New Beginnings...

I saw this and thought it was perfect. Ironically I received it today which is the same day we had our mediations. Honestly the whole process sucks. The person you once thought you would grow old with is questioning how much groceries are. Like nothing anyone wants to go through YET you are glad to not be together anymore. Just so strange but back to new beginnings. That's my new motto and well it's a reminder to just try to enjoy life. Whether solo, married, with someone or whatever your heart desires...have faith life happens for a reason. 

I was able to get this necklace with a promo and only pay for shipping. Check it out...

Tree Is Up...Getting In The Holiday Spirit

I was going to eventually put up a tree...ok maybe not...but something hit me. Everytime we drove through the street at night my kids got so excited for the Christmas decorations and I knew I had to get them, me, us into the Holiday spirit. 

It's fake, maybe one day I will get the courage to cut down my own again but for now this will do. It's tall and I even picked a new spot in the house this year and actually love it. I lugged this thing from my basement and will not lie I cursed a little under my breathe. But it's up and I did it alone and well there's something empowering about that. 

Everything happens in life for a reason, right?  Do what makes you happy! End of day you're all you got! Be good to you!

Holiday Video: Hallelujah by - Pentatonix

Last year around this time my dog passed away. I remember he wouldn't get up to eat and I know he wasn't right. I thought he died but then I picked him up and he came back to life. They say my energy helped bring him back to life but we had to put him down anyway since he was too sick to make it much longer. I didn't feel much then. Life was crazy. My dad was in and out of hospitals gratefully doing well now but that was hard. Then my ex's grandfather fell ill and passed. I was a little numb. I didn't react too much to all that was going on in my life. I just kept moving along living day by day.

One thing you go through getting a divorce is letting all emotions you once hid resurface and it's ok. It's like cleansing the soul. It actually feels great after doing it- not so much during. But it helps you free the anger, stress, resentment, hurt you were once numb to. Still love this song and love it reminds me of my dog Sammy, that my dad is well and life is short so cherish those you love.

Greenwich Holiday Stroll December 2nd & 3rd 2017

This event looks amazing!! Over 100 stores participating, food trucks, Santa, horse and carriage rides.

Norwalk City Hall Tree Lighting Is This Friday

This Friday come down to Norwalk City Hall's Tree Lightening!

Santa Claus riding a firetruck to Norwalk City Hall tree lighting Friday evening 

Pentatonix Is Coming To Mohegan Sun Dec 9 2017

My daughter has been asking to go see them for a while and today I was able to score some tickets and am super excited. I plan on giving them to her tomorrow
on her Birthday.  There's still tickets left to purchase. Learn More Here:

Cyber Monday Deals

If you are like me and avoid the Black Friday crowd and shop online then you will love these Cyber Monday deals!

Best Cyber Monday 2017 Deals, Ads & Sales

Be sure to use ebates to get cash back on your online purchase. Love getting a check back on orders!

Christmas...Blah Blah...

Oh the the past I used to be done with my Christmas shopping by now I, now I have only completed one person on my list. My kids called me and were decorating a tree at their father's house and I knew I had to get my butt in weekend for sure. Now holidays is a cheerful time and I am happy about my split but there's a lot of different emotions you go through and holiday cheer is not yet on my list. That "fluff" doesn't matter. I have actually been happy to keep some weekends free to regroup and clean and eat whatever I crave or stop by a farmers market or craft fair. Holiday shopping is kindof last on my list. I promise I will get to it but for now can I just get some
 credit for showering and keeping the house in order and keeping my  kids happy...thanks!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

#ShopSmall Support Small Businesses

When you support Small Businesses you are actually helping one person reach many goals, it's not just about the money but helping them build confidence in their product. They took a
risk and put their passion for something out to society to love and accept it too. I LOVE small business shopping because it means extra love went into their products and giving back helps them not only pay for bills but feed their soul. So if you haven't had a chance to stop by a Craft Fair there's still time. Tomorrow you can stop by Pinkney Park in Rowayton and support local crafts. I scored some Christmas gifts at a super amazing price.  There is a $1 entry fee that is a donation. 

Birthday Fun...Sometimes Something So Little Can Mean So Much

She's amazing and I wanted her to have a great day without me spending hundreds of dollars at a kid hall with kid activities and stressing over the count-which we used to always have too many and skimp out on stuff. Don't get me wrong, those parties were fun but when you're going through a divorce you kindof want to put all that stuff on hold for a year and well you can't. So instead I said to her what if you picked some girls from your class and we spent the day together having fun. She LOVED it. It was funny she kept the invite list down to only a couple of girls and when her best friend responded she could come she said "Mom I am kindof happy it's just us". It actually worked out perfect. 

We started with manicures and pedicures. We had time before lunch so we stopped at Donut Crazy and they picked their own box of donuts. Then we stopped at the Westport Elementary School and they played on the playground. Lastly we had Hibachi at Sakura's and my daughter's dad met us. Kids ordered steak and pasta. So entertaining. So delicious! So much food too. They sang to my daughter twice. Once with an onion volcano and second time in a bowl of ice cream. I brought the girls back to my house and they played for a couple hours. 

