Thursday, March 31, 2011

Man vs Woman Falling In Love Quote

“A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.”  Woodrow Wyatt

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Joy Quote

  “Joy is not in things; it is in us.” Richard Wagner

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Recognize & Appreciate Quote

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."  Frederick Keonig

Escarole & Beans

Growing up my mom would always make these dishes when I would beg her to make American dishes. Now I love making these dishes because they remind me of childhood. Funny how this "Pleasant Peasant Dish" comforts the soul and tummy! I love this one pot dinner dish!

  • 2 Heads Escarole
  • 2 Cans Cannelloni Beans
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped onions
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • Salt and Pepper for test
Wash the escarole really well. In a pot coat bottom with olive oil, add garlic, onions and red pepper. Saute, add escarole, I always add a little at a time, and put a top on. Once escarole is welted down-not too much you still want it to have a crunch to it, add cans of beans, salt and pepper. Simmer until creamy.

I like to serve this is a bowl over Italian bread. Yum!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daughter Quote

"My daughter has changed my life; she has given me grey hair, wrinkles and a lifetime of love and joy in my heart!"

Feel Good Song: Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) - Billy Joel

"Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep." H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Bedtime Buddies

As a child I loved sleeping with my stuff animals, maybe a little too much. I would gather ALL the stuffed animals in the house and put them in bed with me. There were three children in my family so just try to image all the stuffed animals I stuffed in bed with me.

My mom would joke that she feared I would sweat myself to death and always yelled at me to not have them all in my bed, but I would insist. That is why I found it so funny that my daughter never had a favorite toy to sleep with. She never slept with a pacifier, favorite blanket or anything. I knew then she took after her father.

She is now over two years old in her big girl bed and the other night I was putting her to bed. She asked for her ducky, then her Barney doll and then for her beach ball- which is a pillow that looks like a beach ball. Finally, I thought, she was growing sentimental with her toys and wanted a bedtime buddy. Nope, before I knew it she put all three items under her feet as a foot rest and laid back. It was a pretty funny site I must admit!

I know she is still young and being attached to a item has it's pros and cons. Maybe one day she will find that favorite item she will find comfort in. If I could I would probably still sleep with a bedtime buddy- along with my husband of course :)

Being a Mom Quote

"Since being a Mom Facebook and Yahoo! are the only way I can keep up and stay in tune with current events...TV is off limits, unless Dora and Blues Clues can tell me what the weather is going to be."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Clean House & Children Don't Mix Quote

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." Phyllis Diller

Ha-I Didn't Sign Up for This!

When I decided to become a parent I never realized how much work it would be. I mean I LOVE LOVE being a mom, but would LOVE LOVE if I could have a cleaning lady, cook, personal assistant and even a dog walker to take care of my dogs. I feel like I am always doing something but never really get anything done!

My husband is very hands on, he does alot around the house, helps me with my daughter and really anything I need. But I still can not seem to get everything I need and want done within the 17 hours I am awake. My days starts by 7:00 am and at 11:30 at night I am looking through my blackberry calendar adding tasks that I have yet to complete to do the next day!

I look around my house and sometimes wish I had the magic finger like that show 'I Dream of Jeannie' to wash the dishes, dust, vacuum, clean the bathroom, fold the laundry, take the dogs out and everything else that we all have to worry about.

Some days I want to just sit back and play with my daughter, eat when I am hungry, not worry about the things in life that we all hate and have to worry about. I mean think about it... did we really sign ourselves up for all of this?! Because I don't remember signing anything that said "yep I could be a mom, wife, worker, cook, cleaning lady, dog walker" and at the same time be the energizer bunny, with a permanent smile on my face with a great figure, a spotless house, and a pressed clothes. Who am I kidding, my house is decent, my smile comes and goes, my figure needs some help and if my clothes aren't stained then it's been a good day!

Love Quote

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over."

Finding the Right Person Who Brings Out the Best in You Quote

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be."Ralph Waldo Emerson

Feel Good Song: Tom's Diner With Suzanne Vega

I can't believe this song is already 20 yrs old! Time flies!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Follow Your Guide to Happiness Quote

“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”Angela Monet

What are you Passionate About?

I am old enough to have had a number of different positions and careers. Working from home for different clients made me realize how much more successful I am when it involves doing tasks I am passionate about.

Prior to having my daughter I was a PR and Marketing Manager and loved what I did, I loved the product line the company manufactured, I loved my work, but was not a fan of the people I worked for. I was passionate in my work so who I worked for did not affect it too much.

Now I realize that the clients I work as their Marketing Consultant, which is what I love to do, I meet my deadlines, am proud of my work and enjoy every detail vs. the clients I may handle tasks that are not my favorite, even though I enjoy working for that client.

