100th Day Of School Project: Spaghetti & Meatballs

This week is the 100th day of school. My daughter had a project due that had to include 100 of something. You could have done a drawing or a 3D project. 

We brainstormed for a little while and I suggested a slice of pizza. She said no how about pasta and meatballs. This is so appropriate because she is a huge pasta lover. I really love how it came out. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sometimes The Simplest Nights Are The Best Nights

Nights like these are slim but I do love them. When everyone is sleeping and I am laying in bed reading a good book. When was the last time you did this for yourself?

Crockpot Ribs- Fall Off The Bone Amazing Ribs

I found this recipe posted by Tasty on Facebook and these ribs are amazing and so easy. They fall right off the bone.

I actually had ribs already cut up separately frozen and used them. Was so good but next time will try a full rack. 

I love a good BBQ but these take ribs to another level. It's a must try!

Photographer in CT Lauren B Photography

Looking for a photographer for maternity pictures,engagement pictures, holiday cards, family occasions or just because? Well check out Lauren B Photography http://www.laurenbphotography.com/

Lauren is amazing. Her bubbly, fun personality captures amazing moments that will last you a lifetime. She's not only talented but amazing to work with! 

She has a heart of gold and is sure to make your photographs melt everyone's hearts. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Requests Needed

Hi Readers

I love the fact you stop by to read my blog and I want your input. Have any 
places you want me to write about or tips you want me to share? Then send me an email at mommyct2009@yahoo.com

I would love to hear from you!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mommy Humor

Source: Facebook Mommymoments 

This is hysterical and so true. I always wake up sweet and ready to conquer the day. 12 hours later I have had enough! 

The best thing is we all go through this. The horror of events that take place through the day and then when they are all alseep you want to love and kiss them up. It's a constant battle of keeping sane while falling in love with them over and over again. 

Kidville: Playspace for Children in Westport CT

Need a fun place to take your baby, toddler or child? Check out Kidville in Westport CT. I have been taking my girls here once to twice a week for a year and it is amazing. The staff is so friendly and the place is always clean! They are like family now. They have a ton of different classes and activities for children ages newborn to 6 years old. Ballet, art classes, music classes, gym classes, open space play, you name it they have it!

Contact Tanya to come in to try a free class 203-955 1580  kidville.com/westport

I started off using a groupon that allowed me to try three classes with each kid and then open gym space playtime. My daughters are super close in age but when it came to picking classes we went to a couple some where too old some were too young so I stuck with the open Playspace and my kids absolutely adore it.

In the morning after I drop my daughter off to school they ask me "we go jumpy". I love their expressions when I reply "yes today we can go jumpy."

The minute I pull into the driveway they start chanting "we are here, we are here." They practically run inside. Take off their shoes and run in to play for 45 mins. 

The best thing is the gym is always set up differently every time so the kids AND parents don't get bored of going there. It's really my girls happy place. 

I recently purchased their open space passes 30 for $210! Can't beat it. We usually attend their early morning one. Play and then stop up the street for coffee and donuts. It's an awesome bonding time for me and the little ones. 

Sometimes they put up baby swings. 

Their trampoline is awesome. 

They have big and mini bars.

They even have big and mini basketball hoops

They have a balance beam 

At the end they do bubbles. 

Great open space. Safe. Bright. And ALWAYS clean!!!

Open Playspace is just one of the many activities and classes your kids can enjoy! 

Rockin' Railroad is so much fun too!

I am their biggest fan. Be sure to tell Tanya and Gloria I sent you! Contact Tanya to come in to try a free class 203-955-1580

I am not suprised they were voted Best Kids Fitness & Best Place For Kid parties. This place is so much fun and has it all!

Potty Train Tip: Try When They Are Ready

As parents we need to realize one thing about Potty Training- it will ONLY work when your kid is ready not when you are ready.

My daughter has shown interest in the potty for over a year. She will be three in March. After trying for months on and off I gave up. Why? Because she was NOT truly ready. 

