Saturday, March 31, 2018

5 Years Cancer Free!

Today marks my 5 year mark being Thyroid Cancer free. It’s huge because they say reoccurrence is greatest within the first 5 Years. 

I beat this, I can get through anything!

Grateful for setting my “butterfly” free  so
I could live ðŸ’œðŸ’—

How to Eat A Peep...

Besides my kids- because I think all kids “like” these but somehow never finish them, my mom is the only person I know who actually really likes and enjoys them!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Choose to Evolve. Choose Love.

This really came to me at a perfect time today. I choose to evolve. Stepping out of the comfort zone and  choosing to evolve. What do you choose?

Regardless What Your Days Like Nothing Beats Family Time!

I won’t lie. It’s been a tough week. But whenever you have a tough day or week you just get stronger and well grateful for this family of mine who still manages to put a smile on my face regardless of the stress that may occur. Hey in the end all these situation just make you tougher right?!

Love my family. Love Easter. Grateful for the “toughness” that I face to make me better everyday!

It’s All Lessons...

Everything in life is a lesson! Embrace it!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

City of Norwalk Beach Stickers Link

While the snow melts it’s a good time to remember that Summer is coming!!! Here’s a link to get your 2018-2019 Beach Stickers for Norwalk Residents. 

Happy Palm Sunday...

I LOVE Palm Sunday. It just reminds me of my childhood...going to church to get palms, stopping at my Mom’s aunts house who always snuck us $5. Then going to my grandparents and passing around palms. 

NOW we go to my aunts and I still love love it. I guess because it’s a holiday you get together and don’t really bring gifts. It’s no pressure. You hand out palms. Every year I bring a Palm Cross to the cemetery to honor my grandparents. I just love it. My mom and sister are keeping the Lent Season Traditions going by making Struffoli- these honey coated little balls of fried dough are amazing!

What traditions sets your soul on fire?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Breakfast With The Easter Bunny at St.Ann’s

Parenthood...when your kids are happy then you’re happy! I LOVE Easter. This weather hasn’t made it easy to want to so much outside so when my friend posted this Breakfast with the Easter Bunny event I
was all for it. Best of all kids under 10 were free so this event cost me $10- covered my breakfast. I got to enjoy some time with my girls. They got to meet the Easter Bunny and play. It’s a win-win. 

Many people think you have to spend a lot to have fun with your kids but when you do a little research you see there are a ton of affordable options. Taking three kids out doesn’t always have to be super expensive. Yet can still be super fun!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What Do You Do When It’s Spring Yet You’re Snowed In...

Its not easy keeping three kids happy and busy without exhausting yourself. Today they got out of school early due to the snow storm and I had to be creative so with Easter coming I figured would be fun to test out our Easter bread and dye some eggs. 

My youngest is so independent yet a little clumsy but I try hard to have patience with her. 

My oldest wanted her Dad to join us tonight for dying eggs so he brought us Chinese for dinner. Ironically my Fortune Cookie said I need to be more patient and my youngest said do something today to burn off your energy. Was quiet fitting based on the day we had. Needless to say the girls had a blast and we are now in the Easter spirit now if the snow would stop so we could enjoy Spring I would be extremely happy!

Snow Snow Oh Happy Spring...

It’s the 1st day of Spring and another snow storm is in our forecast. Kind of depressing. Not sure why I am just realizing that winter is a very long season!

Hope they are all wrong and soon we will be pulling out our flip flops! One can dream, right?!

Be Who You Want To Be Now!

If you want to leave a lasting good impression then you need to start now! Being good to people now is the only way to be. 

Don’t Ever Doubt Yourself..You’re Doing Great!

These girls rocked their Championship Game Tonight. I try not to be that Mom who yells on the side lines. I try to remain calm. But this game had me on the edge of my seat. Screaming cheering. After overtime I was amazed and really believed both teams were winners for playing their hearts out. I coached one game against this same team they played tonight a couple weeks ago since her Dad couldn’t coach and it was not easy. We lost that game. But tonight. These girls rocked. 

There’s a moment of being a parent when you question the stress in your life. When you don’t want your kids to feel the pain or anger you go through. I try to be happy and calm around them. Some days I say I can do better. Be better. Show them all my love. Not let my stresses affect my parenting. You doubt yourself at times. 

