Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy 2023

My hope is every year you do and be better. You appreciate what you have but push for more. You love those around you because life can change at any moment or time. 

May 2023 be good to you!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

My Word: Gratitude

My word to end 2022 is GRATITUDE. 

For having two negative biopsies this year. One over summer for my thyroid. One this week for my breast. Grateful is beyond my feeling of getting negative cancer results. Reminder always get your Mammo ladies!!

For my kids who really are amazing. They drive me nuts but I adore them. They are such great human beings and I gladly take the credit for that. 

For my parents for being there for me always and allowing me the opportunity to give my kids whatever they need at any moment. 

For planning on buying a house with my amazing boyfriend and having our kids live together. He’s the perfect guy for me. Truly what I need in a person. 

For my new job. For giving me the opportunity to have a great future. 

For my family for being my rock. 

For my friends being there for me no matter what. 

For the endless amounts of travel and adventures we took this year with our kids. The memories we created. The love the girls have for each-other. It’s amazing. 

For growing as a person. Really acknowledging what is important and what isn’t. 

For being better every year because life has taught me we can always do and be better. 

Fairy Tales Do Exist

It’s about finding that person who you can be YOU with. Who calms you and makes life seem easy.  It’s both our second time around and it’s so good and we are so excited to spend our lives together. So many fun things to look forward to. ❤️

The Perfect Holiday Weekend

Was a great holiday weekend. Been years since we all could be together. We were just happy to be able to get together. Christmas Eve is spent with my family. We all eat and laugh and tell fun stories and we don’t want the night to end.  

Christmas Day we went to visit his new baby niece and celebrate his grandma turning 90. We had a nice dinner with his family and board games. We ended the night with watching a movie by the fireplace. Was a great day!

We are grateful to spend holidays with so many great people. 

Cherish these moments!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas Eve

This year I let the girls select what pictures they wanted on our holiday card. Grateful for them and all my loved ones! 

Embrace the holidays. Life is short. Enjoy the memories. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

It’s About Being Together- Our Blended Family

They sang Christmas songs and there was candy and icing everywhere and I asked if they liked this tradition of making gingerbread houses together every year and they all screamed yea, we LOVE it. To be honest I do too!

It’s About Creating Memories…Not Perfection

I feel this sums up me. I am not perfect. I make mistakes and can lose my mind at times. I am not the best baker or wrapper. I don’t even care. Sometimes plans don’t go the way I want them to and things change. But all the kids in my life are making some awesome memories and that is worth it all. 

My oldest has been really sentimental lately. She keeps saying mom when I am older and have a family I am going to do what you do with us. I am also going to still come over too and bake with you and make gingerbread cookies and celebrate all the holidays with fun crafts like you do with us. I said absolutely and I will love to still do them with all of you and my grandchildren one day. 

A perfect example:

Today they didn’t have school. I asked her what made her feel this way all of the sudden and she said because she’s getting older and realizes not everyone does the traditions we do. Not everyone gets to have these experiences and I am grateful I do. 

So we make our holiday pancakes since no school and she smiled the whole time. Our pancakes did NOT come out perfect but being with them was perfect! 

Parents don’t get kids don’t need us forever. Cherish the days you have them. Make the memories. Don’t expect perfection. There is no such a thing!

Break the Generation Cycle

You have the power to change at any time. You don’t have to carry on with things that don’t suit your life well. We blame our childhood or past experiences for our behavior BUT breaking the generation curse is a real thing. You can accomplish it. You can be better. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Pineberries- The StrawberryTaste Test

We saw these at Stew Leonard’s last week and had to get them. We always do a taste test. We taste test different color peppers, different color carrots. We do it with snacks and love to cover our eyes and use our sense of taste to try things and determine if there is a difference.  

We decided to do it this time with regular strawberries and these pine berries that look like strawberries that are not ripe yet. 

The pine 
berries are very similar to a strawberry but have a hint of pineapple flavoring. You notice it more with your eyes closed because open your brain automatically thinks it’s a strawberry. 

The red strawberries were sweeter. 

Best Sugar Cookie Recipe

We made these last weekend and tonight because they are just too good not to share with everyone on Christmas Eve. 

I had this recipe years ago and remembered it was delicious so we tried it again. 

Martha Stewart's Sugar Cookie Cutouts

They are amazing! Sweet. Soft. Crunchy on outside. So easy to make too. Kids had a lot of fun making them. 

The Realities of Life

There’s moments, wtf moments, and you may say it’s too much but you just have to keep going. In times of stress just take a step back. Process it and accept it. 

Bad days come and go. Good ones are more frequent. 

