Monday, January 13, 2020

Thank You For Being In My Life

When was the last time you thanked someone for being in your life. I do it all the time. I even thank you readers for being in my life. For making me feel sharing my stories may help you or heal you or make you smile to feel my love. 

Because that’s what we are suppose to do. Love eachother. Thank those who help build you up.  

We always ask what we are grateful for when we get together.  Tonight we agreed we all had a great day. I said how lucky are we to mostly have great days. How lucky to not have so many bad days and to embrace the good ones. They all agreed. It’s true. 

Tell someone how thankful you are for them. I love hearing it. I always tell people I appreciate them. Because they help heal me. They help me show my true side and live my best life. Life is not perfect but deep down happiness makes it great. 

Are you? Can you say you’re living your best life too? Can you thank someone for loving you and healing you too?

Please do it. Not for me but for your own soul and peace of mind. ❤️

Change Your Perspective

This is important. We don’t change. We are the same people. How we handle situations change. You can look at me and see the same person a year ago. Well she’s not the same interms of what she thought was love or what she wanted and needed a year ago is completely different than what she needs today. 

Same is for you. 

As I wrote this I had a flash back and a pain in me. It’s ok to know things change. Just you know they can’t go back to the way it was. 

Look at life for what it is. Reality. Real. I love living in a fairy land. Fantasy that all is good. Unfortunately it got tarnished along the way. 

I am trying to bring myself back. To believe in things. But first I need to face realities of life. It’s actually been good for me. 

Change your perspective. It enables you to be sympathetic. Have empathy. Understand why people do what they do. Understand why people treated you like they did. 

Our job in life isn’t to hurt eachother. It’s to bring out the best in us. To share love and guidance. You need to not be naive. I was. I was for a long time. Not anymore. Now it’s about healing and growing and being the best version. You need to be your best version too. 

We All Have Insecurities & Scars....All Of Us

I was with a friend the other night he brought up something. I was hesitant responding.  I finally said because  I felt insecure and self conscious he looked at me and said I do too at times. I get it. I swear at that moment I connected with him on a totally different level. After I left he said to make sure I let him know I got home safely. I will be sleeping if I don’t respond but at least I can know you’re safe. 

We have been friends a couple of years. I swear my connection with him changed from that one moment. That one response. Just took one remark. I saw him differently and he saw me differently. He’s been really attentive since. Our friendship changed and I must say it changed to the better. It’s almost as if I accepted my flaws and he accepted his. It’s like we are being real with eachother. 

We all have scars and insecurities. I don’t care how amazing you look. How much money you have. How beautiful and handsome you are. What your body is like. How nice and funny you are. How upfront and secure you at. How out going you are. Your career status. 

We all have scars and doubts deep down. 

I was working out at the gym and a song came on and I looked around the gym and I swear I felt everyone’s insecurities. Everyone’s there to improve themselves. To help them feel and look better. 

You have to understand we all have doubts. The goal is to overcome them. The goal is to work on them. 

I used to have a friend  who would help me with self doubt issues. He helped me with workout tips. We both helped eachother with stuff in life. He was really attractive and great shape especially for his age and yet he has insecurities too deep down. I can go through a list of people in my life that have insecurities and doubts and I never see those things when I look at them. I see their amazing souls and great personalities or great bodies and beautiful faces. I see self confidence. 

But deep down they have these doubts. It’s our job to fix them. To forget the pictures of how we should be and look like and accept ourselves. To always improve but be comfortable in our skin with who we are. We are more than just a face and body. We have a deep down core. A soul. It’s not about looks. It’s about who you really are. How you make people feel. How you love and are kind and sweet and sincere. That’s beautiful. Not all this other stuff. 

You Have Control Over Yourself

I wanted to change so I am working to do so. You aren’t stuck. You too can change who you are in every situation at any time. 

The Feeling Of Being Ignored

This is a subject I wanted to touch base on because it triggers me when I am ignored. 

When you look within to fix yourself you try to analyze your triggers. 

I messaged a friend the other day to check on him. He’s in the military and with the world events I thought of him. Two days later he messaged back. I didn’t get upset. I figured he was busy. He was. He just got back from a mission and had a weekend before heading out again. I wasn’t mad. He apologized and was attentive until he left again. Weird thing is he had a procedure done and while I was nervous about his line to work he was already recovering from a procedure he had. Nothing major but still strange my intuition picked up on it. 

As for going a couple days not hearing from him in past I would be Concerned.  Worried about him. I do worry. I do care. He’s fighting for our country and saving lives. Why wouldn’t I worry. But it didn’t bother me he didn’t jump to respond this time.  I get it. We get busy. Am I a priority to him? Nah. Is he to me. Probably not either. But I thought of him and wanted him to know. 

What I realized was every time I felt ignored or not responded in the past I didn’t feel important to the person. Silly I get it. But I now know not to let it bother me. That it’s ok. If someone ignores you don’t worry about it. Most of the time, we know why. When we don’t, give it time. 

The whole point is to not react. To remain calm in every situation. To not be insecure. To know yes words unsaid do say a lot. But don’t lose sleep over it.  Those who care about you make an effort to show it. You can’t make someone care. 

Calm Your Brain Connect Within

I always had a thing for numbers and patterns. Not sure why. I don’t particularly like math. I am decent in it. I used to do accounts receivables for years but I still don’t understand my connection to it. But when I see a pattern I look it up. Today was 222. 

I know sounds silly. We all have our little quirks in life. This is mine. So I had to look it up. 

Here’s what I learned. 

What patterns do you follow. What numbers stand out for you?
Read More 

Learn How To Play The Game

Dimes. Triple numbers. My right hand was itching I said to my girlfriend money is coming in. Next day I messaged her I received notification to get money back on something. 

I started to laugh. 

Our thoughts attract. The universe brings what we focus on. 

I knew a situation with a friend was not going the way I hoped. I couldn’t handle it so I pushed it away. I knew the outcome even though I didn’t want to accept it. But my mind body and soul knew. 

Listen to your intuition. Learn how to play the real game of “life”. 

Another friend I thanked for being their for me in 2019. I kept thinking of him for some reason and everytime he reached out after I thought of him. 

Your mind is powerful. Your actions are powerful. Your intuition is super powerful. 


You don’t realize how powerful you are. Embrace it and use it towards your good. 

Does Your Love Language Align?

I wrote about this last year here it’s important to know what makes you happy and your companion. Understanding who you are and what you need and want makes you a better person in a relationship. 

It’s A New Year With New Goals

It’s ok. That person is gone now. You aren’t who you were. You accept. Forgive. Release. Whatever it takes to know past mistakes don’t mean you are your mistakes. It means it all happened to teach you lessons. Great lessons about life and love and what you want and don’t want. 

Today’s Affirmation: Forgive Yourself

We are always thinking of forgiving others what about this time we forgive ourselves. For maybe not treating ourselves the way we should or letting others get the best of us. For not having confidence we should. For maybe body shaming ourselves or settling when we shouldn’t have. 

When you are at peace with yourself you can be at peace with others. 

Learn more affirmations here