.

I reflect on to those who came into my life and I wipe the slate clean. All but one person I invested time
in gave me that time and ironically he’s still in my life. He’s an overall great guy and been there for a long time. All the others in between just felt draining. It’s not what love and dating and relationships are about at all. 

I hope if you’re married or in a relationship you reflect. I hope you are in a relationship that is balanced. With a mutual love and respect for eachother. Don’t cheat. Don’t lie. Don’t make empty promises. Don’t settle. Don’t talk bad about your significant others to people. If you don’t like something communicate with them. I mean how can you spend your life with someone you don’t know how to talk to. 

If you’re single I hope you learn to fully love yourself and set boundaries to what you will accept and will not.  

All this means is I have yet to find the one. When you do none of this happens. It’s balanced. It’s a team effort. I do hope you understand the true meaning of love isn’t pain. It’s teamwork and companionship. It’s trust and choosing that person every single day. 

What Are Your Goals?

Lately it’s been a question we bring up. Today we asked again. What’s your word of the year? Mine was growth. We talked about self acceptance. Peace. Love. Change. On and on. The best part is every year is something different. Focus on something YOU need to change or fix or embrace or add to your life. 

Set a goal-weekly monthly yearly etc... How are you going to better yourself? What’s your one word for this year? What goals would you set for yourself?

Silence Your Brain

I decided to not make any plans. I haven’t had a break in a while. I wanted to regroup. Meditate. Cleanse the past. Heal my heart. Rest my brain.  I wasn’t sad at all. Actually really happy. I am learning the process of being alone while enjoying it. Actually really fully enjoying it. I said no thanks to a lot of people over and over who asked to make plans to hang or grab breakfast or lunch or dinner not because I didn’t want to but because I needed this time. I needed to be alone. Take care of me. 

But then something changed. 

I woke up worked out ran errands. Was so happy. My friend called she asked what I was doing. I said running errands and then going to the mall. She said me too. I said really she said yeah. I said great let’s go together. 

Can I tell you that changed my whole day. 9 hours later and my day that was meant to be alone was filled was awesome chats and shopping and eating and eating some more and fun cocktails and belly laughs and hanging in three different cities while meeting up with my sister and her best friend and this dynamic foursome took on the day and I freaking loved every second of it. 

 I want you to know it’s so important to rest your brain and heal and love yourself and your time but spontaneous fun...that’s priceless.  That’s healing. That’s love. That’s something you thank the universe for. 

The fact that having no plans made me so happy actually caused me to go along with my day and it turned into a fun adventure with us four gals. 

Being happy alone doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Today actually was exactly what I needed!

Happy Saturday

Happy are those who get up and live.