Thursday, February 27, 2020

Are You Making Too Much Of It?

They always say majority of our problems and issues are really in our head verse what we are facing. 

Take a step back and really reevaluate the situation. Problems will always occur. Don’t let them consume you. Write down what’s bothering you and then let it go. Find a solution. That’s always the main goal. And be good to you. You can’t stress over everything! 

Are You The Whole Package?

I was talking to a friend about this. What we need in a companion. If we’re the whole package and I swear a voice came into my head. It said we don’t need validation from others when we just need validation from ourselves. 

The journey of dating or divorce or second time around is tricky. You tend to fall for people who are either completely opposites or completely the same from past relationships. You also tend to look for red flags or over look red flags that remind you of past relationships.  

So what do I suggest?

Be alone. 

Listen we’re never really alone BUT when you don’t jump from relationship to relationship you get to really think about what you want in a companion. You tend to create your own package. 

No no one is perfect but you can be picky. You can save your energy and time for people who are worth it and value you for it. 

So what’s the whole package to you?

It’s different than mine or anyone else’s. We all need different things. I always say what I want is simple but yet I haven’t completely found it. Have you?

My package isn’t simple even though I act like it is.  He needs to be a certain guy. Confident. Secure. Hardworking. Happy. Love kids and has kids.  Reliable and dependable. Have the same interests as me. Funny. Takes care of himself. Doesn’t want to change me. Accepts all of me. Likes to dance and try new adventures. Outgoing and strong yet sweet and gentle. He must love his job and his choices in life. He can’t be jealous or insecure. He can’t be aggressive or forceful. He has to be confident in himself. Trustworthy and honest. He has to be able to let me vent to him and listen. We need to be able to communicate well when we face confrontation. 

I laugh as I write this because it’s like asking for a perfect guy that may not exist but I swear there has to be someone close to this. 

Now your turn...what’s your whole package person?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Feathers...Again....Just Be Happy

I wrote about my feather experience. Well it’s happening again. This time I am not overwhelmed or stressed or nervous. I am enjoying life because no matter what we will always have things to deal with and handle. Why be mad about it. 

*Brown and white feather - happiness, and you will go under the radar from psychic or other  harm. Grey and white symbolise hope.

Read more about it

Ash Wednesday: Thank God...We Are Alive

I always liked the season of lent. Ash Wednesday and Easter. But then I got in a car accident. It was right before I got pregnant with my oldest. I won’t forget that day. A four car accident all because I skid going on the Merritt. I remember saying to myself get off the road just get off the road. My car was like a ping pong machine. I swear my guardian angels saved me. I got off the road and went straight towards a tree. The front grill of my pathfinder took the impact. I walked out of my car without a scratch. My car totaled I even bent a guard rail. It was a mess. A scary mess yet we all walked away fine. 

That night I went to church to pray. A little girl voice said thank god you’re alive. There were no little
Girls near me. It was my angel. Inner child. Whomever   But she was right. 

We all have these tests in life. Where we cheat death. That was one of mine. I walked into church today with my little crew and this time I was the one who said thank god I am alive. 

We are constantly getting second changes at life. Whether we realize it or not. Make it the best it can be. Be happy. Appreciate what people do for you. Respect those who love you. 

Be grateful to be alive. 

Mirror Yourself...Over And Over

I can’t explain my transformation. I have this weird calmness over me. I tend to be around calm people. I kindof laugh because they are very outgoing but calm me. I even hang out with a calm guy. I like calmness. I don’t react like I used to. I think healing helps. Healing brings you peace. There will always be situations that stir it up but be at inner peace to remain calm. 

So I love my book I am reading which I have shared. I promise you read it. 

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended on It

My little one even helped highlight pages for me this morning as I read in bed before starting my day. 

You have the power to change. Grow. Heal. Be whoever you want to be. Fall back in love with life. Your life. Make changes you need to be happy! 

Choose Your Battles

Breathe in breathe out. 

Breathe in saying positive things to yourself. Breathe out any negative emotions. Fears. Doubts. 

 You’ll be amazed what you breathe out!

Acknowledge the Triggers

This is something that has helped me through the process of learning and growing and healing all within. That whenever I felt an emotion I didn’t like I dug deep to try to figure out what triggered me.  

