Thursday, July 27, 2017

Crayola Experience...Amazing...Where Crayons Come To Life

I wanted to stop someplace on the way to our Hotel in Pennsylvania to give the kids a break from the car ride. After some research I found this amazing place. The Crayola Experience is a four floor hand on activity center. It brings crayons to another level. They have over 28 hand on activities. We spent a couple hours here and could of spent all day. When you get there they give you tokens. You use them to make custom wrappers for your crayons. They have marker dispensers. One floor had melt crayons where you can paint. Another location you color in a picture and scan your picture. The picture comes to life and scans you in with the image. 

Any picture you take or make you can turn into a shirt or puzzle or color in. It's truly amazing. Being a mom that loves doing crafts this was the perfect spot. It's clean and bright. There is no possible way to get bored. We didn't even do a quarter of what they have to offer. I would totally go back. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Can You Tell Me How To Get To...Sesame Place...Rocks!

Ok ok so I received some mixed feedback on this place and what gave me that push to go was a great price special due to their 37 year anniversary AND growing up I always associated Hershey with Sesame Place because that's where we went on a family vacation before. Now don't get me wrong, they are NOT close to one another! But Sesame Place is on the way home to CT from Hershey. This place rocks!  

I was a little nervous that my oldest would be bored and at first she wanted to go on the bigger water rides and gave me trouble by after 30 mins she was having a blast like the rest of us. This place is a great size, super kid friendly rides, even some great ones for the older kids. It was clean and not too crowded. Granted we did go on a Tuesday. The weather wasn't bad and when it did rain a little we ate dinner and shopped. They have a little wave pool, awesome lazy river, some really cool splash pads. I am so so glad we went.  We stayed 6 hours and did most of the stuff. We saw the parade twice. My girls were beaming with joy!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Chucky Cheese...Check Off Kids Bucket List

We FINALLY took the kids to Chucky Cheese. They have been asking for a while now. It wasn't that I didn't want to go. It was that in CT we didn't have one close to us and it all received negative feedback from friends. So when we planned our vacation in Hershey I looked it up. They had a ton in our area. Well my husband said "did you read the reviews. They are horrible". Great here  we go again! But it was from a year ago and honestly it was almost a now or never situation. So when every one napped my oldest and I took a ride to check it out and it was perfect. When the little ones woke up we said we had a surprise for them and to get ready. When we pull up their expression was priceless. 

"Chucky Cheese..CHUCKY cheese...YAY CHUCKY CHEESE!!!!"  Yeah It def was amazing the excitement in their eyes and for one hour of fun for $20 for three kids sure was a great deal!

I Scream You Scream We All Scream For...

I have been really good. I lost 6 lbs and was determined to not gain any weight on our family vacation. And then there's Friendlys. Literally right outside our hotel window! 

 I walked 20,000 steps the day before at Hershey Park so this was pretty well deserved!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Secret To Happiness...

Your thoughts become your reality. Put your energy and thoughts into the things that you love. 

Image: Instagram The Secret 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Parents & Sports Sometimes Don't Mix

Tonight at one of my daughter's baseball games a mother from another team on our league was making some comments on how the kids were playing.  I was beyond pissed. Her husband kept telling her to stop and I knew he finally said the coach's wife is right there because she stopped and looked at me. The opposite teams coach had to tell his side to stop with their comments too. Our team was making some errors,we ended up wining which isn't the point. The point is these are kids  young kids  they have good playing days and bad playing days. There's a ton of pressure on them. Playing infront of big crowds, on super hot days. Sometimes they play amazing, sometimes they can't seem to hit the ball. Regardless these are kids. They aren't getting paid, they are sensitive , one rude comment can truly affect them. Also what example are you setting for your own kids who hear you and your comments. I saw this sign the other day and it really should be put up in every field. It sums up the reality. And for those who can't keep quiet then don't come to these games. 


Source: Instagram. JustJanney

Life's Lesson: It's Not About You!

