Friday, January 24, 2020

Have You Ever Tried a Guava?

I love guava flavored items. It’s a sweetness with a hint of tanginess but have you ever tried the fruit. The real deal? 

I haven’t. This was my first time. I won’t lie. I didn’t anticipate it to look like this. The one I tried was white inside. It has a lot of little seeds you can eat. Really soft inside too. Just rinse and eat. Most of the Vitamins are in the skin. 

Some guavas are pink inside or white. They are full of fiber and antioxidants. 

Learn more benefits here

You’re At Peace...I Am

I am very simple I said to my mom. No it’s not that, she said, you’re at peace. You’re calm and happy. 

She’s right. Even during the chaos I try to remain calm. I just want calmness and to be happy. I am very content with how my life is. It takes work and practice. It takes enjoying where you’re at verse wondering what’s next or wanting and needed more. It’s living in the present. 

The past is done. The future is a mystery. Don’t stress about it. Live in the now. In this moment. I say it over and over but this moment is your life. Please embrace it. Enjoy it. Have a calm heart. Be at peace. If you get more out of life amazing, great, if not then still be just as happy. 

Let The Little Things Go

A year ago everything was different. A year from now everything will be different. 

Enjoy the process. 

We Give Back What We Get

This can be interpreted however you like. I look at it as the this phrase “do good but don’t expect good to come back to you from that same person you were good to.” Meaning if I do good to one person that person may not return the favor or gestures. But someone else will. So that’s why we do good and help people and love because someone is giving it back to us but we get upset because we expect the person we are giving it to will give it back to us. That’s not the case. 

It’s repaying the favor because you want to not necessarily to the person who gave you a favor or helped you. 

I have seen it over and over. Example I care for my kids when they are sick. I don’t expect them to care for me but someone else will. 

Another example giving your love and guidance and help to someone thinking it will make your relationship better but they turn around and use that advice and help nourish another one of their relationships. 

It’s a cycle. Karma comes back to you in a different way and form. 

Just believe doing good and helping and healing and guiding people means you will get that back too one day from someone. ❤️

It’s The Small Things That Add Up

Women how many of you would agree? It’s the small sweet gestures that make a difference. Men should know by now. Doesn’t make much to make most women happy. 💜

Moms We’re All A Mess

This week routine has been so off and by today I am just depleted. Being a working from home mom means whenever no school or sick pressures are on me. Not really sure how that fits but it is the current case which I am working on changing. So you try to juggle it all. Luckily some plans changed over the weekend and I am looking forward to catching up on sleep and missed work emails. 

Moms don’t get the credit we deserve. Hell sometimes we look for it from the wrong people. But don’t let it discourage you. Be sure to make time for you. Even if it’s a nap or in bed early. You too deserve a break.