Wednesday, January 15, 2020

This Is My Time

Enjoy your time. I am.  

You’re Where You’re Meant To Be

Gotta believe in something greater than the obvious 💜

Say Sorry

When you’re wrong. When you hurt someone. Say sorry. 

You can ever be too proud to admit your mistakes. Say sorry my bad didn’t mean to do that. 

I hear it all the time. I apologize too. Why? Because why not?

I always respect someone for their honesty. For admitting mistakes verse being a tough skin person. We are always learning. We are always trying to improve. Say sorry. When you’re wrong. When you know someone is hurting because of your words and actions. When you make a mistake. 

No one is perfect. There’s not harm on apologizing. Try it. I have. You should too. 

Accept Change

Don’t stay comfortable. Don’t stay because you’re afraid of change. Don’t stay in a situation because you’re used to it. If you don’t wake up everyday and say wow my life is amazing. Then change. 

I was a stay at home mom. If you look at my posts form years ago I was this homemaker. Arts and Crafts. I am not who I was. I still love that stuff but I went through a dark period. We all have. At one point or another. I now am living my best life and hope every year I change to be better. To say nah this year is better than last and so on. 

You can’t stay the same. You have to constantly work on changing yourself and bettering your situation and life. You can’t get lazy and comfortable. You can’t settle. 

Welcome change. Embrace it. Be a new version of you every time you choose.  

Choose Yourself

I have actually loved my alone time. My time. You need to learn to love yours and if you don’t have it make time for it. 

When you’re comfortable in your skin and happy with your own company people flock to you. Ironic. I know. 

Happy National Bagel Day


Enjoy a free bagel at Stews. 

Accept and Release

Accept what is and then process everything. This is important. It’s important for healing. 

A lot of times we don’t want to deal with the hurt so we bury it. We bury years and years of stuff. I get it. You get it. But we have to stop. 

This year is about growth. About healing and feeling the emotions. Even if you get mad at yourself for your own role. Stop burying it. 

Everything In Moderation


It’s about moderation. Over and over I hear it’s about balancing nutritions with exercise good sleep and mental healing. 

Try it. 💗

Today’s Affirmation Release Hurt & Resentment

During the journey of self reflection, healing and growth you look within more so then at others. You look to change yourself because really you can’t change people. You can change how you handle them. Today’s affirmation is big. It’s deep. It’s the biggest scare. Love scares us. Love is scary. 

Opening up emotionally and letting someone in is really really hard and we don’t just let anyone in. If you let someone in it’s because you connected with them on a level of being vulnerable. Love makes us weak because we put trust in people to love us back. When that doesn’t happen we get hurt badly. We lack trust in others. We hold on to resentment. It messes with our self confidence. We only get hurt by people we love and we want to love us. 

So today we have to say we release all hurt and resentment which is ironic because I saw my sister and then she texted me it’s ok to open your heart chakra again. That’s for love, ability to love others. She knows I stopped dating and only let a couple of people in my life from a distance. I said I wasn’t ready then I read this affirmation. She texted:

“Keep your heart chakra open don’t let anything block that energy and you will find the love of your life.”

We all have been hurt. I swear the last couple years have really made me reevaluate people I chose to love. 

Today let’s focus on releases that hurt and resentment. I can’t promise I can do it over night. It’s a process. But we should try. 

Break the Patterns

We all have them. We are predictable. I have a friend. I know his pattern so well that it doesn’t disappoint me anymore. It’s predictable. 

He makes tentative plans. I know when he will follow through and not. I don’t expect more because I get it now. 

I have a friend in my life when she drinks too much her voice changes. It’s my cue to be reserved around her. Because if I don’t we have an argument. Next day she apologizes but the pain is already done. 

I know people who block people out instead of discussing things. They don’t want to show emotion because they think it makes them weak but it doesn’t. It shows your human. 

I know a guy in my life that if I try to correct his behavior style instead of processing he reacts by criticizing mine. But later he does change and takes my advice without saying so to me. I know his patterns. He’s predictable. 

I had another guy in my life he enjoyed pushing buttons. He enjoyed getting a reaction. He would cause an argument and then hours later say I was just joking but see how you reacted. He gets bored and likes arguments because he was raised around it. It’s all he knows. It actually gave him a thrill. 

When you know patterns you don’t let things bother you but you do have to break them. If they don’t do you justice you have to change. If you see pattern after pattern cause more pain then good then you need to change. 

Look at your patterns. How you react to things. How you handle things. How you handle arguments. How those close to you handle arguments. How you love. How you feel what represents love to you. 

I know my patterns. I can be mean if triggered. I then need space and a break. I need to process everything. It’s like a built up of emotions and words come
out of me. I usually am very vocal with how I feel but sometimes repeated behaviors give me doubt and I don’t like it. I then have to ask myself why I was triggered. What really bothered me. Break it all down. Because I could never really hate anyone I later feel guilty for how I reacted. I then try to make peace. I don’t have ill feelings in my heart for anyone but at the time of me being triggered I am really tough. I can be mean and it’s not ok but that’s my pattern. I know my pattern. I seen it. I am working on it. I own it. 

Question is do you know yours? Do you own yours?