Shop Local This Weekend Westport

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Who Cares...Just Do It

I had to join a gym. It was time. I missed it. I now love it. I put my hair in a braid. Leggings and a black shirt. Sometimes a hoodie until I sweat to death. I am a hot mess. It’s awesome. 

Today a beautiful girl comes to work out next to me.  Her hair is perfect. Her makeup is professionally done. She’s matching leggings with her sleeveless tank top. 

At first I am like damn I look awful next to this one but then I say who the hell cares. I am suppose to look like a hot mess at the gym. 

Get my point people. Who cares. You’re making an effort to better you. Not impress anyone at all. Impress yourself. 

I left with my hair down to air out my sweaty mess. I am red like a tomato and I felt amazing. Hot mess and all. 

You do the same for yourself.  No one else. 

It’s A New Day...

You can bring into the day pain in your heart and it’s ok. Just keep shining and know it’s a new day. ❤️

What To Do With Your Kids This Weekend?

I love looking up local events especially around the holidays. Not sure what to do this weekend? Check out this awesome guide. 

It’s That Time Of Year...Oh Jax

It’s our third year we got together around the holidays since she moved. We end up eating too much. Laughing too much. Even shed some tears. She always visits this time of year and we make a point to get together. Usually order in and my sister hosts. We have some apps and just hang out and talk for hours. Normally it’s me on the couch by the end of the night taking a power nap before I leave. 

We have been friends since 1998. Those are the best friendships. You watch eachother grow. Help eachother through pain. Prime years for partying and becoming an adult. College roommates. We travel together every summer. It’s to add to our memory bank. To add to our stories and belly laughs. 

Lasting friendships. Where you know when they call you would drop what you’re doing for them. Those are the best friendships. Where it doesn’t matter how time passes. You just know they are in your heart and life for a reason. It’s now family status. No longer friends. Family. Where you know they will be in your life forever and you’re grateful for that. 

What a great life when you have so many amazing people in it. Who helped shaped you. Added to your journey. Are a part of your heart. Cherish those friendships and people. 

You Need To Grow...Break The Same Cycle

When I saw this it hit me... I have been moving in circles on and off this year. Even though I have made awesome memories. A ton of progress in my life. Check marks off my bucket list. Still in my heart and head there is a disconnect. A same situation. A same outcome. Holding on when you know deep down it’s been the same ride for the last eight months. Same outcome. 

When do we learn? When do we allow repeated messages and words and emotions to stop. When do we say I will break this cycle. I will not move in circles anymore. I can’t grow that way. I must break through old habits, stop repeating  behaviors in order to grow. If you keep doing the same things you will keep getting the same results. People don’t change. People don’t want to change. You have to change. 

Repeat after me:
I must break patterns. No more living my life emotionally in circles. What’s meant for me will
be but if I keep holding on nothing will change. If I don’t change how can I ever fully be or get what I really need. Today I choose to break cycles. No more living by my heart. I will use my brain. I will process and not let emotions change how I feel. I will know life is in my control. I need to love me. I need more and can’t get it living in repeated behaviors. 

Happy Saturday!!

It’s the holiday season! Happy Saturday ❤️🎅

Real True Connections

I always joke next marriage will be for money but it’s not true. I don’t believe that’s the path to happiness. Depend on yourself. Believe in love. Believe there is someone out there who needs you as much as you need them...not for money but for soul purposes. Life’s adventures. Experiencing new places and cultures and food and music. Someone who you bring out the best in them and they bring out the best in you. 

Isn’t that what companions are meant to do?