Thursday, August 31, 2017

Mothered Out...Is It Friday Yet?

This is so me. Is it Friday yet? Friday nights are my nights, why?! Because I do the mothering every day of the week and need a "me" night. Doesn't mean always going out, sometimes it's just coffee alone or with friends. Sometimes it's chick flicks on my sister's couch. Sometimes it's running errands alone. Regardless, we all deserve, earn, need, ME time. Do you grant yourself yours?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Waterfront Love Concert In Norwalk To Support Hurricane Victims

Save The Date: "Over 35,000 people have been displaced from their homes in Houston. You CAN help! Come out to the Waterfront Love Concert on Wednesday, September 6th featuring Tim Currie's Motown Review Band and make a donation to support the victims of the hurricane in Houston"

Monday, August 28, 2017

Feel Good Song: Praying by Kesha

This song is powerful, brilliant, goosebumps amazing! As a mom
to three girls and having two sisters myself a powerful message and support for all girls and women...

Pray For Texas

It's Monday and well besides my Mom, not really sure who else loves Mondays and is eager to jump out of bed to start the day. I felt guilty this morning waking up in a warm bed in a dry house and seeing images of people in Texas literally getting around their neighborhood in a boat, while hating it's Monday.  Just awful and when it comes to Mother Nature you just can't predict how bad it will be  I have spoken to people in Texas before the storm hit and one lady told me her friends in the bad areas refused to leave, nowadays you can't help but wonder: how they are, how they should of listened and left and how now emergency personnel are risking their lives to help others. But again, could you get up and leave all your belongings, just an awful decision to make. 

Thinking of you all in Texas and hope you are all safe!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Hey Stamford Food Festival 2017

What an awesome event! The park is huge and you don't feel like it's crowded. The food truck line up was insanely delicious from the Fat Elvis donut from the awesome Donut Crazy to an awesome combo of arugal/vodka sauce topped with prosciutto pizza from Dough Girls, and the best taco
I ever had from Hapa Food Truck. Drewba Q cup of goodness- pulled chicken, cornbread, mac and cheese topped with cole slaw was amazing and Pito Sofrito fries topped with sauces cheese and pulled pork was an unforgettable combo. Even the Peach Beer added a nice touch with the delicious eats. We had an awesome day- sisters day out and can't wait to do it again next year!

Dough Girls Food Truck

Huge shout out to dough girls. I won tickets to the Hey Stamford Food Festival from them and had to stop by to say hi  super sweet gals and amazing pizza! They actually have an awesome oven on the truck- talk about super fresh. We ordered their arugula, vodka sauce pizza- amazing! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Happy Clean Scans For Me...

Every 6 months I go to Hammers Imaging in New Haven for neck ultrasounds. It's kind of frustrating driving 45 mins to get there and back for a 15 minute scan BUT Hammers Imaging in New Haven is probably the best ultrasound place I have ever been to and well when it comes to your health it is worth the drive, so after a clean scan I decide to treat myself and pick up what may be the best reward ever Maple Bacon Donut from Donut Crazy! Cheers to my almost 5 year Mark!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Saying Goodby After 16 Years...Rest In Peace Sweet Pup

She really was the coolest dog I have ever met,  she was friendly and spunky and super sweet. She would cuddle on me whenever I would lay on the couch, she slept near my chair as I worked. She was special. She was born on 9-11-01 and would shake at any firework, or loud noise. She was truly an awesome dog and today we had to say goodbye to her. She went quick and we knew it would happen. She kissed us and as she was leaving us a nurse in the hall way said to another owner "Sammy is here" that was the name of our other dog who passed last December, at that moment I knew our Sammy was there by her side too.  

