Essex Steam Train in Essex CT Santa Special

Every year we try to do something special on our daughter's birthday. Last year we got tickets to see Fresh Beat Band. This year we took all the kids to Essex Steam Train to meet Santa.

We decided to do the Santa Special since it took place during the day and would be easier for the younger ones.  The carts are all decorated. The whole platform is decorated. Everyone was so nice and it was so much fun!

 First Mrs. Claus came and visited us. 

Then Santa. 

Then Rudolph and the elf handed out bells for all the kids. 

Then Pablo the Pegiun Came around

Then the holiday Mouse came. 

Santa came back and the kids sang Jingle Bells and all rang their bells. All the characters came to each individual group and we were able to take pictures with the kids. There were a lot of people but they made sure to give everyone undivided attention. 

Coach Tickets were $20 a person. Children one and under are free. They had to stay on your lap. It was so worth it and so much fun. It really got me in the spirit for the Holiday Season!

Check it out!

Celebrating Mom

We finally got to celebrate my Mom's birthday this weekend. This fire cracker taught me everything I know and even when I don't always want to admit it she's pretty brilliant at times. She's my best friend and I am grateful for all the strong "women" in my life and look forward to watching our next generation grow to be just as strong and even more successful!

Kids Holiday Programs 25 Days of Christmas Holiday Shows

Let Go and Live In The Present

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Lao Tzu

I just read this great article about why we need to stop overthinking things and live happily in our current moment. We all hold on to somewhat of our past that then effects our future but most of the time it brings out the bad in us vs the good.  Great article I found on the that says. 

Take a deep breath, and let go.

What are you still holding onto? What hurts can you not forgive?  and can you forgive yourself? It’s time that you give yourself the keys to your own freedom.


What is, what was and what is still to come.


For the hurts you have caused and hurts you have endured.


For everything and anything in your life that has value.


To humble yourself is to know that you are not above or beneath anyone else. Go easy on yourself, its o.k to not be perfect.


In time you will see, that you were exactly where you were supposed to be.

We dream of the future, to distract ourselves from the present, in order to forget the past. Heal the past, live in the present and don’t rush to the future. Life is a journey and it will all be over before you know it.

Read full article here:

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving readers! Wishing you a great day. Give thanks to all the loved ones in your life. I hope you all seat around the table and be grateful you have people to share your meal with. I hope you are grateful for your full bellies and full hearts. 

It's this day that we are reminded how thankful we should be but really everyday we should reflect on how lucky we all are.

There's always something to be thankful for. 

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!! 

Minion Party

My daughter asked for a Minion theme for her birthday party. You would think would be easy to find decorations. Some places had none and others had minimum to pick from so I used what I could find and pulled off a Minion party for her. 


I bought this at Stop and Shop to use as the icing. 

Party City had tooth picks with minion faces to put in them. I bought yellow and minion cupcake liners from Party City. The yellow ones worked better. 


I ordered the cake from Carvel. They didn't have the design but said if I brought in a picture they could scan in on the cake. It was a hit. 

Party City had minion candle to add to the cake 


There was one style in the small ballons at Party City and hats. 
I used yellow table clothes for the dessert table and found minion favor bags for the party favors. 

I May Not Be Perfect But..

I may not be perfect. My house may not be as organized as I like. I may not always have raving fans or show my best side all the time but I got one thing right so far and that's being as good as a mom I can be to these three: Happy. Smart. Healthy. Fun. Loving. Loved by many three little girls. That alone is worth every second and effort I make!

Take Some Time This Week

This time of year is always a lot of work for me. It's my daughters birthday week so I have her family party and kid party to focus on. We usually take out our holiday decorations  and do our holiday cards. 

This year I am taking a little time out and focusing on enjoying this week. It's not easy to do. After Thanksgiving comes the rush of holiday shopping and holiday parties that are so much fun but have jammed up my weekends for the next month. 

Outfits for the kids and me and sitters and trying to get some down time in between it all adds up quickly. It's not easy. 

But we do have control over how our week will turn out- most of the time. 

Block out sometime this week and really focus on what and who is important in your life. Try to enjoy the moment before the holiday rush sucks us in. 

Take a little time to breath and meditate. It's amazing how it helps release stress. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fall Treats To Do With Your Kids

Perfect for Thanksgiving. So easy and cute!
Source: Instragram Foodydiy

I love doing arts and crafts with my girls. This is easy and super cute. Perfect for Fall.

