Saturday, September 7, 2019

What Relaxes You?

The second my feet hit the sand I became relaxed. There’s something about the beach. Ocean. Breeze. Sunset. 

Was an awesome afternoon. 

Take the time and do the things that relax you and make you happy. 

This Week’s Trader Joe’s Find: Plumcots

Part plum. Part apricot. Love when I find different stuff to try. Trader Joe’s always has different types of fruit and food. It’s really always my favorite grocery shopping store. 

I couldn’t help myself but had to buy the $3.99 bouquet. Even though my other flowers are doing fine I just thought these were so cute. 

Don’t ever deprive yourself of flowers. $3.99 for something that will make me smile for the next week, I’ll take it. 

Slice of Saugatuck in Westport

So much fun!!! I love this festival. You get so many samples and large ones too. We got to even sample drinks and purchase ones to walk around with.

My favorite like last time was ... Kawa Ni. I am just a super fan of their tomatoe tofu pocket. It is by far my favorite thing ever. 

We walked away stuffed and happy. Lots of laughs. Good vibes. Perfect weather. 

If you got a chance to attend what was your favorite?

Rise...Every Single Time

You got this! 

Every time you had a moment of weakness or were defeating you built yourself up. You rose. You’re not weak. Never believe that. You, you’re amazing. Look at you life. What you dealt with. Who you are because of it. 

You got this!

Don’t Be Sad...Not Today

Be happy. Get up and do all the things that make your heart and soul feel good. Yeah we can get sad. Something triggered me. I missed someone. But I had to shift my brain. This person doesn’t need me in their life. And I don’t need to be sad anymore. 

Everyday it’s a job to be happy. Well maybe not. I think it’s easy to be happy but we are so used to something changing that. That we shift easily to be mad and sad. Stop that! Stop that now. 

I was speaking to a girlfriend. The next morning she said thank you for last night. You brought me back to life. 

Last night I was out with a group of friends. They make me feel alive. It was so much fun we stayed out way past how late we should. We didn’t want our time together to end. 

This morning I walked with my mom. We have been doing it a lot. It feels so good to start the day this way. Easy conversation. Encouraging eachother to get moving. To better ourselves. 

Today I have a day filled with another group of friends to have fun. Be together. They help me feel alive. They make my soul happy. 

So yeah I can stay home and be sad. Or miss someone who probably doesn’t even know I miss them or I can go on with my life. I think I will go on with my life. Move on with your life to. I want you to be happy. I will be happy today.  That’s today’s goal and everyday. 

Make it your goal too. 

Trust It...All Of It

Ask anyone. They lack something in life. It’s normal. No one can say “nope my life is perfect” BUT you can say it’s 90% there and well I’ll take it. Anything under 90% needs work. 

I was with someone for twenty years of my life. I went from my parents to college to moving in with my ex. Yeah we had great times. Raised three kids and well then the 90% dropped. Every time it dropped I became a little stronger to walk away. 

Today I am probably the happiest I have ever been. Why because it’s new. It’s exciting. I am single. Life is what I want it to be. I started to embrace my journey. Wanna walk go for a walk. Want to stay home then stay home. Want to travel then go travel. Keep in mind this mindset is for when I don’t have my girls. When I do have my kids I am 100% Mom. It’s about them. But the other time it’s me. What I want. What I need. 

I kind of like this life. I am sorry I mean LOVE this life and you should too. 

So let’s talk about this universe things. You know the law of attraction. The waking up. Work hard. Be good. Be kind. Love. Be happy. Attract positive everyday. 

It’s been an abundance lately. Maybe I am simple. Maybe not. Maybe waking up and going to bed 90% happy has helped me. 

I landed a small new client. I got called to two focus groups. One I got paid to leave since it was full and they didn’t need me anymore. I have amazing family and friends in my life. I have something fun and exciting happening all the time. I am living a life for me. What makes me happy. 

