Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Love The Ones You’re With

I cooked my famous Asian short ribs with kale. Pasta soup for the little ones. Then baked cookies with the kids. They had a dance party with a disco ball and then we popped some sparkling grape juice for them and my favorite Fragolina for the adults. 

You can’t dwell on stuff. Can’t miss those who aren’t with you. Just appreciate those who are. 

My kids are happy so I am happy. 

Peace out 2019! ✌️

Work Through Your Triggers


When you work through your triggers you get to the root of what’s bothering you. You then get to come to terms with it and have peace. 

Triggers are normal. It can bring out jealously or neglect or anger or pain. It can bring out not getting what you want or competition or not feeling as if you’re enough. 

The thing about triggers is if you don’t realize why it’s bringing out that emotion you will repeat that reaction. You won’t heal that pain. 

If you can’t help your triggers release the person or situation who provokes them. Your peace of mind is worth it verse anyone causing you pain or heartache. 

We all have them in us. It’s like someone hitting a nerve. At that moment we use the fight or flight method. Fight with the person or flight the need to remove ourselves from the person or the situation. Try to heal to avoid triggers so you can have peace in your life. There’s nothing better than peace. Happiness. Pure calmness. No one is worth stirring up emotions in you. 

Let Go Of Your Sadness

Focus on the good. Don’t let the sadness overtake you. We all have a past and sadness. It’s ok. I get it too well. But reality is sometimes things don’t align. Sometimes people don’t see things like you too. Your pain isn’t their pain. 

2019 Humor...

I hope 2020 makes you look back at 2019 and say hey those were the best lessons learned. 

Count Down to Noon...Happy New Year Fun

This was so much fun! The kids loved playing at Stepping Stones in Norwalk. They did a count down to the New Year at Noon. 

There was a DJ in the media room and then they did a count down. Kids danced and did crafts. Was so much fun and a great time for them. They really were creative and now the kids feel like they had a great celebration. The DJ was pretty awesome. 

These kids make my heart happy ❤️

It’s This Type of Friendship...Bye 2019...Hello 2020

Sometimes people come into your life and you don’t know why. Then one day it clicks. It wasn’t for the people who introduced us. It was for us to be there for eachother. I started the year with this girl and am happy to be ending it with her too. She’s one cool girl and I am grateful to call her my friend. 

Looking forward to laughs and fun and adventurous memories with her. She makes me laugh. She’s there when I cry. It’s been a fun ride. 

We had some great times New Haven to New York City. She’s always down to try new places. Whether driving around looking at Christmas lights or my early wake up calls to go to the gym. We have discovered some really cool fun spots. Met a lot of new people together and the best is our motivation morning texts. 

In every situation that you lose something you gain something else. We all need that person to cheer us on. 

I hope tonight and tomorrow and the rest of your days you are around those who love you and helped you and made your soul happy and dance. ❤️

Leave That All Behind You

And anything else that doesn’t bring your heart and soul peace. 

Don’t carry things into the New Year that didn’t do you well this year. It’s about being the best version of you. Carry only the good with you. The good times. The good memories. Leave the pain and bad memories behind. 

Fun New Years Eve Party Ideas

Hosting a party or going to one? Check out these cute fun New Years Eve ideas. 


Start Over Everyday

Let go of everything that disappoints you. Restart today and everyday. Change your mind set. Let go of hurt from your past. Focus on new beginnings and the journey of life what your life can be verse what it is.  

With the New Year it’s a reminder that everyday can be something new. Accept your pain and fears. Allow your truths to surface. Heal and move forward. Accept things that didn’t work out for you one day it will make sense. 

2019 held a ton of learning opportunities. Growing pains and joys. I am starting and ending my year with intentions to be a better version of me. To no longer be second in anyone’s life. To know the right people always are by my side and choose me. No more confusion. No more settling. No one being on the sidelines or someone’s pastime. Why would you anyway!!

It’s About Having Peace

I compromised most of my life. I didn’t want to anymore. I remember getting on the train in NYC and seeing a couple argue. I turned to a girlfriend and said I don’t miss that. 

I got tired of compromising. Obviously I wasn’t with the right people in a relationship to feel like I had to. Relationships are work but to what extent. Shouldn’t it be two people bringing out the best in eachother? That’s it. Choosing to share your life. Not making it difficult or a guessing game. Accepting people for who they are and embracing that person. Not changing them. 

We have a lot to learn. In the meantime I will embrace this peace I have. Until someone else can join me I am good having peace by myself. 

People are just as lonely if not more in the wrong relationship than single. Don’t settle. Ever. Find your person that brings you peace. 

There is A Purpose

I thank you for my journey. 

The Best Part About Blogging

I was triggered. 

I needed to reflect. I asked myself how did I feel
A year ago. I love blogging because you can go back and see how you felt.  I reread everything. Old texts and old messages, I had to understand my triggers. The best part about blogging is it’s like a journal. You post things that relate to your emotions at the time or you see something that makes you want to reflect on it. 

I went back on my posts. Even a year prior to last year. I started to read my posts. The strengthen. The feelings. Everything. I started to realize that this current state isn’t my hardest point in life. I have had some real tough moments. This current state I changed a lot. I am not who I was a year ago or two. 

My posts remind me of what I have been through. How I felt at that time. How I coped. What helped. What didn’t. The good too because there’s always a ton of good. 

The memories and adventures and I then wasn’t mad or sad anymore. I was happy. 

I just want a simple, happy, life. You can’t get that being around something that triggers you. I fight so hard to be carefree and calm that I and you should never give anyone or any situation power to make you feel a different way. Let go of Anger and Pain. Embrace the journey of life. Don’t repeat mistakes. 

A situation brought out anger. Jealously. Awful. 
No one should make you feel that way. No situation. But this one did. One and off for a year. Imagine. Silly. We live in a society where our focus should be love and happiness. Calm. Peace. Serenity. Not jealously or anger. 

I hope you find ways to express yourself. I hope you too find ways to cope and even go back and see how much you too have changed. I hope you let go of situations that don’t bring out the best in you. Only attract growth and happiness. Only attract people who can love you and you love them back.