Sunday, February 20, 2022

Weekend in Virginia Beach

It was my first time. We went for my boyfriend’s daughter’s gymnastics competition. It was so nice to have a room on the beach. I fell asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing. It’s magical!

We were on the balcony and saw dolphins. Four swimming along. Was so cool!

His parents met us to hang for the weekend. We had a blast. 

Our first night we went for Mexican and the drinks were insane. They came in three sizes. Small- really regular, medium- like a fish bowl or monster which could probably fit a whole bottle of liquor. I am not much of a drinker so small was plenty for me. 

Virginia Beach is a beach town. Fun shops and restaurants. Not everything was open due to off season but was fun to experience. 

The convention center is gorgeous. 

I was so glad to be their to support her during her competition. 

She did great!! 

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