Monday, August 31, 2015

Off to 2nd Grade

My baby is off to 2nd Grade!!! I actually really like her class so far. They added another classroom since the 2nd grade class has a large enrollment of kids so the class size looks like a regular size vs the 26 students she had last year. 

She's a smart, bright, little girl and I know she will do great. She was very excited and I was sad but of course didn't show it. I left her a note in her lunch box and she spotted it before school so she decided she would leave me one and said we can do this everyday for one another. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Chips in Fairfield CT

All I can say is 40 different types of know this place is going to be good. My little ones were a little crabby but it was loud enough in there for us not to stand out.

We went for lunch and I got a turkey club but kept sneaking bites of my daughter's M&M pancakes. Even their fries and chicken nuggets were good. The staff was great and patient. I was mortified at the mess we left behind but being with two young ones it's expected for things to drop and numerous things to spill.  It was also nice to see the bill for a family of five be under $50. 

If you're in the area pop in. We arrived just before the lunch rush and were seated right away. 

Ambler Farm in Wilton CT

A friend of mine posted a link about their sunflower field and I had to go. The only place i have ever seen a sunflower field was in the Hamptons.

Before dinner we took the girls and it was so nice. It was clean and peaceful. It really relaxed me. I know some friends who have taken some pictures there and they were beautiful. If you're ever in the area check it out. It's free and it's nice to see open land and the enjoy the beauty of nature. 

We missed the farm stands but this place was so nice and calm and my two youngest absolutely loved it. My youngest was cracking up at the sheep and my middle one kept saying barn and was fascinated with the chickens and roosters.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Back to School Blues

I had such an amazing summer with my girls that I am sad to see it come to an end. Even when days were tough and I longed for a break I always stopped and enjoyed every moment with them. Days with them even when they are tough are better then my days without them. 

We did so much. I feel like a huge success for accomplishing my search to do new things with them. We went to Dinosaur place, Pez Factory, Visited Chatham Mass during our vacation in Cape Cod. Stayed at a new hotel in Mystic during our weekend getaway. Played at new playgrounds and parks. Tested out new splash pads. Went strawberry picking. Had them meet Raggedy Ann. Had them try new restaurants. Had BBQs. Did countless play dates with our amazing clan of mommy friends.  The list can keep going. 
If I could I would do it all over again. 

It was days full of fun while I worked and made sure the house stayed clean for showings. They bring this life out of me. They fill me with energy and fun and make me smile. I don't want it to end. They are like my three best friends and I am blessed to watch them grow everyday. 

Parents I know at times it's rough. I know lack of sleep sucks. But truly take the time to spend with your children. Love them. Play with them. Make them feel special. My oldest is starting 2nd grade- time flies by. You can't get these days back. Make memories, help them grow by trying new things. 

School won't teach them everything. We are their true teachers. 

Thyroid Cancer Is Not Easy

I know there are worse situations in everything you are dealt with. I know people have worse than me. But I hate the assumption that Thyroid Cancer is an easy Cancer. Every six months I have a cancer screening blood test done. And although walking out of the lab I feel like hey it's all good I can handle it, reality is back of my head I think "what if it comes back!"  

I am 35 years old and for the rest of my life I will be haunted with "what if it comes back."

I am excited to say my screening this week came back negative. Thyroid Cancer is not easy but I am estatic to know after two years I am still Cancer Free. Grateful!

Love Yourself Quote

"The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pez Visitor Center in Orange CT

It's the last week of Summer break and I wanted to do something fun and new with my family. My husband took a half day and we met him at our favorite pizza joint in Fairfield, Frank Pepes.

We then surprised them with a visit to the Pez Factory in Orange CT. The two little ones fell asleep so we took turns inside with my oldest. First of all I can't believe this place has been here since the 1970's and we have never been here.

It was $5 per adult and $4 per child. Each admission got a $2 credit toward their store. The factory you can't walk through but glass windows to look in.  They have fun interactive games and it was cool to see and learn the history of Pez. The whole place smelled amazing, was bright and clean and fun. 

My daughter was amazed at this giant dispenser that pretended to pop a Pez out. She said "mommy think the Pez will fall on our heads" while cracking up. Of course nothing came out but was super cool.

A lot of history displayed. 

If you're ever in the area definitely pop in. Worth it! I would go back when the little ones get older. 

It's these little things you can do with your family to build long lasting memories. Glad we took the time to go. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Staying Sane Through Laughter

"It's laughter that helps keep you sane when you're a parent!"

Friday, August 14, 2015

Surround Yourself Around Those Who Lift You Up

I saw this and laughed. It's so true. I was just saying to my sister that I have come to a point in my life that I can't be around those who bring me down, those who want to compete with others and who aren't happy. I need good in my life. I need people who's energy brings out my positive energy. 

Maybe it's time for us all to weed out those who don't make us feel good. Maybe then we can spread good and this world will be a happier place. 

My Baby Girl Turned 1 Today

Not really sure where she came from my blue eyed, silly baby. She laughs when she sneezes and is full of adventure. She's super strong and lacks fear. She holds her ground when it comes to her sisters and there's something about her that calms my soul. It's amazing how she brings me peace.

She wasn't planned. She snuck into my life and has me smiling ever since. I am forever grateful for her goofy personality, her love for food and her twinkle in her eyes. 

I never liked surprised until I got surpised with her. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Gender Equality

We live in a society where we would like to believe that gender equity exists. We all know deep down there is still a long road before that does. 

Being one of three girls and now having three daughters of my own I say there shouldn't be anything to get in any ones way whether you are male or female. I believe if we keep stereotyping what gender should do what then we are just setting limits to what a person can accomplish! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Future New York Yankees Player: Anything is Possible

"Mom one day I am going to play for the New York Yankees!"

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Beautiful Family, A Tragic Loss

Every once in a while you need a refresher on how short and precious life is. A friend of mine recently lost the love of her life. Will Warrick passed away last week,he was a father to two precious little girls. If you ever were to give back now is a perfect time. Read the story and please share.

Summer Vaca 2015

I really need a vacation every couple of months. It's a reminder to chill back and relax and soak up the stuff in life that really matters. My children had a blast. We played Minature Golf, went to a water  park, ate a ton of fresh fish, ate a ton of ice cream, went to the go carts, shopped and soaked up the sun on the beach. We even took a day trip to Chatham.

There's this one spot that is my little get away. Ferries come in, the sunsets are amazing and there's a small playground where the kids play. It relaxes me and brings me peace.

Overall it was a great trip. I look forward to doing it again next year!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Do You Believe In Angels?

We all have souls but do you believe in Angels? Do you believe souls surround us when someone passes away? A couple weeks ago bizzare things were happening in my house. I was alone but threw something away and it popped out of the garbage. Then a can fell. My pencil rolled off the counter. My dog was playing with an imaginary person in my bedroom. 

I was spooked. I said out loud I don't have time for this and whoever you are please leave. I got in my car to pick up my kids and felt a stroke in my hair. I again repeated who ever you are thank you for visiting but please leave. I went inside for my children and came out to my car being on. 

After that they were gone. I don't believe a spirit wanted to hurt me. Maybe they had a message or a pass by. 

For the first five years when my grandmother passed an old lady would ring my door bell on the anniversary of her death. My husband never believed me until he was home one day when it happened. I never allowed him to answer the door. There was never a car outside. 

Is it all a coincidence or mind over matter? Maybe so. Well tonight I scrolled through my pictures and this is what I saw. 

So I zoomed in

Do you believe in angels?