In The End What Matters Most...Is Them

I may not be perfect. I will admit it. I am not my best version of me yet even though I am always working on it. But there’s somethings I am...I am a great mom and I care a lot about people, especially my kids and family. I am always a good friend and choose peace over anything else. 

As you go through life you face challenges. It’s unavoidable. We will always have challenges. The happiest moments is when I am with them. These three love me unconditionally because in the end what matters is me being the Mom they need. Everything else in my life is an addition. A bonus. Not a need. They are my need. 

As you go through your days you have to think about what matters. Who matters. How you want your life to be. I just want peace and happiness. I want to make sure my kids always look up to me and come to me with whatever they need whenever they need me. Everything else isn’t important. Everything else will
come in time. Everything else can come and go and I won’t care. These three will always matter. 

Be True To Who You Are...Always

Never change your core values for anyone or any situation. Be true to who you are. When you do you become happier. Calmer. You can sleep better. You feel rested. Even your face and skin become brighter. When you are true to your core self you reap a lot of benefits. Your soul is content and everything around you becomes aligned as well. You have a sense of peace which then helps you be intuitive. You can align with people you care about. You can almost read minds and predict certain situations because the chaos doesn’t confuse the brain. Being at peace calms the brain. You can connect more with people who are meant to be in your path. 

The Spot Deli In Norwalk

This place used to be Winfield Street Deli in Norwalk. We had some time to spare and woke up too late for breakfast so we popped in. Staff is sweet and egg sandwiches are great prices. 

They toasted the hard roll and bacon was delicious. Probably one of the best BEC I have had in a while. 

Be sure to check them out. 

Boca Oyster Bar in Bridgeport Rooftop Bar & Restaurant

This place is beautiful! I have been wanting to check it out so when a friend asked to go for drinks on the best night of the week you go someplace you can enjoy being outside and we so enjoyed ourselves. 

We didn’t have reservations but sat and ate at the bar. Keep in mind the bar menu is different and more limited than their main menu so if you want dinner be sure to make reservations. We didn’t know fireworks were coming on. We so lucked out it was the perfect night. 

We got burrata and goat cheese salad with grilled chicken. Was really good. 

In a couple of weeks their outside bar should be open. 

Then the fireworks came on. After we hung at the bar and met some people. Was so much fun. Great ambiance. Great pricing and fun atmosphere. Loved being on the water and it’s so close to Norwalk. We can’t wait to go back when the outdoor bar opens. 
Great place, great view and will definitely be one of our summer hangouts. 


Friday Motivation...

I had to laugh seeing this. My true core wants peace and love and happiness but for some reason this week all these men tested my patience and well if I only said the above more often I could let the true me out and avoid some unnecessary drama. 

A friend once said it’s ok to not be so tough...I realized that I don’t seem to select the right people who allow me to let my guard down so I use a toughness to protect myself. We all do. We all have been hurt. We all have had people taken advantage of our kindness and it’s ok! It’s ok because deep down if we could we would probably do it again. We had to learn from it. 

Let’s all practice some peace this weekend. I intend to detach from my phone and embrace the beauty of silence and good vibes with some girlfriends. So as my day comes to an end may you know that it’s ok to say No and Fk off to people who need and deserve to hear it. It’s ok to have been hurt and get up and move on. It’s ok to start again. It’s ok to be tough when you have to be. It’s ok to do whatever you want because it’s your life. Read that’s your life!

Cheers to the weekend!

Docktails & Oysters June 29th

Enjoy cocktails and oysters tomorrow night on the dock at Norm Bloom & Son

Learn more here

Be Careful Who You Let In

People always show their true colors early on. You may not pay attention but they do show them. Study who they are. Who they associate themselves with. Who they spent their years with. You can tell by those things the type of people they are. 

We control who we let in. 

Caffe’ Social in Norwalk

I have been wanting to go here since they opened. So when my girls said they were hungry and we had some time to spare I had the perfect spot to take them. 

It’s so pretty inside. Really is. Great inspirational ambiance. 