Monday, August 21, 2017

Playland 2017...Family Tradition

Last year I took my little ones to Playland with my parents and I could not believe how nice & clean it was, so we did it again this year with everyone and are planning to add this to our "Summer Family Traditions". Here's the best part about this place: you pay to get in and then rides are unlimited. It's the most cost effective, fun way to do any carnival, festival with your kids. If not you have to have them pick a couple rides. Go back buy more riding tickets etc... and every time we go we find awesome coupons. Admission for adults is $30 for non residents. $20 for juniors and kids 2 and under ride for free as long as with an adult. Also they can only go on certain rides.  Below are $5 off adult and junior tickets. We were able to use an adult and junior together.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Solar Eclipse Do It Yourself Goggles

Tomorrow's  solar eclipse is estimated to be around 2:44 pm eastern time in New York. I saw this link on how to make your own goggles and tested them out this morning with the kids. It is really easy to make and quiet clever. We took them outside to test out and it's like a projector inside the box.

Learn How To Make Your Own Here:

Happy Sunday... From Darien Diner

Start your morning right with a Happy Face Pancake from Darien Diner. It's perfect because the kids get some fruit and bacon with it too. Delicious fun! I highly recommend their milk shakes too!

Tax Free Week Starts Today in Connecticut 2017

School starts next week...although it's been an awesome summer all good things lowly come to an end. Enjoy some shopping this week sales tax free!

Tax-Free Shopping In Connecticut 2017: Sales Tax Holiday Begins Sunday

Friday, August 18, 2017

Pizza with Penguins Event in Mystic CT

Have you ever heard of doing something as cute as this? Now you can enjoy dinner with the penguins at the Mystic Aquarium. Learn More Here.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Don't Ever Change...Spread The Love

If there are two lessons in life I can have my children learn is to never ever change who you are because of someone else and always treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you!

Love- it's powerful. Happiness-is amazing. You know I don't have the perfect situation of people constantly around me that make me feel good. It's just how my cards fell.  BUT I do continue to treat them like I would treat those who DO make me feel good. Because in the end if you're happy with yourself and love yourself , truly love yourself , then no one else has the power to take that away!

What Makes Your Soul Happy?

I do a lot with my kids. A lot! I also work everyday so any mornings I have open or nights free we are doing stuff. I love it. Not always things that cost money but just walking the beach or hanging at Merwin Meadows or using our membership to stepping stones.  It's funny how sometimes people say not nice comments about it. Like oh you're doing stuff again...The weird thing is it's no harm to them. So not sure why people would think it's an issue. I mean I work. I am
Raising three kids.  My business has been growing and I am forever grateful for it. My kids are pretty smart. They are good kids too. Yeah they can act up but overall respectful. Intelligent. Well rounded and I just realized they are pretty adventurous.  My adventures may not work for everybody but I am loving it and it's been good for my soul.

So we planned back in June to do a night away in mystic. It was perfect timing because the Mystic Arts Festival was taking place. The energy in the crowd was amazing. The artists and crafts and scenery was so good for the soul. I put my hands up in the air at one point and could feel the positive energy around me. Through my body. Just awesome. So my daughter kept asking if we could take out a boat. Boat? We were hanging on the Mystic River, enjoying the festival. Then she saw a
Kayak. Let's take that out she said. Um no thanks. See I LOVE everything about the ocean except for being in it and what's in it. After an hour we finally said fine go. And my 8 year old and 3 year old kayaked the Mystic River with my husband. 

What? I know. Amazing!

So the next day was my daughters birthday and we woke up. Had breakfast. Swam at hotel. Grabbed friendlys and took the kids to the Mystic Seaport. Talk about amazing! I have been years ago but for some reason was in awe. Clean. So much interesting facts around us. The kids were loving it. The kids were finishing making a little boat with their dad so I went for a
Walk with my middle one. I found a barn with rentals. I was going to surprise them with a boat ride but next trip was 90 mins away. So instead they said we could take a row boat. Hmmm me, water, row of course I ask everyone and they are pumped so I take one for the team and we go. Of course I don't do the rowing but my husband does and my oldest is the captain. After 30 minutes I had enough and we head back to the docks. 

Our row boat 

Now on the car ride I am laughing. Our night away to mystic turned into
a super adventurous experience and my kids,well, they made it that way. I couldn't put into
words how proud I am of them to have this desire for adventure. Even certain adventures I myself
don't care to have, really shocked me. So for those who think I do too much- well you can shove it. These kids amaze me and I take full responsibility for helping them be amazing. 