We need happy people in the world. Are you happy? You need to be happy. So yeah maybe that 10% will come. Maybe it won’t. But damn this life. This life is good. 

Can it change. Maybe. But I am not worried about it. And I don’t want you to worry about it either. I want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy 90% of your life. Please do it for you. For me. For your kids. For your family. For the universe. 

The universe needs happy people. Attract and receive. Trust me. 

Snacks Are Key

Just check my purse. I am sure you will find a protein bar or goldfish or cliff bar. Snacks are the way to go. Car rides. School pick up. Even on way to school. 

Did you eat? Are you hungry? Do you need a snack?

That is why Costco comes in handy. Bulk shopping. When in doubt just hand out a snack. 

We All Need That Person

It’s something our parents always said to us and still do. I am now saying it to my own kids. Whether it’s when I drop them off at school or a play date or an activity or their Dad’s house for the night. 

It’s these magic 6 words that I heard over and over again growing up and am now saying it to my own girls. So early on in their life. 

But what if you’re not home. My daughter once asked. I don’t care I will leave where I am at. But what if you’re away for work or for the night. I don’t care I will call someone to come get you for me. 

I think as parents we always need to assure our kids that they don’t need to face anything in life alone...ever. 

I even say this to family and friends. Call me if you need me. And I am telling the truth. 

When my girlfriend Dad died I will never forget her call to me. My response was..Are you ok? What can I do to help you? Do you need me to come to Florida? 

When my girlfriend told me about her breast cancer I said call me if you need help with the baby or after surgery. Thanks for always being a good friend J. She always had my back too when I had my cancer.  

Call me if you need me are very powerful words. It’s assuring someone you don’t need to face anything alone. It’s comforting. 

All we need to do is be the go to for someone. To let them know you’re never alone. Never have to face anything alone. 

I appreciate my go to people too. It has helped my journey in life. It’s helped make me strong. It’s helped me not have it face anything alone. It’s help build me up. It’s helped me feel confident in any decisions I made in life. 

How amazing can six simple words be to someone. 

If You Love Her..

Maybe space is what people need to sort out what they really feel about someone. If you miss them
and it’s hard they know. If she’s all they think about well then they will know.  If they don’t miss her at all then they will know. If they really love you they’ll never really know until they let you go. 💛

Trust the process 

Don’t React

I didn’t want to say what bothered me anymore. I felt at this point if they didn’t know it was pointless. I wasn’t mad. I was hurt. Hurt from being ignored. 

It’s a pet peeve of mine. Every time I say why does it trigger me everyone responds because no one likes
being ignored. 

I can’t stand when my kids do it too. When I ask
them to do something  or to behave and no response. Like I didn’t exist. Like being invisible. Not having a voice. 

Now somewhere deep in me there’s a reason why being “ignored, not heard, not responded to” triggers something in me. I am still digging. But have let go of things that bring out a similar emotion in me. It’s not ok. I won’t and you too shouldn’t fight to be heard or understood or seen. 

You have a voice. You aren’t invisible. You can’t be ignored. It’s not ok for someone to do it to you. 

Change YOU...All You Can Do

This is important. Sometimes you don’t have control over situations but you do always have control over you and what you choose to do. How you choose to handle things, how you choose to tolerate things. 

I wasted a lot of my time on things that were out of my control. Yet affected my life until I removed myself. Once you remove yourself you do have pain or miss people but I rather change me then be stuck in a situation that I was just settling for. Settling for minimal of what I truly deserved. 

Get yourself out of situations that don’t feel right or are dead end. If you don’t see results most likely things will never change. Wish people well and take charge of your own life. This life is all you get. Can you imagine settling? No, I agree but why are you then?

Who Wants To See You Grow?

Hey you, yeah the person reading this. Are you in a relationship? If so does the person feel your soul? Do you feel theirs? If single do you easily connect with people and their soul?

The person who wants to see you grow and help you become a better version of yourself is the person who cares for you the most.