Sunday, August 31, 2014

Being Mom Quote

" I know how to do anything- I'm a Mom." Roseanne Barr

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Life's Adventures

Who do you want on your journey?

Friday, August 29, 2014

1st Grade Huge Change Who Knew and Transition from the BaBa

This was a big week for my two older girls, my oldest started 1st grade, my middle one transitioned off the baba. So far both seem to be doing ok!

1st grade is a huge transition...who knew? I didn't even think twice about it. I mean she was going to the same school and I knew she would have friends in her class so I didn't give it any thought until she came home after the 1st day and insisted she didn't want to go back!

She no longer had a restroom in her class so now my little girl had to get a bathroom pass and walk alone to the bathroom. Sounds so silly but what a huge thing. Ironically she said she felt more comfortable walking in when no me else was there vs. when kids she didn't know where in there. Her words "I looked at them and thought I wonder what they think when they look at me. I thought maybe they thought she seems like a cute sweet little girl, but I still didn't know so I was uncomfortable!"  So needless to say the 1st day she didn't use the rest room at all, second day she used it once, third day twice. Guess she's getting the hang of things. 

In Kindergarten the teacher waits for the parents to arrive to release the kids once the bell rang, in 1st grade you went out with the whole school!  The first day is always a mob scene. Parents hovering around the door waiting for their children. Always the oldest spill out first, later the younger stagger outside. Once the bell rang I moved closer and closer to the door until I peeked in and saw my little one in a line. "Mamma I didn't see you so I waited in line" Of course it was a line the kids created on their own because in 1st grade teachers released kids from their class and they were off to fend on their own. Huge change I know!!

 Day 2 I inch closer to the door to hear this little voice shouting "Mamma Mamma" Shoot I thought, could that be my kid?!? Then I see her dress in a distance and could tell she was all nervous. I run up to her and she's all shook up "I wasn't sure if you were here yet and I got scared". Day three we picked a spot outside that who ever would be picking her up would be waiting at so she could walk right out and up to the spot. Seemed to work. So lesson learned:1st grade is a huge change, they transition from being hand held doing everything to being independent.  Do I agree with it...not really. I mean after all she will always be my little girl but it is nice to see her being independent. 

Say bye to baba. I just kind of  took it away. I mean my kid was drinking her baba more than eating and it came to a point she would have outbursts for it, plus she was falling asleep drinking it and it would leak all over causing a mess and lots of laundry for us  So I stopped it and switched to a sippy. 

1st day she didn't drink it at all! She refused! She ate so much and napped so longer with a full belly. I felt bad but didn't give up. Then after doing some reading I decided to try the sippy cup with a bottle nipple. Ran out to two different stores and bought a bunch. I know you're thinking "defeats purpose" but really her drinking from a sippy will transition her to move to next type of nipple. So I collected all my bottles and put away the liners and she started to slowly adjust. She doesn't drink it as often as before but she will drink it before bed and it comforts her again. Next up I will attempt to potty train her. She's 18 months and grabbed a wipey to wipe her butt...a sign it may be time!

Overall I must say I am a proud mamma and felt its been a big and successful week in my household! And lesson learned...every new adventure is a big adventure no matter what it is!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Best Banana Smoothie

Lately I have been on a smoothie kick. Since bananas ripe so fast I have been freezing them and making smoothies. My girls love it. 

What You Need:

* 2 ripe banana (optional if frozen or not)
* 1 cup milk ( prefer organic whole milk)
* 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
* 2 tablespoon of Chobani vanilla yogurt  
* 4 ice cubes (optional)

If you are using frozen bananas then let them sit out 20 mins. Mix all ingredients and serve with a fun kid straw. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Baby Number Three

"It started off with one and we fell in love so sweet that lead us to number two to make us feel complete. Then to our great surprise we got blessed with number three to throw us for a loop with this unexpected little treat . All together our family is now officially complete with three amazing little girls hanging by our feet." JCF

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Final Day Before I Meet My Third Child

No matter how many pregnancies you have it's always magical when you hear your baby's first cry. I still can remember both my daughters. My first was short as sweet. Three cries and that's it. My second went on and on and then and there I knew she was spunky. The minute they brought her to me and she heard voice she stopped. It's an experience like no other.  

It's hard having a c-section because you depend on so many people to help you after you give birth. I am so grateful and lucky to have both sides of our family near by willing to help. But preparing to be depending on others stinks. I stocked the fridge. Cleaned the house. Picked out outfits for my kids for the next four days. It's like preparing for a vacation when all you want to do is rest. 

Today is about packing my last minute items for hospital, taking care of all bills, making sure I stop by bank to have cash on us. Cameras need to be charged. Laundry needs to be finished. Gratefully my husband is capable of helping. I am trying to squeeze in a big nap and want my kids to have my attention too. 

Tomorrow I will officially be a Mom to 3 daughters. Crazy I know, but also so amazing!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Infused Water

I am on this kick of infusing my water with fruit and herbs. Being pregnant you do not always like the flavor of water.  You try not to drink juice because of the wasted calories and you cannot have a lot of soda, so I started to infuse my water and it's great!

All you have to do is add fruit, veggies and or herbs to your water. Let it seat at least 30 mins, or over night is better, and the water is naturally flavored. I use frozen fruit if I am letting it sit all day and most nights I prepare it the night before. I have done strawberries with cucumbers, mango with blueberries, oranges and cucumbers. My husband likes mint with strawberries and cucumbers. Basically you can do whatever combo you like!

Here's the idea:

Infused Water Bottle

You can purchase these online, I got mine at the grocery store on sale. There are a ton of sites that list the benefits of certain combos.

Sick of plain water than give this a try!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Choose Your Battles!

My soon to be 1 1/2 yr old doesn't like to sleep. She tosses and turns and screams and calls out for me even when I am laying in bed next to her. Being 37 weeks pregnant I want to sleep. I want to wake up feeling as refreshed as possible but being up through the night makes it impossible. Most days I wake up nauseous from lack of rest.

One morning was rough. I was up with my daughter from 1-4:00 am. So when I woke up at 6:00 I felt like I didn't get any sleep. I came downstairs and prepare to start morning. I am in rough shape and moody and crabby and asking god when will I EVER get some sleep! 

Then I found out a friend of my lost her daughter. A sweet little baby girl to cancer. It was heart breaking. A sense of guilt came over me. Here I was so angry that my little one was up all night, cuddling with me and I couldn't sleep and yet a mother was grieving the lose of her child. 

Choose your battles! Choose the things in life worth being angry about. My kids love me, are happy are healthy and want to be by my side. Sleep is overrated. I mean I can function on little sleep. I will get those hrs of sleep back one day. 

Kids grow up, life changes, nothing stays the same forever! Wake up and be grateful.  I know some days are rough, trust me I know, but we are all here for a short period of time. Let's cherish the time we have!