Source: Instragram Mommy_scape

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Veterans Day

A day to honor those who sacrifice for us. Happy Veteran's Day to all those who serve and served. 

Today in school my daughter was asked to make a star and they will line the hall ways with them honoring those who have fought for us. It's a great way to show respect to all those who sacrificed for our freedom. 

Our Energy Heals

She saved my life. While pregnant with her I discovered I had thyroid cancer. I failed a pregnancy glucose test that lead me to see a specialist that felt lumps in my throat. I would have never known with out taking that pregnancy screening test. My margins where 5 millimeters clean before it would have spread. She's my guardian angel. 

I started feeling energy or I should say connecting with my energy after my treatment. It was if I was finding my purpose in life, that there had to be deeper meaning for me to not die. 

I started doing healings while they slept. I would feel their energy through my body. I am not a "healer". I just feel energy. I am not trained nor do I practice regularly. When I am calm and at peace I can do them. 

It's like when someone is sick in the hospital they say visit feeling positive. That our good energy can heal them. Til this day when I grab her hand I feel her energy travel through my body. I feel it a lot with people I am strongly connected too. Not always just through their hands but if I touch them I can feel it through my hands. It's like a shock of life coming through. Like when you drink a cold glass of water you feel it traveling through your veins. 

Funny thing is she's my most difficult child and I am stearn with her. But she favors me and her energy heals me. When I am sad or stressed she reacts. When I touch her my body relaxes from her energy. It's amazing what power we all have when we believe. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Not Everyone Likes Chocolate Cake and That's Ok

My daughter came home from school and said her friends don't like how she draws her dogs. I asked if she liked her dog and she said yes. So I asked "do you think everyone likes chocolate cake?" No she replied. I said "so should we stop making chocolate cake because not everyone likes it?"  See this is just an example of how not everyone in life will like or agree with things you do but if you do then ignore the others. 

To add a little fun I remembered a story when I was a kid on how to draw a dog. So I found it and told my daughter. I said you don't have to change the way you're drawing but this is a fun new way if you want to try it. She seemed to enjoy it and now has a story to teach her friends.
  • Cute Little Story On How To Draw a Dog

Caterer in Connecticut: Taste By Karla Sorrentino

Looking for a Caterer in Connecticut? Taste By Karla Sorrentino is amazing. I have had the pleasure of knowing Karla for a very long time and her food is amazing! She uses fresh, organic ingredients and every bite is full of flavor. Not only is she beautiful with a great soul, her passion really shines through in her food.

I even have the pleasure of helping her cater some events so if you hire her you may get to see my pretty face.

A really good Caterer is hard to come by. Here's a little history and be sure to check out her site

Karla’s great love of food and travel leads her on frequent gastronomic adventures where she studies
the relationship between food and culture, feeding her mind and her soul. Although she has been awed and inspired by several countries, her special affinity for the likes of Italy, France, Spain, and Greece is perhaps most often reflected in her cooking.
A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY (1998 & 2000), Karla has been cooking in professional kitchens since the age of 16. Throughout her restaurant career, she has worked under some of the country's most highly recognized chefs. A background in upscale catering and working in private homes rounds out her culinary experience. Since 2008, Karla has been freelancing for various clients predominantly in Fairfield County, CT and the greater NY metropolitan area.
Taste's services include:
catering for all occasions, parties and holidays
(full, partial, or no service)
smaller, private meals prepared in your home
personal chef service and cooking lessons (individual or group) available upon request

Moffly Media Best of New Canaan, Darien & Rowayton 2013 Reader's Pick


What's Your Super Power?

I am not going to lie, some days are tough. My bones hurt and I am just not myself. And then other days I have this burst of energy and need little sleep to function. 

Days I forget my vitamins are tougher days. Once I take them I feel better. I wake up in the middle of the night to take my Thyroid pills so I don't forget them in the morning. 

We all have a battle in life to deal with. What's yours? 

Don't Forget the Beach In The Fall CT

Years ago my best friend moved to Colorado. I went to visit and fell in love with it. The only view missing was the ocean. We are so lucky to have so many awesome beaches near us in Connecticut.

Try not to forget the beaches in the Fall. The view and sound of the sea really is good for the mind and soul. 

Norwalk Harbor

Sasco Beach Fairfield