Whenever I am doing something I am passionate about my best works shines through, whenever I am doing something I am not passionate about I tend to slack off. I hate that about myself but know that this means I am confident in the line of business that shows my strengthens and rather not do the tasks that show my weaknesses.

In every job I had and I am sure will have there will always be things I love to do and things I do not love to do. I also know that I am a multi-tasker; I get bored easily if I had to do the same thing over and over again.

I also believe that although I love this job because I get to work from home, can be with my daughter a lot, meet so many wonderful people and learned to multi-task, while self teaching my self, that one day, when my children are grown and I am back in my career I will follow my passion...which may change by then but am determined to do what I am passionate about!

"Follow your passion, and success will follow you." Terri Guillemets

Relationship Quotes

"To have a successful relationship you can't just stick around for the good times, but also for the bad times and everything inbetween!"

Friday, March 18, 2011

To be Happy Quote

“To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all."Helen Rowland

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We're all Irish on St. Patty's Day!

"May your blessings outnumber

The shamrocks that grow,

And may trouble avoid you

Wherever you go."

~Irish Blessing

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chocolate= A Woman's Best Friend

I love chocolate and sometimes I crave it so badly. I try not to eat too much of it but when I do it is like heaven! I love milk chocolate, dark chocolate but white chocolate is my favorite. I am not a fan of nuts so the least fancy the chocolate the better for me.

Yesterday I woke up with a huge craving for chocolate. I ate a Nutella (Italian hazelnut chocolate spread) sandwich, I had chocolate milk and dark chocolate covered blueberries-I know I was not lying when I said I wanted chocolate. So I did what I always do...I looked up the benefits of chocolate.

Did You Know...

  • Chocolate starts from a small tropical tree, the Theobroma cacao, usually called simply, "cacao." Read More...
  • Cocoa and dark chocolate may keep high blood pressure down and reduce the blood's ability to clot, thus the risk of stroke and heart attacks may be reduced. Read More...
  • Cocoa beans contain polyphenols (similar to those found in wine) with antioxidant properties which are health beneficial. Read More...
  • Chocolate has great health benefits. It helps with depression, Tumors and Pre-menstrual syndromes.
  • People spend more than $7 billion dollars a year on chocolate. Read More...
"After about 20 years of marriage, I'm finally starting to scratch the surface of that one [what women want]. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate."
Mel Gibson

Conquer Your Fears & Let It Be Real Quote

“I believe one of the hardest things you can do is conquer your fears, but if you have a goal, then it's your job to open up and let it be real no matter how scary it seems." Similar Quotes

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Addicted to Avocados

I love avocados, I love how creamy they are and tasty! I love to spread them on bread and I even substitute mayo with avocados on my sandwiches. I love them on burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches or in my salad. So I decided to do some research and get the scope on these yummy, green goodness!

Did You Know...
  • Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. Read More...
  • Avocados contain potassium and have both monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat. Read More...
  • Avocados are the fruit from Persea americana, a tall evergreen tree that can grow up to 65 feet in height. Read More...
  • You can prevent the natural darkening of the avocado flesh that occurs with exposure to air by sprinkling with a little lemon juice or vinegar. Read More...
Now I can enjoy avocados even more now that I know they are a healthy treat!


HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP W/ THE EARTHQUAKE RELIEF EFFORTS A friend of mine has family in Japan who passed this information along to her.

If you would like to know how to help in the relief efforts, please see the details below. Please pass on to your families... This is all voluntary and if you would like to contribute, I am sure anything you can would be greatly appreciated by those effected.
You can send items to these addresses through your local neighborhood Japanese Post Office:

They really need :

1.Foods (instant foods, dietary supplements, baby foods)
2.Warm blankets (That north part of Japan is still really cold now)
4.Baby clothings, and DIAPERS!!!!

Send donations to: 

*Attn: Earthquake relief supplies
Miyagi Prefectural Office
3-8-1, Honcho
Aoba-ku, Sendai city, Miyagi
980-8570, JAPAN

*Attn: Earthquake relief supplies
Iwate Prefectural Office
10-1 Uchimaru Morioka city, Iwate

*Attn:Earthquake relief supplies
Aomori Prefectural Office
1-1-1 Nagashima, Aomori city,
Aomori, 030-8570, JAPAN

*Attn:earthquake relief supplies
Fukushima Prefectural Office
2-16 Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City
960-8670, JAPAN

Make it Happen Quote

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." Michael Jordan

Japan: How to help and where to donate

Want to help the people of Japan and not sure how? Want to make a contribution to an organization that is providing relief to the tragedy in Japan? This is a great article on Yahoo! about where you can donate and to what organization. How to Help Japan!

Give back today!

