Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Best Thyroid Cancer Surgeons in Connecticut

I met with one of the best Thyroid Cancer Surgeons in Connecticut yesterday at Yale New Haven Cancer Center and he and his staff were amazing! At first walking in there it felt pretty impersonal, it is huge. But once I met with the nurse and chief resident I knew I was in good hands. The surgeon explained everything in great detail and made my husband and I very comfortable with our decision to wait to get my thyroid removed until after the baby is born.

After my appointment they sent me for another ultrasound to recheck if anything was suspicious and I was sent to Hammers Healthcare Imaging where the radiologist and staff were great! They saw one lymph node suspicious and did another biopsy just to make sure it did not spread.

The reason I am sharing my story is that you MUST be comfortable with the decisions in life you make. I went to Yale with the intentions of calling a family Oncology to get a second opinion after I left there. However, once the staff took care of me as if I was like family I knew I was in good hands. Luckily I caught this when I did and now will deal with what I have to deal with but please if you are dealing with any health issue be sure to only make a decision when you are 100% educated and feel comfortable with the doctors you are dealing with.

This is YOUR life, you need to be happy and I HIGHLY recommend anyone diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer to go to Yale New Haven. They do at least 12 surgeries a week on this. They are educated, experienceed and very personable. This is your life. Everyone told me no matter what the surgeon who will do your surgery will determine the type of future you will have. Luckily not only are these surgeons the best in Connecticut they are suppose to be the best in the Nation!

I have two lil girls and I need to be there for them every step of their lives. I need to live to be 90 and trust the surgeon who will be helping me will help me achieve that goal! Be good to yourself and body!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Next Steps...

I am meeting with one of the highly recommended Thyroid Cancer surgeons in Connecticut at Yale New Haven Hospital tomorrow. The nerves are starting to set in.  I think I am more worried about what he is going to say then when I first found out I had cancer. I spoke with his nurse when I made my appointment and she said we would have options. One major one is having surgery now vs. waiting until the baby is born. 

At this point in my life I know it sounds silly but I do not have time to deal with these kind of things. I am a mom, I want to be there for my little girl and eat ice cream on the couch at night and fulfil my pregnancy cravings. Not worry about having cancer and surgery and the recovering period. I know it sounds crazy but once you are a mom your focus isn't on yourself anymore and now it has to be.

Of course I did what everyone told me NOT to do. I read online and forums about people going through this and it is super scary but also highly curable.

Cancer is cancer. It is crazy to feel good but yet know there is cancer in my body! I have a ton of questions and glad my husband will be with me at this appointment. I am keeping positive and have a great support system already. One thing I need to remember is that: No one ever got anywhere feeling sorry for themselves! Positive attitudes will bring positive outcomes!

Dinosaur Party for My Little Girl

With the chain of events that has been going on I came very close to canceling my daughter's 1st kid birthday party but then thought a Party is the best thing for us now. It was a great distraction and made me feel really good to see my little one happy!

She turns 4 in a couple of weeks and she kept asking for a kid party. I never did one previous to this because I did not think it was necessary. We are blessed to have so many people in our lives that it made it difficult when creating a birthday list because I wanted to keep it to a reasonable amount of people. Turned out we had 38 people come, 19 kids, 19 adults. I decided to only invite family and those kids who invited her to their birthday party this year-yes we attended a lot of kid parties. The turn out was great.

I ended up doing a Pizza Bowl at the AMF Bowling lanes. I rented three lanes, ordered 6 pizzas, brought brownies and cake and had a great time. The price included shoe rentals and the kids got to bowl as much as they wanted for two hours. It was a great offer and there was plenty of food to keep everyone happy.

I ended up ordering a really amazing Dinosaur Cake. People were shocked when they heard it came from Stop & Shop Grocery store. It was fresh and the decorations were so cool!

I ordered dinosaur items online for goody bags and Party City sold dinosaur silly bands. It was a great day and she had a really good time and seeing all the kids super happy made me super happy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Doesn't Kill Us Will Make Us Stronger

I believe in life we all have a story to tell, a situation we faced that made us who we are. Some people have more than others, some people let the bad things or unfortunate situations alter who they are. They say things all happen to make us stronger. I believe at times this is true. But we never really acknowledge our strengthens until months, or even years that the bad event or experience has passed.

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant and learned I have Thyroid Cancer!

Writing it and reading it is scarier than I feel. I mean I do not feel sick and I won't know how bad it is until I meet with a Surgeon but just the word Cancer is scary enough. I have yet to come to terms with it, which I expect since I just found out this week, but I do know everyone I know has had their share of rough times and now it's my turn! So if you are going through a rough time, you are not alone, but remember in the end "What doesn't kill us, truly will make us stronger!"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Life Has Taught Me...

November hasn't been a great month for me. It's funny because something goes wrong and I think I can get through it and then something else happens and I am like ok no problem by the time the next thing goes wrong I can't help to think life is trying to play tricks on me. Nope no tricks. It's just life. Some things Life has taught me:

*Children are a lot of work but so good for our soul!
* Never ever say never.
* Working for family or close friends NEVER works!
* Be good to others always, you never know who will end up helping you at the end.
* Cancer is horrible and will and can affect everyone of all ages. 
* Crying is good! Don't always try to be strong for everyone.
* Have faith in God.
* At your lowest point still try to be grateful. Someone out there is dealing with something harder than you are.
* Live for TODAY stop thinking so ahead you never know what you'll end up having to deal with tomorrow!
* You can never tell someone you love them too much.
* Be true to yourself .
* Pray and have faith to believe that whatever you are dealing with shall pass!

Life can be glorious and sometimes life can really suck. But at the end of the day life is life. We need to take it one day at time. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Get Out and Go VOTE!

As Americans we have the right to vote, although we may not always get the President we chose at least we can say we gave it a try. You can NOT complain if you chose not to VOTE so please take the time today and GO VOTE!