Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Easter Crafts

It's that time of year for fun and creative Easter crafts. It's really amazing all you can do with eggs and egg crates.

Check out this awesome list of crafts:

Feel Good Song: Gypsy

I get into these kicks with music. This week I cannot get enough of Stevie Nicks. Do you ever get like that? Does music speak to you? What mood have you been in?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fun Filled Weekend

Love how well the girls get along. It’s always a concern in the back of your mind. You have this great relationship and slowly you bring your families together. This was really important to us both to have them get along. But we didn’t even have to try. It had to come naturally. They just clicked. It makes me so happy to see. It’s so easy. They fit right in as if they knew eachother for years. 

I got to have an egg hunt for them and we then colored eggs and had a sleepover. I love looking over and seeing him and his daughter with us. 

Everyone comes in our life when we need them to. To teach us or help us or just love us. My heart can explode whenever I am with him. 

It’s so healthy for the girls to have these friendships. 
Especially since they haven’t had much time to be with friends during the pandemic. 

Take chances in life and never settle. If I settled I wouldn’t have what I have today and I wouldn’t give this current life up! 

When People Show Their True Colors

Respect is a huge deal. When you don’t respect someone you just dismiss their presence. They no longer affect you. You can go from loving someone and giving them your all to just not bothering with them. 

I rekindled a friendship a couple years ago. I won’t regret those memories but I did notice a pattern in this person’s life. At first I didn’t understand how she could be single or lack friendships. I really couldn’t. But then her patterns started to speak for themselves. 

It’s been a month since we spoke. At times I think of that person and notice once happy thoughts now are some bitter ones. I lost respect for that person not because of just their actions towards me but because of their patterns. Because their true self was always being revealed but I covered it up. That until they break these patterns they will always have the same friendship and relationship failures. 

This was a perfect example of how people are only chapters in our life. You take the good and let go once that chapter has ended. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Easter Bunny Cake

I am doing an Egg Hunt for the girls this weekend and it wouldn’t be complete without our annual
Bunny cake. 

It’s so easy. Just make two round cakes. Cut out the two ears and a bow is in the middle. Assemble and decorate. I usually use shredded coconut to look like fur. 

This is so fun and easy to do with the kids and looks so festive too!

Only Good Vibes Are Welcomed

I love this sign I put up. It reminds me of what I want to attract in my life. This week has been great for me and my ego. I don’t have a big ego. I am very modest but a couple conversations stuck with me and put a big smile on my face. 

My boyfriend and I were hanging outside playing cards and I brought up how grateful I was to not need to date anymore. He turned to me and said J I am so grateful for you. You’re perfect for me. Truly perfect. 

And I stopped and processed it before I reacted. It hit me how sweet it was. He was so appreciative and honestly I am too for him. We really click so well and have the best friendship and relationship. We laugh and talk about everything and anything. It’s easy. It’s fun and good. It’s easy. Meaning we can really discuss anything. Even if something bothers me. 

I was talking with a girlfriend of mine. We have been friends for over 13 years. She’s had her battle with disappointments in life. Now she’s happily married and has a beautiful toddler. We talked about how life passes by so fast and she said she was grateful for the opportunity to grow old with me. 

It melted my heart. She’s like a soul sister. Really an amazing person but to know we have a friendship for life really made my heart grow. Those people you never take for granted. 

Life has taught me a lot. One lesson was if people are going to go, let them. No hard feelings just let them go. Make space for relationships and friendships that respect you. That love you as much as you love them. Who don’t want to come in and out of your life. Who appreciate you and want to grow old with you. Hold on to those people. 

Life is short. Everyday we hear about crimes and pain and sorrow. Enjoy this life. Only welcome good vibes only...always. 

You’re Good

In long run it all works out. 

Relationships end to teach us and allow better ones to come in our life. At this age if a friendship ends that only means it never was a friendship to begin with.  No one has time for that. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Easter Fun Treats With Pretzels

Love these! So cute and easy to make. 

*Source: Kitchen with my 3 sons 

Let Go Of The Negatives In Your Life

Focus on all the beautiful things and people and situations that make you happy. 

Live a life full of happiness and yeah we all have bad days too but those are temporary. Focus on the good!

Everything Always Happens For A Reason

Have you felt this before? 

Most of things ended because they were suppose to end!

I remember feeling I couldn’t imagine not having certain people in my life and then I did. They weren’t in my life anymore and I felt there’s always a reason for it. Always. 

You don’t remove someone from your life who you want in it so to be honest be grateful for those who let you go. They weren’t meant to stay in your journey and to be honest they don’t deserve to have you in theirs. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

Focus On Inner Peace

You got this! I got this! 

Reminding ourselves of this helps. A ton!

Custom Oreos...If Lady Gaga Can Do It So Can You

I was at Stew Leonards yesterday and saw that Lady Gaga now has her own Oreo. I know. 

So I looked it up and saw you too can customize your own Oreos. Pictures. Dip. Color. You can even add sprinkles. You may not get a package design and be in stores like Lady Gaga but you can still have some fun with it. 

Super cool! 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Emotional Intelligence...

This is very important. We all have emotions. It’s normal. We should feel. We should have an emotion. We should feel. 

We should NOT react to that emotion. There’s a difference. 

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Hanging with my leprechauns. How are you spending your St. Patrick’s Day? 🍀💚☘️