We Aren’t THAT Complicated

One thing I realize is you have to ask for what you want and need and that’s totally ok. People don’t read minds. When I met the guy I am dating I told him some things I wanted and he actually listened. He has been doing them ever since. Why? Because I took the time to tell him what makes me happy. 

It’s ok to tell people what you need and want. What’s not ok is expecting them to understand without helping them realize what you need. It’s that simple. 

Set your boundaries. List your expectations. Tell them things that will make you happy. How else do you expect to get what you want and need?

6 Going On 16

Her birthday started off like all their birthdays...breakfast in bed for all. 

I love this tradition. It just sort of stuck. They get to pick what they want to eat and they all sit in bed together and eat together. It’s actually super sweet. A treat for all. 

My youngest is probably the most independent. She’s super smart and spunky. She loves to clean and be helpful. She’s super stubborn and stands her ground. It keeps things interesting around here. But at night when I tuck her in she grabs my head and puts it on her chest. She then pats my back and kisses my forehead and says there there you can rest now. 

Cheers to turning 6. I hope today and everyday she feels our love.