Men Are Hunters...

Wake up gal! A girlfriend sent me a video. It was on point. Basically stated above, that men are hunters. They always tell you what they want and need and if you’re not the one they make that clear. They make it CLEAR but they keep you around for fun or fulfill pastime until they have or find the one. Women think things may change. Nope. They won’t. It’s not how it works. Red flags are there. Always. Why are you settling? Why are YOU settling?

It’s Not A Game...This Is Life

Don’t do this to people. Don’t play games. Don’t come in and out when you please. This is real life. Real feelings. Real people. 

The Struggle Is Real

Maybe I write too much about magic and fairytales. Maybe I want more peace and calmness. My life is far from perfect or easy. I guess I just come from a place where I once felt stuck and well I never want to feel that way again. So it’s all uphill from here. 

There’s a lot people don’t know about me and well although I may not share them doesn’t mean I don’t have some of your similar struggles. It’s not everyday easy. For example today. 

My bones hurt. Not really sure why. Could be my diet. Could be me pushing myself. My kids create chaos. Normal kid chaos. Three different ages. Three different personalities. It’s exhausting when they fight. It’s exhausting when they can’t get along. It wipes me
out.  Could be why I am depleted this time of night.  I tried a lot this afternoon to distract them. Coloring. Playing with the beach ball. Until one smashed it into the other’s face. Soccer until one landed wrong and hurt their foot.   Then I tried swimming. Two out of three went. Did well for the most part but fought over helping me vacuum it until the vacuum submerged into the pool. You laugh....I can tell from reading this but it’s true. 

Then showered and three bedtimes. Three “lay with me and hold me mom while I fall asleep”. This part isn’t work. It’s fun. It’s comforting. Some nights I fall asleep putting one to bed and the other comes to wake me. 

My life is not perfect. It’s work. It’s constant juggling roles. But it’s my life. The struggle is real but it’s my journey and choices and decisions. It’s not always easy. But it’s still worth it. 

I am providing a happy, safe, environment for my kids. Isn’t that enough to say I am doing it right?! I think so. 

When Do You Walk Away

This is something only you can answer. My marriage didn’t work out. I knew I wanted out and staying wouldn’t have been fair to either one of us. Now through this journey I watch situations. I don’t judge. I observe. 

I see things that can be fixed and some that cannot. End of day this is your life. Your journey and story. Some may look at mine and not agree but happiness...yep that right there proves if you’re doing the right thing because you’re happy. Your core is happy. Your soul is happy. Think about that. When was the last time you were really happy?

This article may help. 

5 Signs That Prove You Need To Walk Away From Your Relationship

Your True Gift Is Your Journey

We stopped by Mystic over the weekend. I love it there. I love the food and shops and art. I love the village with fun country feel. Everything made me stop and look at it. I wanted to take it all in. How lucky are we to live in an area that is surrounded by so many cool attractions. I love day trips and overnight adventures. Norwalk is really a town located around so many cool spots to go to. We are very lucky. 

Where’s your happy place?

Feel Good Song: Skinny Love

You can’t come in half way. You can’t take someone’s knowledge and wisdom and prospective  but turn around and use it for someone else. I know a lot more than I should but one thing I want to continue to teach people is that you can’t be selfish. You can’t hurt people. You can’t use people. You should never expect anyone to be a back up. That’s selfish. Childish. Hurtful. 

You must be kind. You must not hurt other people for your own selfish needs. You must love 100% or don’t waste someone’s time. You don’t deserve space in their mind heart or soul if you don’t have room for them in your mind heart or soul. 

Sending You Healing Vibes

We have the power to heal and love and support eachother. Let go of everything else. Look within and use your energy for good. For healing. For love. 

Someone close to me today needs healing vibes. I release mine and please release yours too. 

You Are Loveable

This is important especially for people new to dating after divorce or in general. It’s not about you. It’s about them. It’s about finding your person at the right time. Just because people along the way didn’t love you like you loved them doesn’t mean you’re not loveable. Don’t worry I love ya!

“Get over your hill and see what you find there
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.
And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.”

Be Okay With...

All of this. Read it over and over. 


I couldn’t sleep. My brain hurt. It was on overload. I was up way too late. Tossing and turning. I began to meditate. 

It helps. It’s a process. The pain and anger you have won’t go away overnight. It takes it course. Believe that. But I couldn’t do it to myself anymore. I needed peace. 

Pandora has an awesome meditation station that you can fall asleep to. It calms the brain. Emotions. You have to understand there are so many things to lose sleep over. Someone’s else actions aren’t a good reason. Let the sh&t go. And if you can’t by yourself then meditate. Over and over. 

Good Morning Sunshine

May wherever the day takes you it brings you peace and strength and lots of sunshine. 

Little Things...Little Steps...Little Changes

Tough days and moments don’t have to last. Make a change. Little steps. Everyday. That make you happy. 

I meditate. I love my healing stones. I blog. I take steps to decompress. When I get over whelmed or unhappy I try to take a time out. Talk to someone who can make you laugh. Take a walk. Blast music. 

Little steps make big changes. 

What’s The Real Battle Here?

Great advice. Great song. 

It’s not a battle. The battle is within yourself. Either take what you have and give it your all or move on and give that your all. 

So much love to give yet no one knows how to really love, accept it, appreciate it, honor it, respect it.