Fives Everywhere

I have been seeing $5 everywhere. Found $5 in my laundry. Found $5 on my dresser. Found $5 near my coffee pot. Found $5 in my wallet deep under other bills. . I mean I don't want to complain trust me. It's not a bad thing but super strange. I mean I am a family of 5. I come from a family of 5. I never really gave the number 5 any importance until now. So you know me. I do some of Research. I googled it and it said this.

"Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself. Alternatively, dreaming about money refers to your attitudes about love and matters of the heart. It is a common symbol for sexuality and power. In particular, finding money indicates your quest for love or for power."

Have you been finding any money lately?

Hub & Spoke In Blackrock Owners of the old Brewhouse

When the Brewhouse closed in Norwalk there wasn't  anyone more dissapointed than my father. He was a HUGE fan of their brunch and well we have been looking for a place to make it up to him ever since. Well the search is over...Hub & Spoke in Blackrock is owned by the old Brewhouse owners and they have brought back the brewhouse Brunch. We were super excited to realize this when my sisters and I were driving through fairfield in search for a place for dinner. The funny thing is I used to party when it was the Field. Now a full blown restaurant, Hub & Spoke has some delicious items on their menu. Delicious blood orange margaritas. Beer batter cheese curd, shrimp & grits, flat iron steak  served on a cutting board with shoe string onion rings, pulled pork arepas, and that's not even a quarter of what they have to offer. Delicious...and can't wait to go back and try their brunch with my Dad of course :). 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Beach Zen

There's this calmness that overcomes you when you hear the ocean. We take little things like these for granted! Amazing views, the feeling of the warmth of sun on our body and the sound of the ocean. It's good. Rea good and when you arrive before the rush it's even better. Love my mornings here. Simple. Quiet. A couple of hours before starting the day. Try it. You may enjoy it!

Devon's Place In Norwalk CT

I have been taking the kids here for years  it's amazing how many people don't know about this hidden gem. It's a playground past the parking lot of Stepping Stones Museum, right near the tennis courts. There's a splash pad where kids can have fun and cool down. If you haven't been...GO!

We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing, free, fun activities to do with our kids. Take the time and do them!


Easy & Delicious Clambake Recipe

I love my group of mommy friends. I always walk away from our get togethers happy and full! Last get together at my house my friend said she wanted to host the next one at her house and do a clam bake.  Now all I can think of is how much work that is. When I arrived she showed me setup and I helped her assemble these super easy pockets of goodness. It was delicious!! All they need are 10 minutes on the grill! Now yes it takes more time the more you make because to be safe she measured out each one and we made 12 of them. I couldn't stop eating it. 

What you need:
1 cup melted butter
Juice of 3 lemons
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoon of Old Bay Seasoning
4 large red potatoes
1 pound shrimp- peeled and deveined
4 ears of corn cut into 3 pieces an ear
1 package of kabosis cut into quarters 
Aluminum foil

Pre boil the corn and potatoes separately. Add butter, old bay, lemon juice, garlic together. Add in shrimp, kabosis, corn and potatoes. Coat with wet ingredients. Lay on top of a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold aluminum foil until all food covered to not let air in. Place on grill for ten minutes. Absolutely delicious!!

Countdown to...Who Is Counting Anyway...

I love doing things and appreciate what every season/occasion has to offer but this time I wish we could just hold on to Summer a little longer before jumping into the chaos mode of school/fall activities/holidays. 

*Image source:ABC7news

Mystic Outdoor Art Festival Aug 12&13 2017

Perfect weekend to visit Mystic! Weather calls for sunshine and it's perfect weekend to surprise kids for a weekend away! I love these type of festivals, where people show their creativity and share it with the public.

Mystic Outdoor Art Festival 2017

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Elm Street Diner Stamford Ct

Their Instagram pictures always make me so hungry. I have been wanting to stop in for a while now. My husband has been numerous times but never tried their desserts. So when we woke up he said get ready we will go to the diner. Light bulb- ummm can we go to Elm Street please!