You’re not alone. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Holiday Lights Display in Norwalk CT

Time of year to see Holiday Displays in Norwalk. Shout out to Mark Drive, Douglas Drive, Saddle Road and Midrocks Drive. We loved your displays!!

Girls even wore their 3D glasses to look at the displays. So much fun!

Brunch With Santa at Pinstripes in Norwalk

This was terrific. The food is delicious. So much room in the restaurant and a wonderful staff.The Santa was perfect. So friendly and looked great. The kids loved it. The price is extremely reasonable. 

Just overall great and can’t wait to take them again next year. 

What You Think You Become

Your thoughts become things. Truly! 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Focus on Your Happiness

When you’re happy everyone around you is happy too. Happiness is contagious. Be sure to spread it!

Our 10 Year Plan Turned Into Our 1 Year Plan

It’s always great to set goals. We did. But we originally set them for ten years from now. That’s a long time but for some reason I was ok with it. Kids would be older. We would have more time. 

Over Thanksgiving we sat down and talked. Real talk and our new plan is now a one year plan set for 2024.  


We shortened it by 9 years and I am very excited about it. 

You never know what adventures life will bring you. I am excited for ours. What are yours?

 Can’t wait to start 2023! 

iFly in Westchester- Indoor Sky Diving

I always wanted to jump out of a plane. I am not sure if at this age I would but it has always been on my bucket list.  

Not many people can say they have. My boyfriend has when he was in his early twenties. He said he liked it but wouldn’t do it again. I may have to convince him to join me if I build up the courage to. 

They say this is close to the experience except much safer. My daughter asked to go. We got it for her as a bday gift last year and kindof forgot about it. 

We took all the kids and they had a blast. You pay extra to go up really high. My two oldest did it and my boyfriend. 

You do two rounds 1 minute at a time. In between the workers do tricks. It’s incredible. 

Everyone is so nice there. My youngest got scared so they gave us a credit which means we all get to go back again.  

I love how adventurous my girls are and love we have my boyfriend and his daughter to do these adventures with. It’s a great blended family. 

If you’re in Westchester check it out 

Riley’s by the Seawall Holiday Fun Date Night

We had so much fun here the other night. I love Miracle pop up bars. I always try to attend one every year. We found this one in Stratford, CT. So many fun holiday drinks. The clams casino and chicken francese were delicious. 

The grilled chicken on the Cesar salad was really good but the salad dressing could have used more flavor. The drinks came in different fun holiday cups. You could buy a glass to take home. 

My favorite was the Hot Buttered Rum. I am not a drinker but one of these was perfect for me. Warm and cozy and delicious. 

I love date nights with my forever date. I am one lucky gal.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

Turning 14

Happy 14th to my oldest. She’s amazing. Smart. Kind. Funny. She’s my best bud. I can’t wait to see all she accomplishes. I hope she never changes. I am proud to be her mom!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

From My Family To Yours

Thankful is our key word today. For my girls, boyfriend, family and friends. Thankful for my new job. For life experiences. For Turkey and Pie. 

I hope you enjoy your day today!! 🧡

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope today you share the day with those who make you laugh and fill your heart with love. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Oh Covid….Tag We’re It

We were doing so well. We avoided Covid for years. YEARS. 

It started as headaches for my middle one. I honestly wouldn’t have even tested us until my boyfriend decided to take a test. He called me and said he wasn’t feeling well and had a fever. He spent the week with us prior to this. He hung up and called me right back and said he was positive. I was in shock. 

I tested all of us at home and sure enough we all were positive. My middle one and boyfriend had it the worse. I was just stuffy and my taste buds off. My oldest achy and tired and my youngest didn’t feel a thing. 

Later my father tested Positive and he feels like he had the flu. 

At least we are in quarantine together. 

Oh how we thought we were in the clear for so long. Luckily we all have been ok and it’s back to normal life on Wednesday. 

I am still in shock we have it but glad we tested so we didn’t spread it. Covid is a sneaky virus. It affected us differently. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Saying Goodbye After 13 Years

My oldest daughter was 9 months old when I started working from home as a Virtual Admin. Then in 2014 I had to opportunity to open my own VA Business. Tomorrow after 13 years I close that chapter of my career as a Virtual Admin. 

I accepted a full time remote role for a Company based out of Maryland. I am super excited. I always felt like I juggled too much. I was grateful for the years with my clients but with Covid and the inconsistency of hours and work I decided I was due for a change. The unsteady works. Weekend calls. Late night emails. All
began to catch up to me. I lost my passion for it. 

I am ready for a change. A good change. A steady change. An opportunity to grow with a company.  An opportunity to be a part of a team and learn something new. 

Grateful for the people I met and supported these last 13 years and excited for what’s ahead. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022