Thursday, June 24, 2010

Deal Finder: YOGA PANTS

I am IN LOVE with these Yoga Pants from Old Navy. They remind me of my comfy maternity pants. Try them out and enjoy 30% when you use Coupon Code: ONBIG30

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Old Soul

Ever run into someone and feel like you've known them all your life, or have a flashback and can't remember why? Ever feel so connected to someone and you are not sure why? Ever wonder if your soul has had another life prior to yours?

I swear my daughter is an old soul. Things come so natural to her; she is a fast learner and has little fear. It is as if she is doing everything for the second time. The other day we were in the pool and she starting kicking in her float to get to the edge, like it was the natural thing to do, I praised her and she looked at me as if I was crazy. You teach her a word and she grasps it as if she has said it 1,000 times before, she already knows what food she likes and doesn't like before she even tries them.

Ever wonder were your soul has been? I always like to think we are back for a reason or person. Maybe a good marriage is to make up for the bad ones we have had in the past. I like to think bad things happen to make our soul stronger, to give us strengthen for the next time around.

Have you ever met a new soul? I believe I have. They are a little oblivious and some of them are so curious and can not settle down, as if they want to take everything in and are afraid of missing out on something.

You may think I am crazy but think back. Most of us have been here before, some of us will be back, but what is most important is finding out why we are here and how we can make our journey one that we'll remember and never want to forget.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


To all the wonderful dad's out there I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day. Yes, mom's are the backbone of the family, but the father's are the protectors, we need them as much as they need us. Everyone loves, appreciates and respects a good man! Happy Father's Day to all the Good Men out there!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Enjoying My 30's

It's funny when my birthday was approaching last month I was a little bummed about being 30, now a month into it I am loving it! All my life I looked young and yes I still look young but I finally feel like an adult. I know it's hard for some people to relate but now being 30 I feel people take me more serious, I am officially an adult, I am comfortable in my skin and happy. I am finally a woman.

I feel my life is heading in the direction I want it to, I am happy with who I am, what I can be and what it takes to get what I want. Life is good and I am hoping it only gets better!

"I remember the day I turned thirty. I was getting out of the shower and I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself for a long time. I examined every inch of my body and appreciated the fact that I finally looked like a grown woman. I also assumed that this was how I was going to look for the rest of my life. The way I saw it, I was never going to age; I'd just look up one day and be old. "~ Terry MacMillan

Thursday, June 10, 2010


All mothers are working mothers. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grow Old With You

I will be married for 6 years this summer and have been lucky enough to have been with my husband for 12 years. Today I had a doctors apt and there was an elderly couple sitting next to one another. The wife went to check in and she had trouble standing. Her husband got up and took her purse and asked if she was alright. She took a seat next to him and he looked at her with great concern. At that very moment it hit me that the man I am married to is the man I want to grow old with.

And yes, when you get married you vow to but has it ever REALLY hit you that the person you are with is the one you want to grow old with? The one you want to have hold your hand when you can hardly walk and speak for you when you no longer have the energy to? Think about it! The satisfaction of knowing I truly want to grow old with my husband brought tears to my eyes.

Yes, there may be men out there that may perhaps be good for me, no one knows but the fact of knowing that I look forward to growing old with my husband puts a smile on my face. One day that old couple could be-will be us, and it made me realize how lucky and truly blessed I am!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bakeries and Balloons

Have you ever gone to a bakery to pick up a cake and then had to drive across town to pick up balloons? Why can't they just combine the two?! I think all Bakeries should sell balloons!

Friday, June 4, 2010

On-Call Copay

I was shocked when my husband came home from my daughter's doctor’s appointment to notify me that they charged us $15 for calling off hours and speaking with the on call nurse.

My daughter fell a month ago and I called the doctor's office for suggestions on what to look for. The answering service said they were not open yet so she had the on-call nurse contact me. Later that day we brought my daughter in for a check up just to be sure she was ok-which she was.
Never was it ever brought to our attention or mentioned about being a fee to use their answering service. I even called my insurance company that advised me that this was not correct and they should send the claim into them so they would investigate it. Of course the billing department in the doctor's office refused to. They waived my fee after they could feel the fire steaming out of me. But why on earth would anyone charge a patient for something like this? So going forward if there is an emergency and the doctor's office is closed and I speak to the on-call doctor I have to pay for it? What has gotten into these medical practices? No where have I ever read this. I am appalled at them to the point that I was contemplating getting my daughter's records transferred to pediatrics’ practice.
It has come to a point that our medical doctors are money makers. What happened to the days that they actually really cared about the people they were providing care to? I have 5 years experience in the Medical field and am shocked at how that Pediatrics’ office is run. I am also disappointed that the people I put my trust into to care for my daughter is only concerned about the money they are receiving for her care!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mommy the Energizer Bunny

I must say everyday I am amazed with how much I do. I appreciate all my husband does but I think we all need to give some appreciation to all the mommies out there. It is a tough job, yes rewarding but tough. I am up by 6-6:30 every morning and not in bed before 10:30-11. I go none stop in between. Yes I LOVE IT! I would not trade it for the world, but where the hell did I get all this energy from?!

I remember prior to having my daughter it was hard climbing out of bed at 7-7:30 and no one could call me after 9:30 because I was in bed. Those were the easy days. Now any free time I have I am working, cooking, cleaning, shopping etc...

Yes, it is exhausting but I feel good, I feel younger, healthier. Maybe it is the gym, maybe it's because I am happy, nahh I think being a mommy gives me no choice but to feel like an Energizer Bunny! I need 17 hr days to accomplish all I need to accomplish and yet I go to bed with a to do list for the next day. So for all of you out there next time you see your momma, or go there for dinner or see her cleaning stop to thank her because when you're resting at the end of your day, her day is just getting started!