Sunday, August 23, 2020

Change The Way You Look At Things

When you change the way you look at things those things change. Change your perspective. I promise you when you do everything else changes for the positive too!! 

Rye Ridge in Westport CT

Delicious! I usually go to the one in Stamford. A friend told me about the one in Westport. It’s located right in downtown Westport. I loved their breakfast wraps. Eggs. Bacon. Salas. I added avocado and sour cream. She got their eggs Benedict. Their muffins toasted are so good. Lemon poppy and blueberry.  Perfect for social distancing with outdoor seating. Really casual yet pretty. Sunflowers were on each table. Their were umbrellas to provide shade. Great price too. A fun simple vibe. Perfect way to start our day. 

Simple Things That Make A Huge Difference

It’s the little things that mean the most. 

I love tennis. I have been playing with my daughter or sister but it’s not the same. I wanted a good game. I wanted to run around the court and sweat. 

Last week I said to my boyfriend leaving his house let’s play tonight. When I arrived later that night he was in gym clothes and said let’s go. I asked where. He replied to play tennis remember. 

I was so excited. I totally forgot and loved that he remembered and loved that we played. I kept thanking him  and he said stop. I am your boyfriend. I am suppose to do these things. I agreed but said something so simple made me so happy. 

Women we are simple. Yeah we have to ask for what we want but do ask. In time he will know to do it automatically. In the meantime help him out. The right one will then start to do it without being told. 

Change Your Mind & Your Life Will Change

It starts with the way you think. 

I once ran into someone and said to my mom see that’s the type of guy I want to end up with. She said well are you ready for that and I said no. 

I wasn’t. I really wasn’t. I was honest. The thought gave me anxiety. 

After my last breakup I said you know what I am ready to have a real relationship. I am ready to invest in someone. I am ready for a future with someone. I no longer want to play it safe with people who weren’t ready to invest in me. 

Two weeks later I met my someone. 

All my previous relationships I wasn’t ready. I wanted to be. But the people I chose weren’t right for me and I knew it. It was safe. It wasn’t risky. I knew we couldn’t end up being more. But then I became ready for more. I had to let go of any feelings I had for my past. 

Now I am planning my future with someone. It’s awesome. It’s exciting. There’s no fear. Just fun and happiness. 

A fresh start doesn’t mean a drastic change. It means changing your mindset. The way you think. It means saying I want my life to change and embracing those changes.