Spring Ahead!!!

Happy Daylight Savings everyone. I LOVE this time of year. Spring is around the corner, the weather is warmer, I get to see my flowers start to bloom and then their is Easter-which is by far one of my favorite holidays.

I love how everyone is a little happier, I get to pull my lovely collection of flip flops out and bury my uncomfortable boring boots back in storage. I love how you can go out without a jacket, and take walks and have picnics...oh I love picnics down at the beach. And most importantly it stays lighter out longer so when I am making dinner at 6:00 it doesn't seem like it is 9:00 outside.

As you can tell I am starting off my day in a very cheerful way!  Cheers to warm weather and Spring ahead!

"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  ~Robin Williams

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pray for Japan, Hawaii and the West Coast

When a natural disaster hits is when we really need to take a step back and realize how short life is. We have to stop focusing on the negative in our lives and the things we have control over. Be grateful for today and everyday!

Please keep the people of Japan, Hawaii and the West Coast
in your prayers and thoughts today!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Avon Voices is celebrating International Women’s Day

Avon Voices wants your help in selecting who is going to become a global singing star. Watch their selection of round one contenders, and on April 22nd select your top pick!

How easy is that?! Go to today and be part of making someone's dreams come true!

Strong Woman Quote

"I like being a strong, independent woman, and to be honest, I was never afraid to be on my own." Dido Armstrong

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MS Walk...Join Us or Donate Today

A dear friend of ours has been battling MS since he was diagnosed at the age of 23 yr. Since being diagnosed he turned his once disappointing situation into an encouraging, inspirational story.

Thank you!

Five Genetic Needs Quote

“We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun."William Glasser

Monday, March 7, 2011

Go Get It Quote

"Don't sit back and wait for things to just happen...if you want to find happiness then go get it!"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Your Future: If you could would you want to know?

It's funny how we live our lives preparing for our future. But my real question to all of you is if you could would you want to know what your future would be like? Would you want to know how things ended up, who you would marry, how many kids you would have, where you would live or what your career would be?

I always say for fun "Why not?" but deep down I think the whole thing freaks me out a little. I am all about psychics, palm reading, tarot cards, ect...But I must admit it's fun but doesn't mean it is my reality.

I went to a psychic about 10 years ago with a girlfriend and of course she said things...some that were true some that were not true and some I do not know yet if they will come true. It was fun, mysterious, gave me something to think about. But I must say and admit that if we all knew how things would end up, if we all knew how our lives would truly be we would probably fight the things we did not want to happen and not be surprised by the things that did happen!

Survival through Humor Quote

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." Bill Cosby

Desire Quote

     “Love is born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation.” Similar Quotes

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Laughter Quote

"Laughter is key people...laugh as much as you can and you'll see how much happier your life could be."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feel Good Song: Tracy Chapman - Give me one reason

Another one of my is a Tracy Chapman kindof day!

Feel Good Song: Tracy Chapman - fast car Video

I love Tracy Chapman!

As a teenager I loved her c-d, I learned how to drive listening
to it, I went away with a girlfriend to florida and we were rained in
so all we did was did our own 'Karaoke' to this c-d. Everytime I hear
her songs it brings back great memories. She's def touched my life!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life is a Story Quote

"Our lives are our stories, we just never get to read the ending."

"Feed" the Soul...Literally

I am an emotional eater, I always have been. I eat when I am happy, sad, nervous, mad, tired, down. The only time I do not eat a lot is when I am sick. I always blamed eating on the "Italian" in me but the reality is it is how I comfort myself. I use food as a comfort to my emotions.

The flip side to this is when I notice my pants getting a little snug I get upset about it and try to control what I eat. I worked in the medical field for 5 years and worked for surgeons who performed the weight loss procedure. It was amazing how many of us eat to fulfill an emotion we can not handle on our own. Luckily I realize when I am eating too much and take a step back. But for those who can't it gets tough and need some guidance.

We all have our own addictions and use different measures in helping us deal with our emotions but we also need to know when to take a step back and not abuse ourselves and make sure we stay healthy. The reality is when we do this to ourselves we are covering up a bigger issue, that sadly will not disappear or go away unless we resolve it. Some people need a friend to talk to or a buddy to join the gym with. Some people seek counseling and find it easier to vent to a stranger.

I know I need to go to the gym more and watch my portion control. I also know working from home does not help prevent myself from 'overeating' but Spring is around the corner and soon all the great fruits and veggies will be in available and bathing suit season will be here. Sounds depressing right!?  But the reality is recognize why you do what you do and try to resolve it before it gets out of control. Also there is nothing wrong with "feeding" your soul...just as long as in the long run it won't end up harming it.

"Eat well. Live well. Be well."