You Have To Be Happy!

Life is too short not to be. 

Happy National Popcorn Day

I live popcorn. I love smart pop popcorn. I love movie theater popcorn. I used to drizzle chocolate on popcorn. Just a fun, easy snack. 

Happy National Popcorn Day

Variety of Peppers

What’s your favorite?

I eat these at least once a day. I love them. What color is your favorite? I normally buy an orange. 

Today’s Affirmation Release Hurt & Resentment

We all carry some hurt and resentment in us. How about we release them. Today and everyday. Slowly let go and reflect. Be at peace. Forgive. Don’t be jealous or angry. Love yourself. Focus on inner peace. 


Week-End Reflection...

Here’s your reminder. I want you to reflect on the week you had. Now think about all the positive things that happened. All the good. This is your end of week reminder to all the good that happened to you this week. 

I will list some of mine. 

I reconnected with two old friends.  One reached out to me. Another I reached out to him. Short conversations but nice to reconnect and know we can be in eachother lives and we all still do care. 

My week was full of a ton of spontaneous last minute plans. 

My little ones had a great week. They started an after school program at school. 

My oldest and her group one the award for best project that they spent almost  five days on the prior week. 

Time to add some things to our jar

My dad received awesome news on a scan he had. 

I booked a couple fun weekend activities away. 

Wow I could keep going. Try it. See how easy it is to reflect on all the good.

Enjoy your life!

Mung Beans Have You Heard?

I have never heard of these before. I walk into the kitchen and ask my mom if she made lentils. Nope mung beans. Um what?

They were delicious. They look like sprouts but do not taste like it. They are low in carbs and full of antioxidants and fiber. They also taste like a snap pea. Really delicious. 

Learn more here 

It’s Ok...Do Better Tomorrow

This post says a lot. I don’t think it’s so much to do with babies but definitely as kids grow and our responsibilities grow and change parenting gets really tough. Luckily I never experienced postpartum but it’s real. It happens. I will say while I was going through marital problems it was hard to keep a routine. To stay happy and calm. To not be short tempered. I always saw posts that say “ I had to keep it together infront of my kids while I was falling apart inside”. 

It’s true it’s the reality. 

Now luckily I am at a happy place I never wanted my kids to feel my sadness or tensions or concerns. I didn’t know how I would be single and manage a household and job and kids etc...

Regardless if you’re married or single or whatever you need to understand it’s ok. You will have days that you wish you could do better. Be better. Then there’s days you are a rockstar. It’s about balance. Don’t be hard on yourself. We’re all trying our best. Regardless your kids love you and they know you love them too. 

The Jack Fruit....What Is It?

My girls have seen this on TV so when I saw it at Trader Joe’s I had to buy it. I will not lie. It wasn’t the best but it was really cool to try. Jack Fruit is full of awesome antioxidants. It’s an Indian tropical fruit. 

It’s not sweet at all. It looks like artichoke hearts. They suggest vegans cook with it and eat it as a form or protein. Have you ever tried it?

Learn more here 

Gelatissimo in New Canaan

Best place for gelato. Check them out in New Canaan  I love their Hazelnut 

You Are Worthy...You Don’t Have To Prove It

Don’t look for justification. Don’t look for people to think you’re worthy. Think for yourself. Love yourself to know what you bring to the table. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. 

Today’s Question...

It’s important to think about this and be sure to change what’s not making you happy!

Be Young At Heart

I have hung out with people 10 years older than me and 10 years younger. Must say the older once had amazing energy. Never judge a person on age or status or anything. It’s all about energy and synching and vibes you get from one another.