Saturday, August 10, 2019

348 Oyster Bar in Fairfield CT

How lucky are we to live in an area surrounded by awesome seafood restaurants. 

We used to come here all the time years ago. We heard 
they had new owners so had to check it out. I must say it was delicious and we can’t wait to go back. I had a hard time picking off the menu because there was so many awesome dishes I wanted to try. 

We ordered clam chowder and their fried seafood platter as an appetizer. Was delicious. The fried fish wasn’t heavy at all. So tasty and fresh. They serve bread with roasted big chunks of garlic in the oil. Amazing!

Then I got the fish stew- my favorite. Comfort food in a bowl. The broth was smooth. Mussels. Clams. Shrimp. Filet. Scallops. I kept dunking the bread in the broth. This is like a big warm hug for me. My mom got their blacken shrimp tacos. Very refreshing. 

We had to get dessert. Nutella puff pastry. Seriously I have been on a Nutella kick this week and this just topped it. The staff were awesome. So nice. We sat in the back patio. Was so pretty. 

They have half price bottles of wine on Mondays. Can’t wait to go back and try the other items on the menu. 

Welcome Back...J

(Old fashioned at 348 Oyster Bar with my Mom)

This morning my mom said Hey J, welcome back. 

I didn’t understand what she was talking about. 

What do you mean mom?
You haven’t been yourself for a little while and now I notice you are back to you and I wanted to let you know. I like that. 
When did you notice a change back I asked her. 
A week or two ago she said. 

I don’t know what triggered a change but I do feel more at ease. More at peace. A lot of factors play in me bringing myself back to my core. My roots.  
My true self. 

I think it’s important we connect within with our true self. I think we get caught up in stress and noise. I have decluttered my life and surroundings. Some
home projects have been completed. My vacation helped me relax. I have connected with my true self and anything that doesn’t apply to it I dismiss. I have handled some matters professionally that have been a pain. 

Life is never going to be perfect. It’s a rollercoaster ride. But when you lose your true self along the way it becomes a problem. My core is peace and calmness. Routine. Structure. When it isnt aligned or in chaos I don’t function how I should. 

Be sure to always be in balance with who YOU are. To what YOU need in your life to bring yourself peace and calmness. 

Cheers to your happiness and finding YOU!

Stop Chasing Butterflies...I mean Love

I took them outside. We swam. After a couple of hours they went to play on the playground. My niece kept saying to the sky please come down. Please let me know hold you. 

There was a beautiful butterfly. I love butterflies. They remind me of my battle with thyroid cancer. The thyroid is in a shape of a butterfly. But this time my heart hurt. All of a sudden. She was running all over the yard chasing this beautiful butterfly. She was begging for it to come down to her. She kept asking “why won’t you just let me catch you” It was like chasing love. 

They say if you chase something you will push it away but if you let it be. Sit still. It will come to you. Like a butterfly. Like love. Not forced. Naturally drawn to you. 

Life has to be played this way. To be patient and calm. To not rush results. To not assume being aggressive always works in your favor. To understand that the happiest people are at peace within. That whatever is meant to be part of their life will come to them. 


You Will Heal...You Will Move Past This

In every situation pain doesn’t stick around forever. Everyday will get easier and easier. Everything heals. Even the heart. 

That’s All She Wanted...

It’s ok to let your guard down. Even when you have been hurt. It’s ok to risk it...after all doesn’t everyone just want to end up happy and in love.