We tend to push when it fits in our schedule or we have a good week to spare but reality is you can NOT push a child to potty train. Trust me I have. Now I rather pay someone to deal with this but I have to buckle down and have extra patience. Yeah for months she would run and hop on her Mickey potty. Waste un used toilet paper and flush just to hear the song it played but once the diapers went away she wanted no part of it so I gave up. 

Then she started telling me when her "belly hurt" and 1 1/2 months before she turns three she's finally doing it! Not 100% but she knows enough to feel the urge and we have been making it to the potty in time and by Potty I mean the big one we all use. Not the one she has used for a year. Flushing to hear the music. 

Don't rush your child! I know it's frustrating but make sure to enforce it when THEY are ready! 

Wishing you luck and me too cause this is just the beginning of this journey. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Magnetic Energy- We All Have It

We are drawn to situations  and people and places that make us feel good and sometimes not so good. Like magnets. It draws us in. Makes us feel connected and gives us energy. Think about the people you CHOOSE to be around. Not your coworkers or family members- because you can't choose them but think about your relationships and peers. We tend to draw towards those you make us feel alive and well. Some draw to those who aren't the best influence but give us an energy we are missing.

I read this cool article that shows how our magnetic forces works with and against us. 

Article: Magnetism How Human Energy Affects Things and People 

Marriage Changes After Having Kids

I really wish there was a Marriage course you could take when you're about to have a child. Most churches have them that you have to take before you actually get married but no where does anyone say that your marriage will change after having children and here's how to deal with it.

When you get married you unite as one. You fight over silly things but quickly make up with flowers or a date night. You sleep in on weekends and make plans to travel.  Well when you have kids that all kindof gets thrown out the window. Date nights become slim. Trying to hold a conversation without getting interrupted every second is almost impossible and you start to snap at one another due to lack of sleep and frustrations with one another. 

You keep thinking you can have the married life you had before you had kids and I am sorry but it is almost impossible at least for when the children are younger. It's like that movie "This is 40."

Now there isn't ALL bad that happens. 

You and your spouse have created another life together. You get to watch this Miracle grow and create amazing memories together.  But the love you two have for one another changes. You start to love eachother for how well of a parent you are. You start to feel compassion for stressful situations that can bring you together or tear you apart. 

My husband once said on a date night "why is it we get along so well when the kids aren't around?!" Well because we aren't multi tasking or hoping the other hears the baby cry first so you don't have to get out of bed or that you expect one another to read each others minds. Hence one of my flaws. 

Marriage changes a lot after you have kids. Who ever says it doesn't please tell me your trick.  You need to go into it knowing it changes or else you will find yourself running from it. Truth be told kids do not bring you closer. Communication brings you closer. If you don't have that well then you're just holding on to the love you had before kids or staying together for the kids which actually causes more damage in the long run. Marriage is a constant work in progress and when you have kids it's a constant battle of keeping that love and spark alive. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Parent's Other Full Time Job

"Trying to keep my kids happy and healthy has turned into a full time job...you know not the kindof job where you get paid or rewarded with money but the other type of full time job...where making it through the day or hour or minute without an injury or tantrum brings you a sense of accomplishment ! The Parent's job where when your kids are healthy and happy you feel like a huge success!"

11 Years Ago Today...

11 years ago today my grandmother passed. It was pretty dramatic for me. I worked in the hospital at the time so I was able to run upstairs and see her before she literally passed away.

She had breast cancer for years. Her oncologist was an amazing doctor but couldn't do more than keep her comfortable. So last time I saw her she was on morphine and if you don't believe in life after death then watch someone pass away. It's pretty intense and spiritual. I truly believe in an after life after that experience. 

I always admired my grandmother but she held on to not passing until I closed on my house. I know sounds silly but I thanked her for not passing on my closing day. The next day is when she died. 

Every year since strange events took place on the day she died. For years an old lady would come to my door and ring my door bell during the day. I never answered it. So today I go to take a picture of my kids and see a shadow in the background. Then one of their balloons kept hitting me in the head and the stopped and lastly I cut my orange and found the shape of a heart. 

Thanks Nonna for stopping by!

