Are You Responding With Your Present Brain?

You are all guilty of it. I am. I know it. We react not based on an emotion from today. At that moment. It’s past situations that cause the old response. 

If everyday we truly started the day as a new day we would not have as many issues as we do. We would just focus on today. This moment. We would not let old emotions arise. We would not throw past situations in people’s faces. We would not have anger or pain because it’s a new day. 

New start. New day. Every situation today is new. It should not allow us to have any emotions because it’s all new. Practice it. I will too. 

Do You Self Sabotage?

I am guilty of this. I admit it. I own it. I think growth happens when you look within and notice you are the one to blame for things. Where you know how you react isn’t how you should react. My journey after divorce was to fix all that was broken and weak in me. All the things I wanted to fix so I could be better. Not just better for someone else or my kids. But better for me. To know my triggers and weaknesses. Insecurities and pain. 

Do you self sabotage? I think to an extend we all do. We fix something and turn around and sabotage it. New relationship. A diet. Work habits. Commitments. Why?

Not really sure. I am still learning. That’s the beauty of life. Learning. But owning you have a problem is the first step. Second step is fixing it.