Thursday, February 25, 2021

Relationship Goals

Simple yet so many find it hard to find. Grateful I have found this. You deserve this too. 💗

A friend told me I connect easily with others. I like to believe it’s true. The hard thing about that is are you connecting with people because they are right for you or they just enjoy you because your type is hard to come by. Regardless of that answer everyone should be able to be good to others always. Why not? It just makes your life richer. I have met so many people along my journey that I am so grateful for those lessons and people. I hope they are grateful for my lessons. 

I am grateful for those who appreciated my weirdness. Enjoyed my company and respected me.

There are situations that you look back on and say I will never allow that again and some situations you say I can’t wait to have that again. 

Car Show Fairfield Feb 27th

Come out. See the car show. Get coffee. Get a haircut. Interesting concept. 

Learn more here 

You Choose Your Reality...First Admit Your Failures

You can start again and again over and over. But own your role in your failures and in your part of something failing. Whether in a relationship or job or friendship wherever. Own your part. 

It’s easy to blame others and yea maybe they are the difficult one but did you participate in it? Did it frustrate you so much that you lost your true self. It’s a tug of war constantly. 

Did a relationship go stale? Why? Did you give up when they did. Did they do live up to your expectations? How could you have helped them. Think back to when it started being bad. What at that moment could you have done to change it? Sometimes it is nothing. Sometimes people change and we have to just accept that journey ended.

Were you not the correct fit for a job? What could you have done differently. 

Why did a friendship part ways? Did you lose trust in them or they lost trust in you?

We all play a role. I know I give something my all, well I try, so when they fail I walk away unemotionally attached because I  know I gave it my all. I can say ok Jay you did your best, it wasn't your fault. I don't want to repeat same mistakes, ever! At times I do and I say ok what was my lesson. What did I learn. What was my part. What could I have changed. 

Embrace your part and move forward to create a better reality for yourself and your life. Own your part and failures so you don't repeat mistakes. Create your reality!