Life's lesson: how someone treats you isn't a reflection of you. It's a sad reflection of themselves.  You can't try to heal or change a person who doesn't see an issue in their actions and things they say and do. You have to just pray they heal or change so they can be a better person for themselves. See it's not about you, even though they may say or do something to hurt you. It's something in them that they don't like that causes them to react that way! 

Scooper Sunday: Great Event For A Great Cause

Great event for a great cause! 

The Jordan Porco Foundation charity will have their very first Scooper Sunday event at Dunkin' Donuts Park on July 30, 2017, benefiting their suicide prevention programs for young adults. When you give back to their lifesaving cause, you get all-you-can-eat ice cream, baseball, and more.Please consider joining in supporting a local Connecticut event and creating a message of hope for young adults.

Visit their website for more information about this special event,

*Content and image provided by Jordan Porco Foundation

Saint Ann's Italian Festival July 2017

Now you can enjoy Italian frite, Italian ice and more yummy treats two weekends in a row!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

What's Your Favorite Sundea?

This sundea reminds me of my childhood. It's almost like a peanut butter and jelly treat with an extra kick or two. Black raspberry ice cream with hot fudge, peanut butter, marshmallow and whip cream. I was good this weekend and omitted the last two toppings. It's absolutely delicious. 

What's your favorite sundea?

12 Donuts for Less than $1: Krispy Kreme Celebrates 80 years

A dozen donuts for 80 cents...that's some way to celebrate!

Learn More and view more images here: Krispy Kreme Celebrates 80 Years With Dozen Donuts For 80 Cents Deal « CBS San Francisco


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Everyone Needs A Time Out: Dinner at The Whelk In Westport

Schools out for summer means a lot of different things; staying up past bedtime, laundry full of wet towels and bathing suits, having three kids home is a beautiful yet hard thing to balance  I am a sucker for routine  I don't function well when my routine is off.  I do not live day by day. I enjoy mornings with kids working my afternoons, making dinner and hanging after. I enjoy a routine. Yeah things change once in a while but for most part I had a system and it worked. 

Well it's turned into more than that, cutting my hours to accommodate kids schedule, sneaking out midday to do pickup at camp, making kids dinner at 3:30 so my oldest can travel around Connecticut to play herAll Stars games. Yeah a little overwhelming.  I finally said to my husband I am making little mistakes at work and it's really getting to me! "what do you think is causing it?" He asked  Well it all started since summer began routine is off!

Be ready at 7:30 he said. So I listened. He snuck me out and took me to the Whelk in Westport. Now I have been here for happy hours and was always delicious but this time we sat on the deck in our own little spot and it was magically. I could have just eaten bread and butter and been happy. I ended up ordering their seafood stew which was so comforting and delicious. My husband ordered their steak tartare and burger. Delicious. It gave me a timeout and a second to reflect on the importance of summer. Our time with the girls. Trying to beat the school. Time hustle and bustle. Not setting the alarm in the morning. Just embracing the warm summer nights. This night really helped me a lot!  

Changes In Connecticut Are Hurting Our State

Living in the richest state would make one think opportunities are highly available. Yet families, and companies struggle in this state. It's no longer one income families getting by. It's two working parents just getting by. There's a lot of beauty living where we are but also a lot of hustle and changes that our hurting us every single day! Read this article this morning and it makes sense. School budgets are being cut. Big companies are leaving. Connecticut is not what it used to be.

What on Earth Is Wrong with Connecticut?

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Nina & The Pinta At Captain's Cove

Now until tomorrow July 4th you get to take a tour of the replica of the Nina and Pinta Columbus Ships. We wanted a family day with my parents and sisters and families and I loved Captain's Cove in Bridgeport last time I went with my husband so we all planned a day. Was super fun especially nice to see this fun tour. The crew members sign on for three weeks at a time. They get paid with food and shelter. One crew member said she does it every year and signs up for months. Some teachers volunteer over school break. Some retired people help out. It's an amazing experience to stop in different cities and check out a little piece of history.