Sunday, January 12, 2020

Think Happy Be Happy

Focus on happiness. How about every night you take some time and reflect on what makes you happy or a happy thought of the day. Recall all the things that took place on your day that made you happy and smile. 

I will go first. I had a great day with my kids and family. I laughed with girlfriends. I worked out and ran some errands this morning. I did everything on my to do weekend list.  I loved sharing my fun spontaneous weekend with my sisters. A friend reached out and I always enjoy his company so he made me smile which who doesn’t love a great smile or someone who makes them feel special. 

So yeah today was a really good day with a lot of “little” nothings that are actually really big “somethings” because they contributed to my happiness. 

Now your turn....


Break the Pattern

Thank those who helped you break your patterns. 

Are You Blocking Your Own Self?

Maybe we are causing our own heartache because we don’t want to be heartbroken anymore. 

Maybe we are picking people we know can’t fully give themselves to us so to cope we deal with situations that are emotionally safe- those not emotionally available. 

You have to break the cycle. It’s ok to get hurt and open your heart. You will learn. It’s not ok to stay in the same cycle. 

Do You Have Space For This In Your Life?

We all make decisions everyday as to who and what is in our life. You also need to determine what you have space for. Let’s be serious when it comes to this. 

As parents our schedule is full with our kids activities. When we are not with them we are working or doing house chores. We then make space for us- me time. Which is the gym or getting our nails done which I must say I didn’t do for years. But after the divorce I do make time for and the gym I make 4-5 x a week a priority.  

So what’s left after sleep and eat? Who do you fill that time with? What do you do with that time?

This is important because who we choose to fill our time with should be good for our wellbeing. Feel good people. Inspiring and motivation. Laughs. Happiness. 

You have to understand anything that doesn’t add to your life or make your life better you do not have space for. You do not make space for it. 

Think about it. Process this. 

Drama. Fighting. Anger. Doubt. Insecurities. All that stuff you have no space for. 

Make time for those people and situations that you walk away feeling good about sharing your space and time with. 

Those who you don’t then don’t waste your time. 

It’s important. It’s important who you make a priority. It’s important who you choose to speak to. Text. Hang with. See. Allow in your space. 

I wasn’t being careful with mine. I gave my space to situations that didn’t give me back in return. I don’t have space for doubt or pain or second guessing or hoping for change or thinking things will go my way. 

You don’t do this. You have to focus on being cautious of your time and space. Be sure those who you’re giving it to is giving it back to you. 

Support Others...Always

I carry you all with me on my journey. No two journeys are alike. What you need and what I need are different but we are here to guide one another. To love and respect eachother. Always. 

Self Love Reflection

It’s self love. So important. When you very worthy and love yourself you won’t tolerate anyone else to make you feel less than that. You won’t even make room for toxic love or dysfunctional friendships and relationships. 

Are We Aligned?

Think of all past relationship and lost connections and friendships that got stale in time. Why? Why did that happen?


When two people don’t have the same intentions arguments happen or you make space or you go your own way. 

Intentions have to be discussed and aligned and then met. I can say it over and over my stories. My side. My views. My pain. But it won’t change what happened. It won’t change the fact that certain people aren’t in my life because we weren’t aligned. It caused arguments and pain or just resulting in us going our own way. Lost contact and pain in our hearts. 

Intentions have to be met. You have to have good communication and know what people are is what you will get. 

I had a friend who always would say but I told you the truth. Yeah you did but in time emotions change. You enjoy a person or they become a part of routine. After a year of so it was a wake up call to me. I couldn’t go down the same paths in the past. I needed a change. I knew cutting ties would hurt but no way were we ever aligned.  Best thing to happen was me realizing this. I could have went another year or two and all it did was set me back emotionally. 

You must be aligned. You must also accept your truths. You must never toy with someone’s emotions. You must respect yourself and the people in your life. 

Are They Projecting?

A lot of times it has nothing to do with you. It’s their own inner issues and taking it out on you. Know the difference. 

New Habits Different Life

Acceptance is the process of knowing that what is done is done. You accept it. You learned from it. 

Growth is challenging yourself to be better to achieve more. To become a better version of yourself. 

Spiritual healing is being in-tune with your deep core. Your soul purpose. Being calm. Really calm and happy with yourself so you can love others fully. 

No one has reached perfection. It cannot exist amongst us. 

What we can do is change our habits that didn’t do us justice. We can look for peace and calmness and reflect. We can say this didn’t work for me I will try something else. No amount of blame can fix you. You own it. Even if you didn’t cause the pain or misfortune or heartache. You still own and accept it and do things to change. To make yourself better.  

Minor changes first. Baby steps. Achieve great results in a short period of time. 

Today’s Affirmation: Your Life Is in Balance

Louise Hay is amazing. Her book  You Can Heal Your Life, is full of life and wisdom and teaches you about affirmations and guidance and self love. I love that they have these daily affirmations that I will be sharing we all can interrupt them the way we like. I chose to look at this as if my life is in balance. How my current life is it’s working for me. I hope you too create a life with balance and wake up and say I love my life. 

Doesn’t mean it’s perfect. It means you have accepted your current state and will embrace and honor it. 

Does Your Love Language Align?

I wrote about this last year here it’s important to know what makes you happy and your companion. Understanding who you are and what you need and want makes you a better person in a relationship. 

Forgive & Start Again

At any point in your life you can forgive and start again. You actually should forgive. You should never hold hurt or anger in your heart for anyone. Try to understand why everything happened the way it did. Once you can healing becomes easier.