It was PERFECT. So fun. So easy. So intimate. I plan on doing this with all my girls for now on. Having them pick a couple of friends and doing small yet so fun stuff together. I kept thinking one day I could take the girls and a couple of friends into NYC or to see a show or a professional game. Endless possibilities. 

Being a parent isn't easy. Going through a divorce while parenting isn't easy BUT it was great for us to be able to give our daughter a day she will always remember because sometimes what kids need are easy.  We complicate things. We put so much added stress on our plates. Sometimes saying pick a couple of friends and let's have a fun girl day is all it takes. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Black Friday Savings...

Ok brave shoppers what stores do you plan on tackling this Black Friday? Here's a quick little guide of stores offering the highest average discounts for Black Friday 2017 

Thanksgiving Fun...Grateful and Full!

If you didn't leave your Thanksgiving gathering in pain then you didn't do it right. I ate more than I should have and would do it all over again if I could. Great food. Great company. Missed my Turkeys but glad they were happy and honestly love my family. My heart and belly are full. I hope you too got to spend it with those who you love and love you and filled your belly with great eats. Food is so important in my culture. It is like a big giant hug. We express love through it. We share our love by eating and feeding those we love. It's not just a gathering or a dinner. It's gathering with those who are good for your soul and make you leave smiling and full!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Wonder A Must See Movie #ChooseKind

What an amazing, powerful movie. I went on a field trip with the 4th and 5th graders at my daughter's school to see this today. I cried six times. Why? Because it shows you the struggles of bullying, how parents are trying their best. How everyone has a battle they are battling whether you can see it- visible or not. How kindness starts at home and how we live in a world where differences happen and can cause harm. Powerful! Perfect for grades 3 and up. Take your kids and see it.

Let Go...

I watched Iyanla Vanzant's show the other night and it was about couples deciding to stay together or not. One key thing that stood out was that sometimes people come into your life for ONE lesson, once that lesson is achieved you have to let them go and move forward. Let Go! 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

They Are My Why...

"I hope there are days where you fall in love with being alive"

Life gives you a lot. Good. Bad. Sad. Happy. Not everyday is easy. I can't have people in my life sugar coat stuff cause reality is days are hard can suck. But then there are days and people who help
life be beautiful. Surround yourself with those people. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

When You Know You're Parenting Right...

When you see your kids love one another as much as you love them that's when you know you're Parenting right. 

Give Back This Thanksgiving: Turkeys Needed

The Food Bank is in great need of Turkeys. Please consider donating a turkey or money to help families in need. How great is it to give back to those in great need. Not everyone has family or support in time of hardship. Communities in Connecticut please get together and help those in need!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Adult Advent Calendar...

This idea is genius. As the kids open a day of chocolate adults can enjoy some whiskey. Brilliant! Learn More About The Adult Advent Calendar

Monday, November 13, 2017

Today's Motivation...One Day At A Time!

Thinking too far a head will drive you crazy. Take it one day at a time. Focus on today and today only. Whatever tomorrow brings you can handle. I promise!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Judy's Bar & Kitchen In Stamford

When Southern Food has you feeling like A Southern Gal...holy moly this place is amazing. From the start you get cornbread with sweet butter to start with. Totally amazing. Warm. Comfort food at it's very best. I had to stop after my second piece because I needed room for their fried Mac n cheese balls and their fried pickles- my weakness- the best I ever had. Round. Meaty big pieces of pickles. Just oh so good. But then we get our entrees- yeah we are just getting started. Waffle fried chicken sandwich- um what? I walked back from the table for the restroom and caught my sister having a moment with her entree- yep and when I tried it I was right with her.  It was just overall amazing! Warm. Savory. Sweet. A little kick. Then my burger with pimento cheese. Fried green tomato. Leftovers didn't stand a chance I ate it before bed. 

Then the skillet s'mores...yeah I know. Go!

Soccer Stars

I LOVE watching them on the field, especially my middle one. She's so confident and smooth taking the ball and running with it. This is definitely a sport she should stick with.  Today was the last game of the season and it is amazing to watch my little ones playing a team sport and enjoying it. 

Yellow Belt...Proud Moment!

She's been asking to take karate for a while now so when I saw the program offered at school I was all over it. She was able to take yellow belt test this weekend and she passed. I think it's an awesome art but more importantly for girls and women to take it as a form of self defense. If was great to see her confidence during the test. She was strong and passionate about it. Her Dad and I went and I must say regardless of us not being together it is nice to watch our children with pride knowing that we are building them to be strong and independent and confident. That to me is a huge win over anything else. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Places That Are Giving Back To Veterans on Nov11

What a great way to thank our veterans and people still on active duty by showing them some extra love tomorrow with these awesome deals such as FREE Admission into the Maritime Center and Stepping Stones Museum. Check out all of these deals here