Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Numbers and Patterns

I was getting ready for bed and saw this on my phone on an app. I mentioned I have a thing for numbers. I had to look it up. I normally do when numbers are repeated. 

Which is ironic because I had my meditation music on. 

We live off hope right? We believe in stuff beyond the obvious to help make life magical. Add some magic in your life. 

Doesn’t hurt. You don’t always have to be realistic. 

Bring Your Hippie Self Back

What’s on your vision board? You can literally create one. I was talking to a friend and she loved my new outlook. “Yes bring back the hippie, happy Jay” she said. I laughed and replied “That’s the goal”. 

Love yourself and be kind. Really be your true self. Deep down all the fears and doubts is a person wanting to break free. Do it this year. Not for anyone else but yourself. 

Love this easy steps to making people feel good and you too. Let’s encourage one another to be our best versions of ourselves. I believe in me and I believe in you. ❤️ 

It’s Ok Keep Trying

You won’t make things right over night. 

Let’s Sweat It Out

The gym! The endorphins do wonders for me. They really do. I had to go. I needed to go back into my routine. It made me feel stronger. It’s a great step for taking care of you. I have been going since my trip to Miami. I love my gym. It’s important to find a place you’re comfortable going to.  

This morning when we did our list of things to work on this year my middle one said mom you need to run around the house more. I laughed. That used to be my workout. I said how many days should I go to the gym. They said everyday. I settled for 5. 

I have a free session Saturday with a trainer to show me some routines. All steps in the right direction. Last May I gave up a nasty habit that wasn’t good for my health but it was my “out”. It helped me “cope”. We all have something. Since then I had to learn how to eat again and not look to food as comfort. I am
Italian. Food is love. It still can be when you’re being healthy you just have to make better choices. 

Adding gym helps too. Everyone should really workout. Not to be skinny but to be healthy. Do something for your body that it will later thank you for!

First Step: Read More

First step to changing myself is to read more. Ironically a girlfriend of mine bought me this. She’s very intuitive and knew my journey to Within was beginning. There’s nothing wrong with it. I am a single woman. It’s time I went back to the days of taking care of myself and learning about me. My kids always come first but I need to focus on me after too. So tonight I picked this up and started reading it. 

If you want to make a change in your life you have to take baby steps. Real, slowly. But enjoy the process too. 

Thanks for being part of my journey. 

Beach House Cafe in Greenwich CT

Delicious and so fun. We of course had to go start the New Year together and eating. Because food is love. 

I must admit the tuna tartare was so cool and yummy. Loved the plate coming out like that. 

I had a mimosa cocktail. It’s a fancy spin to a mimosa with Tito’s added. 

The shrimp was so good. Loved the truffle fries. They were not greasy and you could taste the truffle in the oil but not too over powering. I had their goat cheese omelette with spinach and ham. Side salad was super refreshing. We split two desserts amongst 7 of us. Not bad. Cheating a little feels better when other join in on the fun but really monkey bread and lava cake both served really pretty. 

Great place loved the outside of it and inside design. We luckily had no problems with parking. If you do you can park near CVS. 

Happy New Year Everyone. Spend the day with those you love. 

A New Vision

Yes, yes I am. 

If we all really did this and not just removing toxic people but look within to better our own selves we wouldn’t have time to worry about people around us who aren’t doing us justice or bringing out the best in us. 

What Would I Have Told Myself Years Ago

This popped up on my thread. I smiled when I saw it. But if I told you who this woman was 5 years ago I would have said she just got by. She tried hard to live a life that really wasn’t her way. She was consumed. She just wanted a simple life. To focus on her girls. Love the simple things. 

That didn’t happen. It was probably the last year of my marriage being decent. I just went along with life. I loved my kids and tried hard to be happy but it really didn’t feel right to my core. 

Slowly you shift. You are less tolerant of certain behaviors. You bury pain and think you’re living but you’re just getting by. 

Do I miss my kids this little? Of course. Do I miss who I was? No. Not at all. I loved myself I didn’t love what I was settling for. 

If I could tell her then all she would go through in life five years from then I would have said no way. But if I told her how strong and happy she would be after it was all done then maybe just maybe she would have taken the path sooner. 

The journey of life is to unbury pain to uncover your true self to not have regret but to know not to repeat the same mistakes. 

The New Year Jar

I have seen this before and really wish I did it last year. 2019 was filled with some drama and painful situations that had nothing to do directly with me yet affected me. But it also was really filled with so many awesome fun times. My kids had a blast. Tons of trips. I met so many new people. Tried a ton of new restaurants and places. Learned I can connect with a lot of people. I helped people along the way. People helped me along the way. Loved checking out different towns. Loved all the states and cities I visited.  Loved my job. My home life. Just life. 

I grew as a person. Created awesome memories. But how cool would it have been to put in a jar and this morning read off with my kids and family. So today we did it. We created some changes we wanted to make this year. Me a yoga retreat. The girls learn Italian. And now we will add into the jar any fun memory. So in 2021 we can share and reminisce about what a great 2020 we had. 

Problems happen. Stressful situations happen. We all know that BUT how cool would it be to remember the good. 

So start today. Start your happy jar! Not just for you but for the whole family. I can’t wait for the great things in 2020. 

You Aren’t Who You Once Were


So you got lost along the way. So you thought loving someone meant changing your beliefs. When you fight within the battle wounds remain. It’s ok. Fix it. You then realize how strong and independent you are. I am not the same person I was yesterday not a year ago or two years ago. Neither are you. Love who you are today. 

Silence The Mind & Release Old Pain

I had a vision. A vision of what this year’s goal would be. Have you had a vision? Have you ever pictured yourself doing something. Like an out of body experience?

2019 was a bit toxic. Toxic situations. Yet also rewarding. A ton of amazing happy adventurous experiences. A base of what my life could be like. I started to look within to see why I reacted to certain situations. That was in 2019. 

2020 is the fun part. Healing and becoming one with myself. My true self. I never would settle like I did. I was shocked I stayed in situations that didn’t do me justice or make my soul happy. That made me question myself. Self doubt is nothing anyone should make you feel. 

Not this time. This time it’s about rebirthing. It’s about healing and being at true peace. Even if it means doing it alone. Which reality we are never alone. But doing it without some people we had in our life before. 

Self confidence is built when you love your true self. When you can handle situations differently than you once did. 

I believe everyday is a chance to restart. But the New Year that’s a chance to erase all past mistakes and say hey not this year. This year will be different. 

I will take you along on my journey which I am super excited about. 2019 journey is over. I thanked those who were a part of it and I set them free. This new journey is very exciting. It’s about spiritual growth and acceptance. 

Please take this time to create your vision of your true self too. We are always different versions of ourselves. We are never the same.  Aim to be your best version and enjoy this new journey with me. 

Start Now...Oh 2020 This Is Going To Be Fun

And in the mist of it all she realized one thing...the whole time what the universe was trying to teach her....something she fought against for so long...she finally realized she was fighting to be  happy and at peace... 💜