You can tell love went into this place. They have awesome pasteries and muffins on the counter. We sat at the countertop and the staff were super nice and friendly. 

My southern burrito was delicious. The girls got eggs and pancakes and my daughter’s favorite thing was their homemade Hash Browns. The portion sizes are huge. You totally get your moneys worth. Everything tasted fresh. It is located in Sono. 

Girls said they want to go back. Cute spot for sure!

Focus On Peace...Always!

Sometimes when there is tension amongst people you can almost see their souls fighting. It’s crazy but true. They become defensive and angry. Hurt triggers that. Pain and anger too. Rejection. Neglect. Whatever emotion you are feeling you have to try to stop it. 

It’s like your soul wants to protect you. Doesn’t want to allow someone access to any wounds they have caused. You have to fight for your inner peace. You have to love yourself enough to say I deserve better, walk away and aim for better. 

If you don’t love yourself enough for peace then no one else ever will give you peace. 

Let Me Be Clear...Thank You For Your Truths

All it took was a text. A line I reread over and over to finally say no more. “I didn’t want to give you any false impressions.” 

It still makes me angry. I didn’t ask for this person to come back in my life. They chose to. I never wanted this person to get the best of me yet again they did. To be a friend on their terms.  The ironic thing is  I woke up to another text from someone else who likes to come in and out of my life that said “I thought I should let you know”  and was actually grateful for these truths. I yet again wasn’t nice and said to leave me alone for good. Two different people. Two honest blunt messages that lifted huge weights off my shoulders. Thank you for your truths and for clearing my path. Thank you for allowing me to remove you both from my life and no we can’t be friends. 

Everyone’s true colors always come out. 

When the truth comes out you have two run or you stay and think things will change but trust me they never do. So run. And I don’t mean it in a bad way I mean it in a way that to take the hint, clue, blunt response and move on with your life. At my stage in life I can say ok please don’t reach out to me again. I am not tied to anyone for any reason. What doesn’t bring me peace must be go away. 

These are not situations to hurt you. You get hurt when you think things will change so you stick around. I have learned the hard way...they don’t change. These situations help you build wisdom, character and experience so you don’t make the same mistakes again. 

I always told my girlfriends people always come back. It happens all the time. Not once can I say it hasn’t happened. One way or another people manage to circle
back in. This is your only time to have control- if you allow them back in or not. That’s your power. Don’t become weak stand your ground. 

These situations clear your path so you can open up room for people who actually deserve to have a place in your life, mind, & heart. 

False hope. False impressions. I want to be honest. Let me tell you the man I really am.  All these words actually spared me of continuing to care about people who didn’t deserve my time or for me to care about them, or my friendship, not then nor now. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Find Peace...

I sleep with a big Buddha near my bed. It’s super cute and happy and calming. There’s this need for peace. Need to clear bad energy. I don’t like chaos. I don’t function well with instability. I like calmness, fun, make me feel good and at peace situations. I like situations I can be me. 

When you aren’t aligned with your core values or your soul for that matter you aren’t at peace. Peace is an everyday practice. Need. We really should strive for more of it. It helps relax you and guide you. Like meditating. Clear you mind. Body and soul. I came across this article and felt their tips were helpful. 

“Life is as simple or complicated as we make it.” Donna Smallin

Cherry Picking In Pennsylvania

“I want to go cherry picking” my dad said one day. That’s how it all started. I googled places and it was in New York then it hit me we could do it in Pennsylvania while we were away. I found a farm and when we got there they said they had Sour Cherries available for picking. What? I didn’t even know about these types of cherries.  Well they are super sour but perfect for baking. It isn’t easy to pick cherries because they are in trees. So we are shaking branches and putting my middle one on our shoulders. The farm was beautiful and the experience was a lot of fun 

Tonight my mom has everyone over for dinner and she made a pie with the cherries we picked and it was delicious. 

Of course being silly I played this song while we ate dessert. 

It’s Ok To Evolve

You’re never the same person you were 10 years ago or even 6 months ago. You’re always changing and growing. Keep going!

