Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sometimes The Bad Brings Out The Good

It’s been a a lot of changes. A lot of what ifs. A lot of just get through it but you manage to get through it. You actually come out happy. Motivated. Ready to conquer anything. That’s life right. Change has been good for me. I have been making a list and checking things off. It’s about “making things happen”. There’s no pity party. There’s no hiding from the world. Get up. Be an example. Do what you have to do to make yourself happy!

Event to Support Mead Park New Canaan

Check out "Margaritas for Mead" A Benefit for the Mead Park Playground Project!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Take Control Of Your Happiness

I once had a friend who would always say “out with the old, in with the new”. That’s the journey of life. Let go of who you were and rediscover who you want to be. Seek happiness!

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Taste Of Hope Street May 9th

Dine for a cause! County’s premiere fitness and recreation facility for children and young adults of all abilities and a wide array of special needs. Purchase tickets and learn more here:

Find the Hidden Blessings!

This my friend is 100% true! Just takes some time for us to figure it out! 💗

Motherhood...Days of the Week...Same Feelings!

Sunday through Friday or you know every day for Motherhood. Regardless it’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Oh The Beach...

The seagulls, the waves crashing....goals!

Mohegan Sun: Mini Getaway

It was just a night away. Started off at dinner at Michael Jordan’s, Cocktails, Walking Around, seeing Dane Cooke and then fire pits. 

This fire pit is incredible! So relaxing and you lounge out on big chairs. We even hung out by it in the morning. Sometimes a different scenery can do so much for the body and soul. It felt like a weekend away. 

We get caught up in life’s responsibilities that you have to just sometimes take a break from it all. When was the last time you gave yourself a real break?

Monday, April 23, 2018

Oh My Sistas...My Best Friends

I don’t think there’s anyone who has made me
laugh or who has had my back like my sisters. Going through any breakup you need someone to call on at any moment and so so grateful for them. Grateful that they help me out with anything I need. We have been making some awesome memories together. Shared some crazy laughs and amazing days together. They totally keep me going. Grateful for that!

Touch A Truck Event Westport April 28th

I LOVE these events. They are so much fun for the kids and adults too. Experience what it’s like to climb aboard some really cool trucks and vehicles. Come on down April 28th. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

All You Need Is A Screw Driver and a Staple Gun

Sometimes giving something a little face lift is all it takes to transform something. It was 45 minutes before kids were coming home from their Father’s and I found some material I had. Pulled out a screw driver and staple gun and started to redo my dining room chair cushions. It’s been about 8 years since I last did them. Back then I had help from their dad. This time my three year old helped when she got home. 

I won’t lie it did take a while but never underestimate what you’re capable of doing! I felt like superwoman after. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Leftover Easter Candy...Make Chocolate Candy Bark

Melt down those chocolate bunnies and top with your favorite candy to get an awesome dessert: Chocolate Candy Bark. They kids love making this every year we even do it for Christmas with our Halloween candy.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Trust Your Journey

For a person who likes a routine and doesn’t like change I sure have had my share of change and it’s actually been really good, inspiring, brought me tremendous strengthen and knowledge. Trust your journey. ❤️

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Every Chapter...Every New You!

You grow through every level of your life. Nothing is a waste. No regrets. Just keep growing!

Let’s Play The Sock Matching Game With Skittles

I had two overflowing baskets of laundry to fold. The whole time the kids needed something. So what would take 20 mins was starting to take an hour. “I have an idea.” I shouted. “Let’s play a game...with skittles”

They were all over it. So for every match they found they got a skittle. They couldn’t eat the skittles until the game was done.

 Genius...I know. 

I folded all the laundry. They were entertained. My pile of unmatched socks went down. And they got skittles. Win-win for all!

Norwalk Education...Time For A Change

Countless hours go into committees, board members teachers and parents fighting for our school’s education system. One of the top things people look for when purchasing a home is education. Education paths the ways for our children in our community. Everyday classrooms are being overflowed with children who need services and support.  It’s sad to see that every year instead of getting more, cuts are being made. 

Being a teacher is no longer a previlage, the job to be, here in Norwalk they don’t have the job security they once had. 

As a parent of three it’s hard to read this morning articles about education funds being cut, how our need for more funding isn’t being granted. We already aren’t even close to being on the map to where we have to be. 

Norwalk ranked 104. While below our neighborhood communities ranked in the top 10!

Why do I stay...I was born and raised here. There’s a lot I would like to see change and if I had the time I would fight for them all but I can’t. Not now. Maybe when my kids are all in school full time but for now I am attending the meetings I can. On the school Governance Program and am just like every other parent...Cringing at every article and new report that comes out. Ranking our schools lower and lower and getting less and less to funding our Education System. 

Time for a change Norwalk!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

I Am Nothing I Once Was...

I am not the same person I was a year ago...6 months ago...a month ago. I have pushed myself to deal with challenges. I have set goals and keep pushing to succeed. I have so many minor yet amazing projects in the “works” that sometimes I look myself in the mirror and ask “who is this girl?!”  I just smile because through all the bad there’s good. There’s strengthen. There’s opening your mind up to believe you can. Because when you believe you can. You will! one on your “team” wants failure for you! You hold the key to push yourself to succeed. I have a mentor now. She’s amazing. She’s pushed me to  actually after three and half years take time to focus on me and with that I finally have a company website that will be a website I am proud to share. It’s still being finalized but I did it. I helped design it and finally finished the content and my amazing cousin is making my huge task, burden, put on the back burner, website come to life and I am laying in bed smiling. 

A HUGE checklist off my “to do list”.  To create an image of me that I am proud of. 

I finally got my little one into a Pre K I love. I finally registered my middle on for Kindergarten at a school I love out of our district. 

I am working with the heads of a local community to implement a change in their facilities to cater to families and our community and it’s huge. It’s rewarding. I can’t wait to see it come to life and say I helped make it happen!

I am making stuff happen. It’s minor sure to some but HUGE to me. I have to succeed. My girls depend on that. Their future depends on that. My goals are to be at my very best regardless of challenges along the way. My goal is to be the best mom, best worker, best daughter, sister, friend, person, version of me!


Maker Faire Westport April 21st

What an awesome event! Time to put your creativity to use!

Learn More Here:

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Moms You Are Superheroes

The cooking and planning. The after school activities and sport signups. The driver to all places. Volunteering for Pto and fundraising. School involvement. Field trip chaperones. Teacher gift giver. The homework battles and endless school projects. The keeping it together and smiling even when you’re exhausted. The meal peeps. Lunch packing. Snack prepping. Breakfast making. Endless loving and balancing and juggling. The head of the family. The organizer. Party planning. Birthday shopping. Gift giving. Picture day outfits. The constant go to for “Mom please don’t get upset but...” Or “Mom can I tell you something” “Mom I don’t feel well”. Yep that’s what Moms do! 

We do it all. While juggling careers. Jobs. Bills. Friendships. Relationships. Our own life and sanity. No this is NOT easy but worth it- yep 100%. Complete Happiness even through the chaos. 

Cheers are the true Superheroes!

Happy Easter...From My Family to Yours

Happy Easter!! It’s still my all time favorite. Love having the kids wake up to an egg hunt and looking for their baskets. We had breakfast and then their dad picked them up. I headed to my moms to help prepare for our feast. 

Some of the traditions on Easter we have are the fried fish platter. Baby goat. Pasta with fish sauce. Ham. And a pasta dish for the non seafood eaters. My mom always tries to add a couple new dishes. Dessert is always fun. We have the traditional pastierie and we are a creative family so it’s always fun to see what people bring. 

What traditions does you family carry on for Easter?