The funny thing about this place is it's very simple inside. You would never even think they would have these crazy items on their menu. Well they do and we got to try them. We ordered their Reese pieces milkshake. I was good and shared with the kids. We also got their Nutella donuts. Now their donuts are pretty delicious so if you want to drink more shake then cut out the Nutella on the donuts. Some pictures of stuff then make looks pretty insane. They actually put frosting on the outside of their glasses and roll it in chips or cereal. Really delicious!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hearts Everywhere: A Special Meaning...Maybe

Some people see 11:11  some people see coins. I see butterflies that catch my glance  and  I often see hearts and it's in food. Maybe it's because when I am cooking I am relaxed and in tune with what I am doing.

So in prep to my daughter's bday celebration with family I decided to take out a tray I got from my late grandmother. I like to bring out stuff that was hers so it makes me
feel like she's still with us. So I pull out the tray and wash it. As I was prepping my veggie platter I notice a heart shape in my pepper. 

Today I feel pretty good and on schedule with the party when I realize it's already 2:00. I haven't started the pulled pork grill cheeses and kindof panic. It's silly I know and I finally say to myself "it's only family, they don't care if they come and nothing is ready yet" just then I go to place a piece of cheese on the bread on the griddle and see a heart. I mean crazy. I laugh to myself and instantly feel relaxed. Calm. 

I do believe in angels and after life and signs and sometimes I read them wrong or think something will turn out a certain way and it doesn't or didn't.  But the hearts that right their is pure happiness. Just telling me I am loved and to enjoy the moment. So whether it's my grandmother or guardian angel or whomever. Thank you for always sending me the reminder when I most need it!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Make Your Own Party Favors: Sesame Street Party

Every family party I try to give fun favors that fit the party theme. Every Birthday I have my daughters pick a theme and decorate the house. I love it. Makes it easy to look festive and the kids are happy. 

Tomorrow's party for my soon to be three year old is Sesame Street theme. You would think it would be easy to find food or snacks to fit these theme. Not this time. I did call around to places that had donuts or cupcakes but they wanted close to $4 a piece and well when you make close to two dozen favors it can add up. I got a little creative this time and found juice boxes with Sesame Street characters on them and finally decided to stick with alphabet cookies. I purchased both items at Walmart and found Sesame Street favor bags at party city. Must say they came out super cute and when I added up costs came to about $1.50 each. 

What's For Dinner? Asian pasta with grilled chicken and zucchini

Summer is the perfect time to get in shape. I am down 8lbs and determine to keep losing.  I have tried it all. Low carb, working out a lot, cider name it. After two back to back pregnancies with c-sections and thyroid cancer I thought I never would be back to my pre- pregnancy body. So I tried something new and it's working...counting calories. I love to
Eat and want a bagel for breakfast or a bite of cake for dessert. So by counting my calorie intake I am more cautious of what I consume.

Tonight's dinner: Asian angel hair pasta, with grilled chicken and zucchini. Super easy. Super yummy. After you cook the pasta. Drain the water. Return to the pot. Add Olive Oil, Salt, Sesame oil and soy sauce. Goes perfectly with anything. I love angel hair because a little totally fills you. Not sure why verse other pastas but works for me.

Grow Restaurant in Shelton CT

We wanted to grab lunch someplace after Blueberry picking and two big requests were: had to be kid friendly and have Wine! After some research we decided to give this place a try. No regrets!! The place is super hip and earth friendly. The food is organic and dishes on the menu made it hard to choose what to order because all sounded delicious.  The chicken nuggets on kids menu were chicken cutlets. Delicious! No fake processed meat here! From the seafood rice balls down to the amazing ice cream sandwiches, we left happy and full. I totally received bonus points for picking an amazing place to end our great morning adventure. Can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Beach House Has Opened In Norwalk & It's Delicious

Mamma's Boy fans no need to worry, Beach House has opened and it's delicious , they even still have some "country" spin on their menu like chicken and waffles and shrimp and grits. Located right across the Maritime Center In Norwalk, Beach House has a variety of amazing dishes like their truffle oil mushroom flatbread- so so good! Hard to pick what to eat because you want to try them all.  Love the ambience and must say they have delicious Blood Orange Margaritas!