Mommy Hair Humor

I am not going to lie I never understood how people left the house looking like they did until I became a Mom of Three. Sometimes I walk out wondering if I brushed my hair or even looked in the mirror. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Apricot Chicken Nuggets

I make chicken at least twice a week and I wanted to switch things up a bit so I found this recipe and it reminds me of a dish a friend always makes so I decided to try it. Last couple times were a hit. Check it out...

1 lb of organic chicken breast
2 cups of Italian flavored bread crumbs
2 cups flour
1 egg
Vegetable oil
1 jar of apricot preserve
1cup of water 

Clean and cut chicken into bite size nugget pieces. Dip into flour, then egg wash (egg mixed with water) dip in bread crumbs and then set aside. In a dip frying pan fill up with vegetable oil. Heat until it sizzles. Add chicken. Turn once bottom has a crunchy dark coat on it. Once finished put chicken on a dish with paper towel to drain any extra oil. 

In a seperate frying pan add apricot preserves and a cup of water. Boil on low until completely mixed. 

Add chicken to a baking dish and top with apricot preserves. Bake at 350 for 30 mins. 

This is a great main dish or appetizer. 

Super Bowl Easy Appetizers

Super Bowl is Sunday February 7th. Below are some easy,yummy apps to make any party a hit. After all eating and watching football do go hand and hand.

*Mexican Dip:

-1 can of refried beans
-1 block of cream cheese
-1 package of  shredded Cheddar cheese or Mexican cheese 

Get a Pyrex. Spread bottom with cream cheese. Spread next layer with refried beans. Top with shredded cheese. Put in microwave for two minutes. Add additional time until cheese is completely melted. Serve with Nacho chips or your favorite chip. 

*Apricot Kabosi:

1package of turkey kabosi
2 tablespoons of apricot preserves
2 tablespoons of deli mustard

Bake kabosi until golden. Now I like to Slice it thin before baking. I feel it gets really crunchy.  In a bowl mix apricot and deli mustard. Once kabosi is cooked pour mixture on top and bake for another 15 mins. So yummy and easy. 

*Pigs in a Blanket:

1 package of hot dogs
1 package of store brand crescent rolls

Every birthday and holiday I make shapes   Of this app with my kids. Ex: for their birthdays we make what number they turned. For Christmas we make a
Candy cane or Christmas tree etc... The trick here is to use store brand crescent rolls. The reason is it's more buttery. Not sure why but works and tastes better. I also like using full size hot dogs and cutting them in half to roll. 

*Goat Cheese Spread

1 package of pesto
1 jar of roasted peppers 
1 stick of cream cheese
1 block of goat cheese
1 bag of sliced mini bagels 

These app costs about $20 to make but it's really good and you can actually make two of these with the ingredients. First get a piece of plastic wrap and coat the inside of any tubberwear. This will mold the shape of how this spread will look. Mix in a seperate bowl cream cheese with goat cheese. Cut roasted peppers into bite size. I always add a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to the store bought pesto. 

Now start your layering. Start with cream cheese and goat cheese mix. Then add pesto. Then cream cheese and goat cheese mix. Then peppers. Then end with goal cheese and cream cheese spread. Cover and refrigerate over night. 

Open tubberwear and flip onto serving dish. Peel off plastic wrap. Serve with toasted mini bagel slices. Awesome!

Snow Blizzard 2016 Jonas

I woke up and looked outside and didn't see much snow. I thought wow maybe the snow will pass-NOPE! There is so much snow out there that I thought this comic was appropriate.

I even went outside and shoveled and took the older ones out to play while the baby napped. 

There's something magical when it snows! Like the child in all of us comes out!

How did you survive Jonas?

How to Make Playdough

Last night I said to my daughter what's a fun craft we can make tomorrow when we are snowed in and she suggested playdough. After playing around with a recipe here's how we made it. Was super easy and really great texture too. 

2-Cups of warm water
6- Cups of flour
1-Cup of Salt
2- tablespoon of vegetable oil 
Food coloring of your choice 

Put warm water in a bowl. Add food coloring. Mix. Add in flour. Mix. Add in salt. Mix. Add in oil. Knead until you get texture you like. 

Store in a zip lock bag. 

Our snowmen