Be Brave Enough

It’s about being brave. Stepping out of your comfort zone.

When was the last time you tried something new even if you feared you would suck at it?  If it’s been a while then you’re over due. 

Fixing Yourself Is Pretty Amazing

You seek peace within. You know your flaws. Your insecurities. Your fears. 

You kindof let them all go. Accept them. It’s not a fast process. You can’t lie about it or fool your own self. You legit have to come to terms with it. 

I want to be this earthy free spirit. I feel like this shirt represents it. Not sure why but I dig it. 

I am not perfect at all. I have a lot of work to do but hey every step counts. It’s all in the right direction. 

Feel Good Song: Before You Go

I heard this for the first time this afternoon. When I did the sun was shining so bright. Really was so peaceful. 

Beautiful song. 

Break Your Patterns

“You can’t heal in the same environment that made you sick.”  The truth about your life. 

Love this guy!

Listen here 

It’s Not About Looks

It’s important to pick someone who brings out the best in you not drive you crazy. Someone who makes your life easier and brighter. It’s important to not focus on just looks. It’s finding someone who can be there for you no matter what. Looks fade. Good souls don’t. 

Let’s Grow Together...Maybe But Not Yet

When you have a strong tribe you encourage one another to grow. So I have a girlfriend who sent me this. 

“RELATIONSHIP TUES: It's a myth that you can't love another until you love yourself. We're able to grow with another as long as we're capable of being open to what's reflected back to us: our defenses, projections, wounds, triggers, our shadow.“

Yeah I am not ready for that I told her. I don’t think it’s NOT possible. To do think it’s possible when you have the right partner. When you’re aligned you can talk it out and work it out and help another grow and handle fears and heal wounds and work out your triggers. BUT I haven’t found that person yet and with my track record I don’t trust myself yet to do this with someone. 

Will I one day? Absolutely because see we don’t stop changing and growing. Right?! We always have to learn and we will make mistakes. We aren’t perfect. You need a person who will love you through those things. Who can sit you down and say listen what’s going on with you or why are reacting this way, can we chat it out. Then you work it out and grow together. I never had that. I want that. I had it with friendships. I may have had it short term with a guy but nothing that could have grown into something. I just need to first understand why I chose the people I chose so I learn to not repeat those patterns. That I learn to heal and love myself fully to never allow myself to get into a situation or relationship that isn’t serving or bringing out my highest good. 

When You’ve Been Through A lot

I was never alone during my hard times. Gratefully I did and still do have an amazing support system. I have my amazing parents and sisters and family and friends. I have my kids who are amazing motivation to be happy. I have people who I am acquaintances with that always said whatever you need J, just let me know. Pretty amazing I know. 

But when you go through some hard times you really put on a tough skin. You tend to take matters in your own hands and get stuff done. The most difficult part is deep down you have a gentle soul that wants to be itself. But you can’t because you’re protecting yourself. You protect your heart. You protect your core. 

As you begin to heal and are really alone and ok with it. You then allow your gentle soul to come out again. You begin to heal and help heal others. You are calm and at peace. It’s pretty amazing. Acceptance. Is key. Growth is the goal. We’re in this together people. Everyone wants to excel and be happy. Everyone wants a calm head and heart. Try it.  

Today’s Affirmation: Forgive Yourself

So crazy I was just replaying conversations that took place in the past. Stuff I tolerated and then I read this. 

Don’t hold on to the past. Forgive yourself for things you tolerated. For people who took up your time and space in your heart and mind. For the situations you got into that you would never allow yourself to. 

I was replaying situations from people who didn’t make me feel so good. Who knew I had a soft spot for them and really took advantage of it. Wasn’t on them. Was on me. My fault for allowing it. 

It’s ok. We make mistakes. Learn. Forgive. Accept. Move on. Set your mistakes free. Forgive yourself. 

Healing & Growing...Encourage Solitude

This is really important and on point. As you grow and heal you need to be sure you’re surrounded by people who encourage and appreciate your healing process. 

You Have Homework...

Name something you always wanted to do but never did. I said to my friends at dinner. We started talking about life and our struggles and path to happiness. I said let’s start small. Do something for yourself. Name one thing you want to do that you never did. 

So we went around the table and spoke. Ok I said now do it before our next dinner. You have a month to accomplish it. 

Can I tell you something. One thing stood out after everyone stated one thing they always wanted to do. They were glowing. Literally smiling and glowing. I said wow see how your mood just changed. It shifted. See how much happier you are. You just came alive.  

We aren’t here to hurt eachother we are here to guide eachother. To love eachother and help eachother. I am no sharma like my friend jokes. I am just like you. Lending an ear to help someone. Being able to say what’s wrong and how can we fix it. What will make you happy. How can we heal your pain and let go of stress. Let’s give you something to look forward to. 

I said ok we all have homework to do. 

I can’t wait to hear about their homework assignments when we get back together.  

Now I ask you readers. What’s the one thing you wanted to do but never did? Some answers were take a cake decorating class. Do kickboxing. Finish realtor exam. Me of course is that yoga spiritual retreat. 

Whatever your answer is I want you to accomplish it by February 20th. Get to work!