I had a friend who hated that word but it’s true. Triggers is when we shift our mind and emotions based on what something someone did or said. That trigger most of the time activated pain from an old wound. Something that happened years prior. 

So it takes work. Acknowledging what’s really bothering you. Doesn’t always mean that person didn’t cause that pain. Sometimes it’s their repeated behavior. Once we learn their patterns it no longer can bother you because it’s predictable. 

Triggers happen when unexpected outcomes happen. When our expectations aren’t met so we feel neglected or upset due to their failed behavior. But what really is an important thing to remember is that patterns are predictable. Think about it. For example: If I go out with certain friends I know we are home late. I know what our night will be like so I prepare ahead. 

If I bring up a topic with a guy I have been seeing I know I will feel insecure about our situation. Instead I just enjoy the process since it’s been years on and off I realized patterns that worked for us. If I try to push the envelope things may shift and change...mostly because of me. I notice when I changed my levels with someone I changed. I added pressure to myself instead of just going with it. I can predict my patterns. Their patterns. Their triggers and mine. I know already what to expect. When something changes or shifts. When things are unpredictable that can trigger us too. 

The whole point is to look within. We blame others for
Our emotions. But most of the time...they are old wounds that are reopening. 

Become aware with who you are and what you need and what needs to heal. 

Feelings Are Information

I love this guy. I feel he makes a lot of sense and we need a reminder. Check out this video he posted on Instagram about giving yourself permission to change to follow your feelings to want different things in your life.  

Take the time to watch this. It’s helpful and a reminder that sometimes we have to do what’s best for us. 

There Will Be Memories That You Want To Forget

We all have been there. In situations where our world and life changed. Some drastically overnight. Losing someone or a breakup or a diagnosis. Regardless those painful situations stay with us. We carry on but deep down the pain is there. 

I don’t think we should “get over it”. There’s painful memories I think will always be a part of my journey. I think they shape us but it’s ok for them to still bother you. 

We all have our own individual stories. Journey. Pain. 

The one thing we must learn is to not repeat those painful scenarios. That’s your only control. 

Don’t go back to those who hurt you. Don’t let your guard down second time around. Forgive but move on. 

I had a friend who I loved. I really loved their personality our fun times together our endless banter. It was so easy then it changed overnight. But that friend hurt me. It prevented me from getting into other relationships and friendships because I was on guard. I was wounded. I had no control over outcome and from time to time something reminds me of that pain. It’s not necessarily their fault when that pain reappears but they did cause that pain. 

Could I ever believe they couldn’t hurt me again. Not sure. But I acknowledge that when I feel that emotion it’s ok to feel it. I acknowledge that our journey was the way it was. 

Some things stay with you and it’s ok. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Be Good To People

His name was Stan. I came up to the register where he was and he asked me how my day was going. Great I replied, how about yourself. “Ok” he said. 

Now I will start off that I dislike when people complain at work to customers. So I didn’t ask him why and he proceeded to ring up my stuff. How’s your day he asked again. Great and you. I asked again. He said not good. I said I am sorry and I hope his day gets better. He said he didn’t have a ride home after work. I suggested he get an urber. He said he was short $2. I opened my wallet and said here’s $2. He was hesitant and I said now you can have a better day. 

Now I know he risked losing his job and maybe he was lying maybe not. A friend went to purchase something after me and I walked out of the store. When she came out I asked if he asked her for money. No she said. I felt better about my decision. 

I don’t know if Stan was lying or not. I do know he wanted to talk it out. I did give him a chance and I gave him a chance to have a better day. 

I think we all have opportunities like this. Where we can turn things around for people. Not with money but maybe just with time to say are you ok and when they say no we provide a solution or even an ear. 

We live in a society where we don’t trust people. Where we are busy. Take some time. Slow it down. Make someone’s day better. 

Monday Motivation

Choose your people. Honor your people. And the rest. Well the rest can go somewhere else. They don’t matter. They don’t have to get you but they also don’t get to have your energy or space. They don’t get to consume you. 

Today is hopefully the start to a soon to be ending. Where after years focusing on peace I finally will get it. 

Grateful for my people. ❤️ Grateful for my journey. Grateful for my happiness. Grateful for you.