Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Change Your Perception

I read an article on New Years Resolutions here  It mentioned that the Chinese symbol for crisis is also the symbol for opportunity. 

It made me think how when you change your perception on something you actually view things in a different light. 

2020 wasn’t good. So many people lost their lives. Jobs. Careers. Companies. Homes. Health suffered. Careers suffered. Relationships suffered. 

It’s hard to think looking at their situation turned into something good. I get it. 

But we can look at these tragic situations as lessons to us. The people on the outside looking in. It made us be grateful for what we have. Value relationships and friendships. Appreciate the little things. 

You have to believe all things happen to some how teach us. If not us then those around us 

Be A Great Parent...Always

I can’t provide my kids a big home yet or fancy vacation yet but I will tell you I am there for them 24-7 and well that alone is greater than anything money can buy.

They never doubt their love or comfort or needs. I am always there for them no matter what. They have changed so much lately. They see my unconditional love for them and all three keep thanking me for always being there for them. 

My oldest hugs me 100 x a day. My middle one would love to be by my side all day everyday. My youngest keeps kisses me up just because. 

I never make them feel like they are too much. As a single parent working and homeschooling and having the kids all day everyday can be a lot. I have grown into embracing the role because the reward is amazing. 

When my girls walk in my door I see a level of comfort and safety and love in them that I provide. It’s easy. Parents it’s easy to be a good parent. Not sure why some struggle with it. 

Your job is to provide a safe easy non stressful atmosphere for your kids. At all times. To be attentive. 

When they are at their dad’s or grandparents or anywhere but with me I assure them I always one call away no matter what. It’s not because I don’t trust where they are I do it because they need to know I am there for them no matter when and whenever and wherever. I need to provide a safe place at all times to them. Their lives have changed so much that by me providing stability and comfort it assures them that their needs are being met at all times no matter where they are. 

Everyone needs that person they feel safe and protected with. If you can be that person then you have helped add security to someone’s life. 

Be More

It’s not about what you have. It’s who you are. 

Be Confident In Who You Are

How do you feel about yourself? Really think about it. 
How do you view yourself physically and mentally?

We have all spent some alone time during 2020. We had less distractions and had to face our truths. Our fears. Our insecurities. 

We had to reflect on our past and present. Where we have come from. Where we are going. What matters in life. What doesn’t. Who we want along our journey. Who we are willing to let go of. 

What did you learn about yourself? 

I learned when you’re confident in yourself. Meaning you accept yourself. Your flaws. Your strengths. When you truly accept yourself you are ok with any situation.  Because you build confidence in yourself. You trust yourself. You can handle anything because you know you’re strong enough to handle it. 

Have you reached this stage in your life? If you haven’t please do. 

We all need improvement. We all have to work on ourselves always but when you accept yourself you don’t project your insecurities on to others. You can have healthy relationships. You can be empathetic to others. You can process before you react. 

It’s magical. I have reached this stage. I am not perfect but I accept my flaws. I know my triggers and insecurities and they are mine alone. I don’t blame anyone for them. I can have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend because I am happy with who I am. 

Do you accept who you are?