Thursday, September 5, 2019

Don’t Ignore The Red Flags

If things don’t seem right in the beginning then they aren’t right. This applies to everything in life. Not just dating. It applies to friends and work and anything that comes into your life. How many times did you say I knew it didn’t feel right or I had a bad feeling. 

Sometimes a moment of weakness makes us ignore the truth. But we always know the truth comes to bite us in the a$$ in the end. Don’t do it to yourself. Don’t let your guard down because you’re weak or tired or lonely or sad. 

Signs are always there. Just the ones you do ignore eventually are the ones that end up hurting you. 

How Would You Live Your Life?

Let’s say there are no rules. Change your life. Let it be anyway you want it to be. How would you live it? Who would be in it? Who wouldn’t be in it? How would these changes make you feel? How are they different than the life you’re currently living?

I have yet to meet a man who says he’s living his best life. I have yet to meet a woman who is living hers. Well besides my parents of course. What’s happening here? When did we just go with the emotions of life? When did we say let’s just get by and call it a day?

You gotta live your life. You have to really live. I won’t lie. I would have changed the last five months of my life. I would have let some people go who should have been gone in April. I would have not wasted my emotions on things that didn’t deserve my energy. I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be dismissed like I was. Really not ok. Lessons learned. Life everyday is up to you. Who is in it. Who is out. What you do with it. What you do not. 

So What’s With This Soul Mate Idea...

I believe it. I believe certain people make your heart happy. I believe that when you know you know. 

But there’s doubt and roadblocks and that’s not how it should be like. It should be natural. Easy. 

Every relationship faces some sort of conflict and tension. It’s not always easy. But when you are with someone who makes you feel at peace you do whatever it takes to make things right and good. 

I may be divorced but I believe in love. I believe in souls and people coming in for a reason and leaving for a reason. 

I believe we have many souls we are connected to and when you find eachother you just know. 

Have you found your soulmate?

They Spoke Their Truths You Just Never Listened

Don’t feel stupid. I know it’s hard. Trust me. Not sure how oblivious we were but do know you can overcome it. You can finally say damn I didn’t listen to your words or actions. Shame on me. Shame on thinking something different than what they were saying or showing you. 

I replayed conversations in my head and now felt so dumb. The truth was always there. They always said it. I just never accepted it. 

Don’t do this again to yourself ever. Take people for who they are and what they are not what you think they can be. 

We Don’t Stay The Same...

What you would have tolerated you actually won’t anymore. Every level of your life will require a different version of you. Always improve. Don’t look back. Keep going and I promise you good will come. 

Set It Free...

A couple years ago I wanted to restart my life. The only way to do it was to set free any pain I had towards someone. In the article I did here   Even though the journey has been a rollercoaster ride it taught me a lot. 

It taught me I am stronger than I think I am. I should never settle for anything that makes me doubt anything about me or my life. I have learned to set it free. Then and now. 

I now set free anything this year that caused me any discomfort or pain or doubt. Because life isn’t about that. Life is about being around good, happy, healthy situations and pure people. 

I have let go in the past and am strong enough to let things go again. 

So as I process everything this year taught me I thank those who have been part of my journey but do know my time with them has ended and it’s ok. That games are not allowed at our age. That ignoring or making someone feel less important isn’t ok. That your self worth is only yours to set. No one else’s. 

We all must declutter our life and mind of things that don’t serve us well. That don’t make us feel good or how we should. Set them free. 

There Are 7.7 Billion People In The World

If you’re in a relationship be grateful for the one who chooses to love you everyday. If you’re not don’t get hung up on anyone who doesn’t make you feel like the only person in the world. 💗

You’re Beautiful...It’s True

It’s a normal to have the need to want to feel admired and desired but it starts within. To know you’re beautiful and not looks. Not at all. Within. That your soul touches other people. That’s what makes you beautiful. That you’re kind and pure. That yes you make mistakes but your life goal is to love and be happy and be pure and beautiful...within. 

What Would Your Box Say?

I had to decorate a box for a Focus Group that explained who I am. What I like to do. It’s not as neat or pretty as it should be but hey it’s done. 

My mom saw me doing it and said don’t forget music. You’re always playing music. It was true. It’s a part of me. Helps relax me. Makes me happy. I have music on most of the day. 

What would YOUR box say?