Monday, March 28, 2022

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Find Someone Who Says Let’s Work Through It Together

I am not used to calmness. I didn’t grow up around it. My first marriage wasn’t it. We are Italian. Loud. Calmness happens only when people sleep. 

I worked on creating calmness around me. For me and for my kids. It helps clear the mind. Find peace. Happiness. Calmness is not boring. 

My boyfriend is super calm. Extremely calm. It takes a lot to push him over the edge. He doesn’t let things bother him. Ever. 

I love that. I truly admire it. 

Women aren’t always calm. We have this weakness in us. Emotions. We overthink. We over feel. I am on the calmer side for sure. At my age I have seen some crazy things and some crazy women. I am not like that. 

I am not that at all. BUT I have triggers. When I am triggered I have to work out that feeling. Understand it. I need to or else it eats me up. It literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. 

Over the weekend there was a situation. I discussed it with my boyfriend. I was triggered. Nothing he caused but I reacted to him on it and do you know what he said to me. A man in his mid forties. Doesn’t owe me anything. Just loves me. Do you know what he said….

He said I will help you work on that trigger. Let’s work on it together. 

Have you ever had someone say that to you? I haven’t. Ever. I never had a man say ok lady stop being crazy and I will help you. I may have heard the stop being crazy but never I will help you. 

He said that to me. He said let’s work on it together. I was speechless. 

Because it’s not his problem or anything he caused but he sees I have a weakness and he loves me and is willing to work on it with me so that trigger can go away. 

Love isn’t something that you find only when you’re young. You can have multiple loves of your life at different times in your lifetime. I found this guy later in life who shocks me all the time. 

I want you to be that person for someone else too. I want you to be sure to be with someone who would say to you what he said to me. After 41 years I have someone in my life willing to work on something with me that has nothing to do with him. That’s love. That’s friendship and that alone makes me want to love him forever. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Rock Your Socks!

Today’s World Down Syndrome Day. It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to be aware of it. Every year we rock our socks. Rock yours today too. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Garden Gnomes by Crafty Kits

I ordered these kits a while ago. Today was the perfect day to have the kids paint them. Todays the first day of Spring and these garden gnomes are perfect for outdoors. 

I ordered these kits from Cratfy Kits and Wendy did a great job. You can order yours here 

They came with paint, apron, a little easel, brushes and a lite up gnome. 

The Dreaded Stomach Bug

We got hit hard this week. It started with my youngest then my middle one then my boyfriend then my oldest by the time it hit me it wasn’t so bad but my goodness was this a rough week. 

What I learned…

When you’re solo. You’re solo. Asking for help doesn’t always get you help. Luckily my parents and the kids grandparents helped. 

We all had similar yet different systems. Some threw up for hours. Some didn’t. Some had fevers. Some didn’t. Some felt run down others bounced back. 

Mine lasted only 4 hrs. Some two days. 

What helped…

Small sips of water. 

PROBIOTICS!!! I can’t emphasize it enough. It saved me and my oldest. I even took children’s too to help. 

Heating pads. The pain at times in the stomach was unbearable but heat helped a ton. 

Rest. That’s obvious but really you think you can bounce back but it sticks around and makes you sluggish. 

Bland foods. Carbs were my best friend. One day all I had was a plain bagel. 

I hope you don’t face this. I have done laundry everyday and bleached our living space over and over again. 

Fun St. Patrick’s Day Facts

Fun little game above. 

Did you know….we should be wearing blue not green…St. Patrick wasn’t even Irish…Corn beef and Cabbage was an American dish- cheaper than Ireland's Ham and Cabbage traditional dish. 

Check out more fun facts here

Space It’s Not A Bad Thing

I love being with people. I don’t need a lot of alone time. I need a couple hours a night a week and I am

Some people need more. Some don’t. You need to respect those boundaries. You need space to be what you need for you. 

Love has to be free too. It can’t be suffocating. It’s can’t be too much. 

