Saturday, April 25, 2015

You Are Where You Are Suppose to Be

There has to come a point in your life when you sit back and say with full confidence that "you are where you are suppose to be" no what ifs no second guesses. You have to truly believe that where you are is where you are meant to be. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Don't second guess it. It's your destiny!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Who Has Inspired You and Have You Thanked Them

We go through life with this idea that we have a purpose. Mostly we think a huge impact will happen and we will then die a legend. What people fail to understand is that the little influences we pass along the way really is what makes up our journey and character. 

After having Thyroid Cancer I really tried to look at life differently I really wanted to spread good. I didn't want to be known in a negative way. I mean I have always tried to treat others the way I wanted to be treated and be good to people but It's not my job to change the way people think of me but it is my job to live a life that I can look back on and smile about. 

I was inspired the other day. A girl from Highschool  I wasn't too close with who always was overweight posted her success with Weight Watchers. Now I have no time for that even though it is extremely successful weight loss solution but with three kids I can't attend a gym forget sessions . Anyway it inspired me to jump start my post pardon weight loss. 

See before stopping my thyroid meds for testing I was eating great and losing weight. Well since December it came to an holt. I needed inspiration and I wasn't getting any. 

After a week using an iPhone app "My Fitness Pal" I am down 4lbs. Now I have a good 25 to go. But her post really inspired me and I hoping after I am down another 10-15 lbs to reach out to her to thank her. 

See if we all took the time and told the person who inspired us "thank you" then we all would continue to be a positive influence on others. 

Her influence wasn't intended to push others to lose weight. Her intentions were to post her own weight loss success. But her success inspired me to do something and for that is much more meaningful in life than those who preach how great they are or what you "should be doing". How about just doing something good and then others will follow. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Letter To Friends Without Kids

We have a lot of friends and love them but most are single or don't have children and I felt this letter was a perfect way to explain to them our perspective. Do you too have tips to share?

Dear Friends Without Children,

I know it's hard for you to understand because I too once didn't have children but please read this letter without being offended but to take into consideration. For the day you will truly understand is the day you become a parent. 

Children are...perfect, hard, demanding and joyous at the same time. They like to eat no later than 5:30. They don't like to be anywhere really that requires them to sit still and be quiet. Getting a Babysitter takes work and planning so when you cancel or change plans our weeks of preparation gets ruined. You can't expect us to be everywhere you want us to be. Our kids take our top priority and it has to be understandable. 

We live a minute to minute basis. Things change all the time  if they are sick or need something we have to be prepared on hand. I know it contradicts that you can't cancel but if we do its not by choice it's by demand. 

Sleep is limited so late night outs are slim since we don't have days to make up for it. But once we have one planned please excuse my limit intake of booze and partying. It's been a while and I can't handle what I used to be able to. 

Kids take your word and hold you to it. Don't say you will see them or bring them something or someplace. They will get scarred with the lie. 

Something simple to us is complex to them. Don't speak in words that when they ask to explain what they mean you will blush. 

Money changes when you have kids. What you used to make gets now spent on diapers and formula and clothes and asking us to take expensive trips or dinner isn't reasonable. Trust me we would love to but it's not in our budget.    

Please continue to invite us places even thought it's annoying that we may not be able to always come. We wish we could but we need to pick and choose what we can do and getting a sitter is tough. 

BTW we do cherish your friendship that's why we care to explain when something doesn't go the way you want it to but you need to also respect our new role and being a parent or being friends with a person who is a parent isn't easy either 


Your hidden old friend inside this parent body!!

Happy Earth Day!

It's Earth Day. A reminder to be good to our planet. You know the east coast and even west coast faced some strange weather this year and I would joke and say "Mother Nature is mad at us" but reality is it is kind of true. We need to be better to our Earth so it is good to us!

When I first moved into my house I saw a bird bath at a store. Because we were trying not to spend to much I didn't buy it but my hubby surprised me and put in back yard. I love cleaning it and watching the bird enjoy it. It's like we are giving back to the Earth. 

So today I dumped the old water and filled it up again. I told my girls today we need to give back to the earth and I even dressed them in flower shirts to help spread some love. What have YOU done to give back?

Here's a fun article "5 Foods to Save the Planet" via @NatGeo

Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Is Here! Tina Frantz Designs & Giveaway

Spring has finally hit the East Coast and all I can think of is flip flops, bbqs and accessories. Yep, the perfect fit to any outfit is the accessories!

Designer Tina Frantz has an amazing line of creative, fun, one of a kind handbags and I was lucky enough to get my hands on one. One lucky reader will be given a chance to add this awesome handbag to their outfit! To check out all her chic, fun bags visit


Handbags always make an outfit complete. In the comments section tell me what's the perfect outfit to pair up with this handbag or where is the perfect outing to wear this handbag to  and you will be entered into a chance to win it!!

Again just answer below in comments section and your name will be entered into the drawing. Winner will be chosen on May 4th.  GOOD LUCK!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

3 Ingredient Dessert

This dessert is so easy and amazing. My whole house smelled amazing while they were cooking!

Banana and Nutella Stuffed Crescent Rolls

-Package of crescent rolls
-1 ripe bananas

Smash a ripe banana in a bowl. Put off to side. Unroll the sheet of crescent rolls. Spread it with Nutella and banana. Roll it. Bake at 350 until golden brown. AMAZING!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy Anniversary to...My Body!

Today's known for April Fools Day, well not to me, its the day I finally got the cancer out of my body. As I think about what I went through these past two years you would think I would feel sorry for myself, well I don't. I feel sorry for my body. See after two csections, a thyroidectomy, RAI Treatment and months of being poked at and medicines changed I have to say to my body I agree, enough is enough, and THANK YOU and Happy Anniversary to you.

You survived 2 years of what some people do not experience in a lifetime. You still get me up at 5:00 am and help me function until long after the kids are in bed. I promise I will be better to you and I am sorry you aren't in the shape or form you were prior to all of this happening but we will get to our healthy, fit point in life again.

Thyroid cancer free for 2 years and grateful everyday, especially for my children. I am healthy today and plan on living along life. So to my body, lets enjoy the rest of this journey together, pain free, disease free, and hopefully back into my single digit clothes real soon!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY BODY...Because without you I couldn't have survived through this all!