Spiritual Humor...That Would Explain It

Some times you can blame it on the retrograde, some times on the planets but other times it’s how people treat you or trigger an emotion in you. Not everyone is out to hurt you but sometimes taking a break from
 them helps you readjust and reflect. 

Cleanse Your Soul...

We are all spiritual and intuitive. It’s when noise around us clogs our energy we can’t connect with our true self. Clear away old energy. Energy that no longer serves your purpose or makes you feel yourself. It’s ok to put things to rest.

You Gotta Let Some People Go...

And that is ok! Wish them well and be on your way. 

Start Your Day Smiling!

I saw this and signed up for it. It’s fun, feel good news that is emailed to you every morning. With great stories and quotes. It really helps you start your day with a smile. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Why You Meet The People You Meet

Mark Groves is amazing. Love this  ❤️

Beach For The Soul Type of Therapy

We had some time to pass before next drop off so I asked my little ones. Beach or breakfast. Beach won. This is one of my favorite times of day to come. Early morning or at night. Because it’s peaceful. Calm. The sound of the waves and seagulls with sand between your toes is better than any therapy I ever had. Even beats retail therapy. 

What’s your favorite non-therapy therapy?

It Takes Time...Every Situation Gives You Growth

“You’re not over it yet” an old friend said to me a couple weeks ago over a situation that happened. No I am not. The weird thing is that I have been through a lot more harder things in life and why did this minor set back bother me so much. Because it hurt my heart and that is something I usually protect and because at one moment it did bring me peace before it brought me pain. 

The best thing you can do is give yourself time. Time to process. Time to understand why something had happened. Time to heal. Time to be sure not to make the same mistake. Time to process why did it bother you so much or why the pain still lingers. 

When you go through anything in life you need to give yourself the right to go through the emotions so you can learn from it when you’re ready to go through them. Let me explain. 

When I had cancer I never dealt with it. I will be the first to admit it. I was pregnant. I was making dinner for my then 4 year old. The doctor called. Said please make sure your husband is on the line. She told us the news. I hung up and went back to making dinner. My husband at the time looked at me and said “Go take some time to process” I didn’t want to. I was like ok I still need to be strong enough to do my duties in life and will deal with it and do whatever the doctors tell me I had to do. 

 A lot of people do the same thing that have been diagnosed with a disease or diagnosis. Why? Because in the moment it’s fight or flight. That’s your reaction. You say “Ok what do I need to do to survive” and you do it. Automatic mode we go in. After it’s all done that’s when it hits you. You then process everything you went through to survive. It’s survival guilt too sets in. Like now I survived and what’s my true purpose. 

It happens to me still when a person does repeat behaviors in my life. It triggers same old emotions in me too and it’s hard to get through because you’re constantly healing the same wound over and over. 

It happens in bad relationships and bad jobs. It happens to people who lost a parent at a young age or any age for that matter. It happens to people who weren’t treated correctly at one time or another or had a traumatic experience as a child or teenager. Think about it. How many times do you later ask yourself. “How did I get through that?” 

Because when life tests you that is when you become a warrior. You become your strongest. It’s great at the moment BUT then in time you have to heal. Whether it be a month from then a year or 10 years. Eventually you need time to process and heal in order to grow and learn. You owe yourself that. You owe yourself time to process and then react and then you can fully move on. 

Don’t deny yourself time but do be sure to feel. Don’t cover up any dramatic situation you ever had in your life up. Let that resurface and heal because if you don’t you’ll carry that pain with you forever. It will later come out and you won’t even know why. 

And when you think about it all the emotions come out. Pain. Anger. Sadness. Relief. Guilt. Whatever you have feel is your right to feel. 

Right there is the test... If you shake off the emotions. If you shake your head and say don’t think about it and you push that pain back down, you just cheated yourself out of healing. You cheated yourself from growth. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June Is Pride Month

It doesn’t matter who you love....Just love ❤️๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Monday, June 24, 2019