Friday, February 25, 2022

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tubing At Powder Ridge

We took the kids a couple of weeks ago and it’s so much fun. It’s 90 mins. You take an automatic ramp up with your tubes and slide down the paths. So much fun. The kids kept racing my boyfriend. It’s a blast. I did it last year at night with neon lights. 

Kids asked for this to be our tradition every winter. Of course I agreed. What a fun activity to do together. 

My boyfriend snowboards here and brings his daughter to ski. I do the tubing…too old to hurt myself  but really it’s a great place!!

Family…When Families Blend

I love this crew. Family isn’t always blood. Family isn’t just people you meet young. Family can be anyone who comes into your life at any point and loves you. For you. Accepts you. Enjoys you. 

That’s “family”

We have an extended family now. It’s him and I. Then our kids together. Then our families together. It’s beautiful. It really is. 

We pinky swore last night to never break up. It was a joke after hearing some dating horror stories from our friends. But really he’s someone I want to be with forever. 

I love the extended “family” we created together. You too can have that. Family never stops. Family just grows. 

Who Has Power Over YOU?

No one should have enough power to shift your mood. Ever ❤️

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Happiness & Laughter

And laugh!! Laughter is key. ♥️

When In Rome….in Virginia Beach

This was an awesome Italian restaurant. The staff is amazing. The food was delicious and we had a great time here for dinner. 

Chicken parm

This pasta special was so cool. The pasta- cappelletti was filled with mascarpone and pears. 

If you’re ever in the area definitely go there. 

Weekend in Virginia Beach

It was my first time. We went for my boyfriend’s daughter’s gymnastics competition. It was so nice to have a room on the beach. I fell asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing. It’s magical!

We were on the balcony and saw dolphins. Four swimming along. Was so cool!

His parents met us to hang for the weekend. We had a blast. 

Our first night we went for Mexican and the drinks were insane. They came in three sizes. Small- really regular, medium- like a fish bowl or monster which could probably fit a whole bottle of liquor. I am not much of a drinker so small was plenty for me. 

Virginia Beach is a beach town. Fun shops and restaurants. Not everything was open due to off season but was fun to experience. 

The convention center is gorgeous. 

I was so glad to be their to support her during her competition. 

She did great!! 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Get A Hold Of Your Emotions!

I have spoken about this many times. The importance of Emotional Intelligence. Where people lack it and it affects them greatly. 

I had a recent situation where someone can’t emotionally handle a situation that resulted them missing an important event due to them being jealous. They couldn’t emotionally handle being there in the presence of someone else. A person who came to show support for someone. 

Can you imagine? Could you imagine not being able to have control over your emotions so much that you would miss an important event because of being jealous or insecure or who else knows because I could not explain her actions. I understand if an event made you comfortable for a reason or you could not afford it BUT in life we make sacrifices. We make sacrifices for our kids and that’s the main goal. Our kids. Their happiness. 

The more I thought about it the more I couldn’t understand it. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it as a parent. Nothing led to this person to feel this way. No arguments. No disagreements. This person has been around these people multiple times but yet years later they said they can’t attend an event because it’s too emotionally hard for them. 

Emotionally hard?

Please don’t be like this. I have faced uncomfortable situation before but focused on the importance of the reason I was there. I was able to set that aside and be there for people. Please do the same!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day

From my Valentines to yours! 

Friday, February 11, 2022

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Release The Past

If you really want to be happy you have to let go of the past! 

Romantic Restaurants in CT

 Love this list by Stamford Events

Where will you be going on Valentine’s Day with your Valentine?

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Don’t Cheat Yourself Out Of Happiness

❤️ Never let fear take over your happiness. Could of. Would of. Etc…

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022