Saturday, August 31, 2019

Third Eye...Meditate

Be in touch with your third eye. The easiest way I found was during meditation. To close your eyes but focus on and look up at the center of your forehead where your third eye is. Then meditate. 

Gaucho in Stamford

Learn more here:

It’s restaurant week in Stamford and I have been wanting to go here forever. I went last night and it’s delicious. Inside is so pretty. The staff is so friendly. Parking on street is free after 7:00 pm. The menu was amazing. 

We ordered off the restaurant week menu and it was delicious!! The mushroom risotto was amazing. 
Rich yet the perfect serving size. We had the Tango combo. Perfectly cooked. Like a mixed meat grill. Juicy and tasty. After we both got the crepes. Great place. 

Liz Sue Bagels...Best Bacon Egg & Cheese

Where do you stop for your Bacon Egg and Cheese? I was on my way home and usually stop in Fairfield but said to myself “where’s the best bacon egg and cheese in Norwalk?”. Liz Sue always has awesome sandwiches. On the weekends they have everything wheat bagels. Delicious!

Just Be Happy Because...

I caught myself smiling today. Sounds silly. I am so swamped at work I then stopped and said to myself I love my job. I love my life. And then continued to work. 

And that hit me. With all the chaos. With all the changes the last couple years. All the people I met. Those who stayed in my life and those who haven’t. Really it’s pretty amazing. Become free. Enjoy life. Even through the chaos. Be happy just because. Smile just because. 

Oh August...Where’s Fall

I love Fall. It’s my favorite season. Pumpkin picking, haunted hayrides, apple cider, pumpkin everything.  It’s so much fun. So much to do. So many great parties and local activities. 

Accept Who You Are

Accept who you are and where you are in life. 

When Your Open Up You Heal

For a long time we put up a tough skin to protect ourselves. Our heart. Our pain. Our wounds. Then someone comes along and opens our heart up again. Don’t get me wrong sometimes it doesn’t last. It can be short term or long term but it does give us a chance to better ourselves. To say ok the past is the past. Not all I knew is how things are or how they have to be. So yes when it ends you have pain but also thank them for allowing you the opportunity to open up and feel again. To find yourself again. To let love and happiness in and to feel again. 

Happy Friday

Live in the moment! Enjoy your long weekend. 

We All Have A Past...

Our past actually made us who we are today. Yeah we have “demons” to overcome. We have some insecurities or fears. We have some pain or anger. But honestly end of day everyone just wants to be happy and loved. Learn what triggers someone and help them over come it. Help them be better. Love them how they need to be loved. 

Not The Type Of Love You Need or Wanted

She was loved by many but it wasn’t the type of love she needed or wanted. It’s ok to come to terms with this too. To understand people care about you and you care about them but it’s not the type of situation you need in your life. When you come to terms with truths it’s easy to move on in life. Come to terms with your truths too. 

Be At Peace Within....

Be happy.... Love it. Embrace it. No one knows what you have been through and that’s ok. It’s your journey. Not theirs. But do take control of your life. Always. 

Are You At Peace?

If yes then you made the right decision.  

It Was Never About Attention

It’s about respect. About looking at someone who values you and they having value in your life. Once respect is gone nothing else matters. It all goes down hill. Once you are disrespected, one minute so important to someone and next not important at all well that’s when you say your goodbyes. When you realize you have so much more to give and get from someone who values you verse the person who doesn’t. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Be Better Everday

Be your own competition...better yourself everyday. Never compete with anyone else or for someone’s love or attention. Never tell someone how they need to treat you. They will know based on what makes you stay or walk away. 

Focus On...

Inner peace and love and harmony. 

Let’s Break This Down...

I see certain posts that hit home or I feel I need to share with people of a reminder in life. A reminder that you don’t have to have anyone justify your worth. It’s actually selfish of us to put that pressure on someone else. But I will say that when you fight with someone or beg or plead your case you start to hear the words come out of your mouth. It’s like being an outsider looking in and as it’s all happening. Fast. As it’s unfolding and you’re emotionally in distress you have an awakening. It’s a reminder of who you are and what’s your worth. 

Like I am woman hear me roar. It’s nothing to do with them. It has to do with you. It’s your reminder to yourself. 

It’s powerful, sad and awakening at the same time. It’s never about them validating who you are. It’s your validating to yourself. What you can handle. What you deserve. What you need in life. Self love. Self respect. Pride. 

Nothing to do with what someone can make your feel. It’s about how you feel about yourself. 

You got this girl. I am proud of your bad self. 💗

Be Happy...Just Because

Because the sun is shining or your favorite song came on the radio or your kids gave you extra kisses or someone made you lunch or a stranger smiled at you. 

I must say I have a lot of great people in my life. Willing to help me. To make my life easier. My mom helped my daughter so I could work. I am swamped at work and a colleague offered to help with a report I was stuck on. A mommy friend was picking up supplies for school and asked what I needed. My daughters gave me big bear hugs this morning. All my family is coming over for dinner. My favorite songs came on the radio. 

What’s there not to be happy about? 

See it’s not what went wrong today. It’s what went right. And everyday life can be viewed these two ways. It’s your decision. 💗✌️

Be You...Always

There’s no compromising. There never should be and if you ever have to well then they aren’t the right person for you. 

When It Gets To This Point...Fight or Flight

You can be looking at the same situation and both seeing it completely differently. When one has other distractions they can’t view their role in a situation clearly. You can’t possibly think someone gets hurt or upset out of no where. You have to understand your role and then it’s up to you both to decide what to do from there. 

When someone isn’t feeling respected or visible or acknowledged or when their intuition is off it can trigger something in them. You do play a role. You have to understand. It’s just acknowledging what role you want to play in it. And then it’s deciding to fight it out for a good outcome or flight and leave the situation or relationship because it’s getting no where. 

You have to understand people don’t just wake up and say today is the day I want you out of my life. When you push and push it comes to a point when they grant you your wish. 

Be careful what you decide and how you make your choices. 

Seek Within...

The truth is some situations don’t deserve your attention. When something doesn’t feel right inside it doesn’t matter what someone says you have to walk away. 

You...You’re Amazing

Choose yourself. Some situations come along and you have some wtf moments. But you have to choose you. Say no to when situations don’t feel right. Say no to behaviors you don’t want or need to accept. You’re amazing. You don’t need to prove that to anyone.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sleep Well...

Everything works out. Be patient where you are in your life. 

Check Yourself

Maybe you need to check yourself. What’s eating at you? Why are you mad? Maybe you are the one starting the fight or egging on a situation. When things don’t go as we like we can throw a fit or get mad. When we don’t get what we want. Sometimes you need to stop and reconnect with yourself.