My boyfriend has a ton of hobbies. You name it. He had done it or tried it. Before he met me he had endless time alone and he didn’t mind it. He actually enjoyed the alone down time. He kept busy doing his hobbies. 

I am busy being mom and when I am not I like to blog, play tennis, travel, explore new places. I am out. 

We do a lot together. We do things with the kids. We do things apart. 

It’s healthy balance. 

It has to feel free. He’s an introvert. I am an extrovert. We spend 4 days a week together. We then have to honor and respect the time we aren’t together. We have to feel free and it took me a while to honor it and also to really enjoy that time. 

When you’re secure in your relationship it’s free. Not suffocating. It’s good and healthy. 

Wear Green or Get Pinched….It’s a Thing

We wore our green. Did you? 

My daughter said Middle Schoolers were pinching people not wearing green. Weird we thought until I was driving home and heard it on the radio. 

It’s actually a thing! You’re suppose to wear green to make you invisible to leprechauns. 

Read more on that and other St. Patrick’s Day traditions here:

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Cereal Ice Cream….Let’s Get Nostalgic

My friend is opening up a pop up
ice cream shop and I am thrilled we got to test out some flavors. 

My little ones were home sick so it was a perfect gift for them and treat. Such fun flavors. I will be sure to share when she starts selling them. 

Nostalgic flavors from being a kid. It’s great how something as simple as a cereal flavored ice cream can do that. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Lyman Orchard Pie on National Pi Day

Great deal. Delicious pies. Check out more here


Friday, March 11, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Back Country Cafe in Killington Vermont

Awesome breakfast place. Food was delicious and place was so country and cozy. 

Love the sign! 

Snowmobiling in Killington

I don’t ski. He does snowboarding. To have fun in the snow we decided to go snowmobiling. 

It was a blast! Our guide was from Connecticut- small world. We were the only one with him so he brought us on some crazy trails. My boyfriend is super responsible and so I trust him a lot so some of these hills we came down of I wouldn’t have trust anyone to drive me through them but him. 

It was a blast and so pretty. Up in the mountains. Just peaceful. 

Last summer we did ATVs here. Great place and the staff is so friendly.

Happy Looks Good On You

This is for everyone. When you’re happy it shows. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Fun at McGrath’s Irish Pub in Vermont

This place was so much fun!! We had a great weekend in Vermont. We originally booked it in November but had to go to Colorado for work and had to reschedule it all to this weekend. 

I love spending time with him. We always stumble across cool places and great experiences. The half and half beer was topped with a shamrock. I hardly drink so this is plenty for me. We tried Bangers & Boxty-a traditional Irish sausage and potato pancake meal. We had chocolate chip Irish soda bread pudding. He had corn beef and cabbage. 

The singer even dedicated an Irish song to us- he made sure it was a happy love song. 

If you’re in Killington be sure to try it

Friday, March 4, 2022

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Ash Wednesday

We always get our ashes. It’s the start of lent. I always loved this time of year. It reminds me of my grandmother and spring and beauty. The start of warm weather and happiest faces. Where the world becomes alive again. 

Did you get your ashes?

My Goal Is To Raise Good People

My number one goal is to raise good people. Kind. Smart. Helpful kids. That to me is the greatest accomplishment! 

Urban Air…Hours of Fun

This group of kids are awesome. 4 Adults. 6 kids.  6 hours of fun this weekend to celebrate my middle one turning 9. 

We went to Urban Air in Orange. The unlimited pass is perfect. They can do everything. Go karts, zip line, trampolines. The best was one of her friends was nervous and scared to zip line by the end she did it twice and loved it. 

Was packed but fun. 

Turning 9

She turned 9 today. We had a great weekend of celebrations. 9 seems like such a big number. She’s so sweet and smart and probably my easiest child to raise. She is to herself and easy going. She doesn’t need a lot to be happy and I adore her.