Then this magic moment happens. Your kid runs to you as soon as she wins. She’s running to share with you the pride that they won. And you stop and think damn I am doing things right. All my hard work and it shows how much I truly deeply do love these kids with my everything and they too appreciate it!

That’s priceless!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

One Lucky Mom...Three Lucky Charms

I only had my oldest this morning so she made me green chocolate chip pancakes before her sisters came home. So lucky for her and her sisters. Taking them out for corn beef and cabbage since you know we are all Irish on St. Paddy’s day! 💚☘️

Today’s Lesson: Get Over “It”

I have to keep reminding myself to just focus on being happy. To fight for your happiness. You have to learn to let go and get over the life you “thought” you would have, the stuff that is holding you back isn’t going to bring you the happiness you want and deserve. Man I keep thinking over and over stuff and all it does is cause harm, it makes you feel defeated and upset and it’s never a good place to be. Anger comes out and yes this process is still new and fresh but it’s not who I want to be. I want to be happy. I am fighting for that everyday. You too fight the fight. This thought that we have to settle doesn’t bring us the happiness we deserve. No settling, get over “it”, it being whatever is taking up space in your life and push forward. Push for your happiness!

Oh Yes My Dear...

A goal should scare you, but then make you very happy and excited! Do YOU have any up your sleeves?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Let Go Of Control...

This was a really hard concept for me. I like order, I like a routine but things I feared started happening. I realized I started to face everything I once feared and guess what...I survived. Yep! Let go of Control! What’s meant to be will be. I am not saying live life so freely. You still have to be responsible but live life one day at a time. Things will happen out of your control and you have to learn to adjust and get over it. You have to learn to adjust and realize that your path may not be the path you thought. Control means fear. Let go of control and you’ll let go of fear!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Friendships...They Really Are Good To Have

I saw this article and it’s amazing. I am super grateful for all the amazing people in my life who have been there for me for their love and laughs and for their “Text me when you get home”

I think people tend to forget that it’s good to have secure, feel good friend relationships outside of real relationships. It’s reassuring to have people to relate to, who love you and bring you happiness. ❤️

Today’s Lesson: Let The Consequences Work In Your Favor

I am trying hard to really understand why I react the way I do to situations to help bring more peace in my life. So I noticed finally why I get so upset when the kids don’t listen and fight and ignore my requests- being angry gets me tired. Since my Thyroid came out whenever I get mad my body crashes after. Bones hurt. Achey. And it prevents me from wanting to do stuff. SO I explained that to the kids yesterday morning. I said I don’t like to yell. I don’t want to get angry. But when I do I get tired and I can’t do what I need to do. So NEW RULE: instead of me getting upset you are going to do a chore. If you don’t listen you will clean up something because when I get mad I get too tired to do it so you will have to do it for me. 

Worked like a charm! Once my daughter had to sweep the kitchen. After that they all have been sweet as pie, listening, not talking back. Hoping this tiny miracle lasts if not then my house will end up spotless. 

Are YOU Happy?

This is true and sometimes I think I am in a different category. I had the wedding and marriage and butterflies and baby/bridal showers. I had all the questions- so when are you two getting married, when are you going to have another kid etc...I had my time with all that FLUFF. So for those who haven’t I get why they want it. BUT now I am at a stage where I just want to be happy. Seeking, living, breathing HAPPINESS. That’s my goal!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Today’s Lesson: Just Keep Doing Your Best

I love my kids. They are my everything but sometimes they make me want to put myself in a time out. Even though their Dad is very active in their lives when I have them I am doing it solo. It’s me cooking and cleaning and cleaning and cooking. There’s some fun inbetween the yelling and time outs. But when they leave I always say to myself “you can do better”. 

There’s this pressure of working and wanting to stay sane. There’s times when they are at their Dad’s house and my house is so quiet. You can hear every noise the house makes. Then there’s times they are home and it’s total chaos. I need an inbetween. A middle ground. Where there’s more balance. Less chaos. Less quietness. Just balance. I haven’t figured out how yet but I know I will get there. I have to just keep saying just keep doing your best. 

Parenting isn’t easy. Having three kids isn’t easy. If I could split myself in three I would. But that’s not an option. All I can do is keep loving, keep cleaning, keep cooking, keep trying and being grateful for the love they give me in return. 

Spring Ahead...This Sunday!

Don’t forget to change your clocks! Enjoy the humor!