Saturday, May 2, 2020

When You Have Amazing People In Your Life

Turning less than 25 minutes and I swear at first I dreaded it. I mean thirties sound so much better than forties. But then I thought about who I was verse who I am now. 

30-40 I had one hell of a Ride. Amazing events like having more children. Watching my girls grow. Growing my business. Meeting amazing people. Created memories of a lifetime. Traveled. Created amazing bonds with family and new friendships. I made a TON of people.  I had an awesome journey. 

Yet with every pleasure comes pain. I had cancer. I got a divorce. I had my heart broken.  I moved out of my home. I had to recreate myself. I lost people I didn’t think I would lose. I ended relationships and friendships. I removed toxic people from my journey. 

It was a lot. 

I don’t want to do that all over again. I don’t plan to. This is new. This journey 40-50 will be remarkable. 

I do like where I am at. I am happy with myself my journey my growth my spiritual self. I have learned to love differently. Appreciate things differently. I grew as a person. 

I honor and love my body. I appreciate all I have. 

I have so many amazing people in my life. I have good hearted people who love me and my kids and want me
to succeed and be happy. 

How amazing is that. How amazing to know I haven’t even lived half of my life yet! 

Cheers to the last hour of being in my thirties. Welcoming the 40’s because I know it’s going to be one amazing ride! I know that the best has yet to come. 

Choose Your Partner Wisely

I feel second time around this is even more important. When you’re young you think the way you are and your partner is how you will always remain but you don’t. You change. A lot. Sometimes that change isn’t aligned with who you are and want. 

I notice I change around my environment. We all do. I notice calm people make us calm. Chaos makes us crazy. Tension affects us. A gentle soul and kind heart can make you feel like you can deal with anything. Your core values have to be aligned. 

Don’t settle. Now. Later. Ever. Choose wisely. 

Be Consistent

Intensity burns you out. Focus on being consistent instead. 

Communicate To Fully Comprehend

We don’t have to agree. I want to start my post by saying that. We just need to understand. Validate. 

If someone is upset or off or angry there’s a reason. We may not agree. We just want to be heard. 

A lot of relationships lack communication. Forget about comprehension. They don’t understand why someone is the way they are. They don’t understand why people see situations a certain way. 

Overtime I changed. I tried to put myself in someone else’s shoes. I tried to understand that not all children or men or people are the same. We aren’t. We are all different and communicate differently and love differently and need things differently. We argue differently. 

Homeschool taught me that my three kids learn differently. They can’t be taught the same way. 

Dating has taught me that men communicate differently. Every single one. They love differently. They react differently. They argue differently. Not one is the same. 

Life has taught me that we need to comprehend and understand how someone operates. How they think. Feel. Love. How they handle problems and situations. 

Once you do it’s so much easier when dealing with them. We can’t generalize that all women are the same or men or kids. We aren’t. Individually we all need and act and love and learn differently. 

If you love someone instead of trying to change them try to take the time to understand them. I am still learning everyday.